
SW1500 cow and calf

3D Printed no chassis

SW1500 cow and calf
southernnscale, May 19, 2017
Kurt Moose likes this.
    • MarkInLA
      What's amazing about 3D printers, now heavily on the scene, is that on one end of the avenue it's robotics, and on the other end of the avenue it's, if you will, the 'skin'; the shell, the housing, a cabin for the robotics ! Only Diff.; with MRRing 'robotics' it's the ability to move inanimate, rollable objects while at a good distance away from said object, and that (hopefully) no human flesh will have to have contacted same said object in order to make it move.
      It's like maybe we're leaving the 'information age' and departing for the 'digital-[electric] (not to be confused with diesel-electric) reproduction age' (or 'Robotics age'), but arriving there via social-media based technology and programming, no longer by 'parts' sent via horse and buggy, for freakin' sure !!!
      Nice pics, but ya gotta be crazy to live with such a scale still mostly in it's beginning stages along with its tough repair & modification versus aging eye sight consideration, well known in larger, N and HO scales. So, I do wish you the best in your z-scale endeavors and hope Z-scale continues to grow for you..
      M, Los Angeles
    • southernnscale
      I might be crazy to go with this scale but if you really don't have the room this is one way to get what you want. the bad part is finding that power units to make them go if you don't have experience in designing power units. I was working on the hulett ore unloader and found this little pusher that worked under the unloader moving ore car around. just a small Poling Engine! called a Shunter! couldn't post photo here but in my media.
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