MODELING Weekend Photo Fun, May 3, 2019

r_i_straw May 3, 2019

  1. Candy_Streeter

    Candy_Streeter TrainBoard Member

    HOexplorer likes this.
  2. CentralStatesandWesternRR

    CentralStatesandWesternRR TrainBoard Member

    Thanks, there are far too few people enjoying the park on such a nice day. Adding some should lighten it a bit.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Dogwood

    Dogwood TrainBoard Member

    Nicly scenery! Very good work!
  4. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Regardless of focus, the sidewalk detail is superb. Those fractures are so very real.... (y)(y)(y)
  5. dti406

    dti406 TrainBoard Member


    It all depends on how little or how much you want to do.

    Athearn Blue Box kits can still be found at some hobby stores and a lot of flea markets, they are simple without any small parts to add.
    Accurail Kits are a little above the Athearn kits but again simple without a lot of little parts to add.

    Now for more detailed and accurate kits that take a little longer to buid:
    Branchline (Now Atlas): A nicely detailed car with all the underneath brake gear to add (but very easy to do), Also have to add all the grabs, ladders, retaining valve and line, brake wheel and housing along with brake platform and rod. The instructions in the Branchline kit are very comprehensive, but the Atlas kit version has no instructions, glad I have the kept a set of every instruction set I ever had. Some of the newer Atlas kits that they alone made have no instructions at all, an experienced modeler should have no trouble figuring out how they go together.
    Intermountain: While most of the line is RTR they still bring in undecorated kits of every car they build, but sometimes hard to find. Great instructions.
    Athearn Genesis: Some of their cars are available as kits but very hard to find, also no instructions just a part diagram, takes a while to figure out how they go together.
    Tangent Scale Models: Has kit versions of all their cars but they sell out quickly, has a very detailed instruction sheet, the one for the PS3 hopper above is 26 pages long, but very step by step with lots of pictures.
    Exact Rail: Also as kit versions of some of their cars, again very detailed instructions (or none at all in the case of the 5344 CF Boxcar).
    Moloco: Same as Tangent or Exactrail.
    Tichy Scale Models: A much more difficult kit sometimes the instructions are a bit vague or not in the right sequence, which you don't figure out until you build one. Very detailed with many small brass and plastic parts to add on some of the kits, some like the 52' Flat and Composite Side gon are quite easy to build.
    Proto 2000 kits: Some are very difficult to build

    Now for Resin Kits, very detailed, some have great instruction sheets like the now defunct Railyard Models ones, others leave a lot to the imagination like Susnshine and F&C. Much harder to build as you are dealing with ACC to glue the resin parts together, or the styrene to the resin or the brass parts to the resin.

    Rick Jesionowski
    Candy_Streeter, RailMix and r_i_straw like this.
  6. Candy_Streeter

    Candy_Streeter TrainBoard Member

    I think I am going to try the proto 2000 kits. Just because you said they are difficult :p Thank you, Rick !!!! Can I ask you question?
  7. dti406

    dti406 TrainBoard Member

    Sure Ask Away!


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