where do you place the 3 color signals?

kingquad Jan 4, 2008

  1. kingquad

    kingquad New Member

    starting my N gauge layout(again). I'm interested in knowing where to place these 3 light signals on the layout. Specifics are fine but generalities will work also.
    Thank you.
  2. Mike Sheridan

    Mike Sheridan TrainBoard Member

    Mainly just in front (say 6") of whatever they are protecting - usually an interlocking or siding turnout.
    If your layout is big enough you could have 'intermediate' signals between those, say 2...3 trainlengths between signals, but on most models you've hit another 'hazard' by then.

    Prototype intermediates would probably be anything from a couple to several miles apart.
  3. Mr. SP

    Mr. SP Passed away August 5, 2016 In Memoriam

    On the LK&R we placed the signals where the insulators for the blocks are located.
  4. porkypine52

    porkypine52 TrainBoard Member

    You asked a good sized question here. The instructions for correct placement of signals can cover a lot of space.

    Are you wanting to place the signals where they would be placed on the prototype? Or use them at block junctions, insulated gaps, clearance points etc?
  5. kingquad

    kingquad New Member

    any information would be helpful. I like the idea of installing then where the insulators are placed. Presently I am working on my first table, 4 x 8 with 4 to 5 industries that will be serviced. A small yard is there also. Further back on the layout is an elevated(hills) line and under that is a 2 main lines plus a 2 tracks for staging(actually under the hills and only accessable from the back)
    2 more tables (4 x 8) to follow. The 3 tables will form a U.
  6. SteveM76

    SteveM76 TrainBoard Member

    Seeing your track plan would be helpfull. Signalling can get pretty complicated if you are trying to duplicate the prototype. For one siding you'll need six signals if it is a controlled siding and possibly more if it is a signalled siding. You'll also need to figure out which signal system your prototype uses (speed or directional.) There are numerous aspects that can be had from a three target signal (clear, approach, stop, restricting, advance approach, approach medium, etc etc...) This topic could take many pages of explanation.
  7. kingquad

    kingquad New Member

    I'm using Kato unitrack and their signal system. I kinda favor Mr.SP's idea. Simple.
  8. Wildstar

    Wildstar TrainBoard Member

    It's not prototype, but on my layout I generally use two headed signals, where the top signal head shows track occupancy in the block just ahead, and the bottom signal head is used to indicate turnout direction of the next approaching turnout. For the top signal , green = all clear, red = occupied, yellow = next block is occupied. The bottom signal shows, green = points on turnout set straight, yellow = points on turnout set to diverging route, or red = approaching turnout with points set against the route. It's a much simpler form of signaling, but has the advantage of not relying on complex wiring or computer control. Ultimately, it really depends what you are trying to accomplish with your signaling system.

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