Tuning Athearn Units

Larry L. Doub Nov 7, 2001

  1. Larry L. Doub

    Larry L. Doub TrainBoard Member

    Don't waste you time trimming flash off Athearn gears, Look an remove any that you can see, but I have took the time a filed all the teeth on every gear and it ws a Total waste of time,
    Now If you want to not down the noise here is what you do, Look on the coupler on the worm gear "part the shaft hook to" there is flash on this or may be out of round, file all the way arounf this piece untell it's smooth, this is were alot of the noise comes from, next is the motor, this is the biggest noise maker of the Athearn units, try changing motors around and you will get ne that is less noisy.
    Then Last of all, cut a piece of foam and stuff it in the top of the shell, this will help stop the sound from doing like an old Guitar.
    But, if you stop and think a minute, alot of the Athearn untits will already sound like a Sound unit you would put in them, so I would not worry to much about it, I have several that sound almost like a Prototype Diesel winding up and down, even have one that s=clicks like the air valves on the moister tanks, reall makes for a heck of a cool sounding train.

    Larry Doub
  2. Larry L. Doub

    Larry L. Doub TrainBoard Member

    Forgot: if anyone is interested, email at nftrains@netins.net for pictures and a decription I have for help Athearn units run a little less noisy, sometimes it will really make a differance.

    Larry Doub

    I have two units that run as quite as Proto 2000s
  3. Mark_Athay

    Mark_Athay TrainBoard Member

    Another noise generator on the Athearn units is the drive shaf between the motor and the truck. It floats between the two ends, and you should glue the truck end to the truck, and then install it with just a smidgin of heavy grease on the motor end. This will reduce the amount of slack and flop in the drive shaft. It'll run a little quieter.

    I agree that the plastic gears in the trucks are not where the noise is coming from. I feel that the bulk of the noise comes from the worm gear. I sand it with 600 grit wet-dry, and then I shim it to reduce the flop.

  4. Bentnose Willie

    Bentnose Willie TrainBoard Member

    Rookie appearing:

    I find that checking the end-to-end play in the motor usually proves productive. You may have to add a thrust washer to get rid of play in a worn motor. Problem with that is: my local dealer sells Athearn thrust washers in a pack of about 25 - 20 that fit the worms, and 5 that fit the motors! Factory packaging, too. I think I'll use NWSL washers in the future, just so I can buy the ones I *need*.

    As was said, though - they're diesels, they're supposed to make noise! My main objective is to smooth out the running characteristics, not to make them quiet. If it runs smoothly, it'll last longer.

    Tinkering again, I remain:
  5. Colonel

    Colonel Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Welcome to trainboard I hope you enjoy the site and make this place your home. If you have any questions about the site don't hesitate to email me.
  6. Bentnose Willie

    Bentnose Willie TrainBoard Member

    Thankee kindly, Colonel - looks good so far.

  7. 7600EM_1

    7600EM_1 Permanently dispatched

    Welcome aboard the Varnish.... Ask what you please .. guys here are knowlegable and funny... If you don't learn anything your sure to have a good laugh! :D Again.. Welcome to trainboard!!!! :D

    [ 10 November 2001: Message edited by: 7600EM_1 ]</p>
  8. watash

    watash Passed away March 7, 2010 TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    Hey Bentnose Willie, welcome to the ole' TrainBoard family! Are you any relation to "Straightnose Stanley" or "Crookednose Orville" over in Maine? They be hobos, but they still like trains! Just pullin' yore laig! :D
  9. Bentnose Willie

    Bentnose Willie TrainBoard Member

    Gee, friendly bunch - must not get out much [​IMG]

    Actually, the name refers to my bent beak - railfanning injury (but that's another story)...

  10. bnsf4354

    bnsf4354 TrainBoard Member

    Well guys, I have torn the whole thing apart again and put it back together again. I have now reduced the noise to about 40% of what it was. With the shell off it is really quite quiet, but with the shell on its another story. I have completely insulated the shell and filled all the empty spaces, but it is still noisy. I am beginning to think that the prongs that attatch to the frame are responsible for a lot of the remaining noise.

    Overall, it is much better now----I ended up super-glueing the drive shafts to the u-joints---this made a significant improvement!!! Add a good lube and the thing is now allowed back into the roster of power. Thanks for all the suggestions!!

  11. Mark_Athay

    Mark_Athay TrainBoard Member

    That's good to hear. I've been adding lead to the under-side of the shell just to add weight. Quite a lot of it in fact. Maybe that's also contributing to the silencing of the entire locomotive? Maybe the shell is rattling of vibrating against the body or something? Never thought of that....

    I noticed too that Athearn has available a 90 page book on tuning up their locomotives for $10. Sounds like a common project for us owners of Athearn units. At least they're predictable, repairable, inexpensive, and good runners, right?


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