The status of N scale clubs in the Sacramento area

YoHo Nov 25, 2014

  1. DCESharkman

    DCESharkman TrainBoard Member

    Ryan , count me in on the FreeMo-N!
  2. vmctee

    vmctee TrainBoard Member

    Based on web statistics gathered from and there is T-TRAK interest in the bay area. Hits from Mountain View, San Jose, Dublin, Fairfield/Vacaville and one north of Stockton have been recorded within the past 7 days.
  3. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    I wish there'd be similar results from my vicinity!
  4. YoHo

    YoHo TrainBoard Supporter

    What does interest mean?

    I'm not aware of any meets in the area for example. (though I'm not aware of a lot.)

    Colloquially, there's a notion amongst the people I talk to that T-trak is less popular in the west than it is east of the Rockies.

    No idea if there's any truth to that at all.

    Having T-trak be popular in general in the bay area makes some sense. Housing is a ridiculous premium there as our Bay area members can attest to.

    Sacramento is the "cheap" urban part of California. So maybe that makes T-trak less appealing?
  5. vmctee

    vmctee TrainBoard Member

    "Interest" means someone from those aforementioned places visited either the or websites. I've watched the T-TRAK Wiki statistics for the past three years and hits from the bay area are typically 2-3 per week, sometimes more, sometimes less.

    Yes, from the distribution of KNOWN T-TRAK clubs it is certainly true there are considerably more clubs east of The Rockies. Actually, it appears to be along the I35 corridor. Go to to see the distribution. Each 'train' icon represents a known T-TRAK club.

    Now as to why that is the case I do not know. I can't imagine that there is some strange unseen dividing line that once crossed compels people to build and lug around big modules and bulky benchwork.

    I personally think that Texas is such a hotbed of T-TRAK activity because our club has done 10-12 exhibits a year for the past 7-8 years (this weekend will be our 100th exhibition since the club started in 2004). People see it run, see us have fun with it and the audience, and see us tear down and pack out of a venue within 30 minutes of the show closing. I read comments that it is still roundy-round but you don't have to connect modules that way. We do because "our audience" wants to see trains moving (or crashing), not fat old men "playing trains". But hey, no judgement here. It's a hobby and fun is where you find it.
  6. YoHo

    YoHo TrainBoard Supporter

    As suspected, my club is the only T-trak club in California that you have listed. And T-trak is really the 3rd "layout" After the HO layout, the Fixed N-scale.

    When we set it up, it gets a lot of comments. I'd love to know if those hits from Bay area are just building for home and not interested in meets or the like.
  7. JMaurer1

    JMaurer1 TrainBoard Member

    Sorry but I've been out for a few days but I'm back now. SVNT is having a meeting Dec 14th if anyone is interested in attending (contact me for the address). We try VERY HARD not to have politics involved (sometime we are not successful), but that's not always possible when an immovable object meets a big enough rock. I've previously been in a train club where I learned more about politics than trains and don't want that to happen again.

    I'm also ALWAYS up for a meetup or just a bunch of N scalers (or just model RRers) getting together. I would LOVE to go on some field trips to different layouts and/or visiting prototype railroads. Just a couple of weeks ago, me and the misses visited Pino Grande and found remnants of their narrow gauge railroad...we already are planning the return trip (yes, she is a special woman). We've also walked most of the original Central Pacific RR ROW (there are several parts that were abandoned during track realignment going over the hill) and regularly visit the site of the Rocklin CP roundhouse (built before Roseville was even a thought let alone a town).

    Poomfasa: Let me know if you need any help with that layout...
  8. YoHo

    YoHo TrainBoard Supporter

    Thanks for the invite. December may be hard for me with the kids, but I'll see what the 14th looks like.

    Maybe I can try to put a Trainboard meetup together for January. Anyone have issues with Adult Beverages? There are at least 3 breweries in Roseville/Rocklin we could just meet at.

    Roseville Brewing sits right next to the start of the Valley sub off Washington.
    Out of Bounds Brewing is off Pacific in Rocklin right next to the tracks and somewhat close to the aforementioned roundhouse remnants.
    Monk's Cellar is brand new on Vernon in Roseville. Right across from everyone's favorite LHS.

    As for Rocklin, yes it was first, but Judah had originally envisioned Roseville (Junction) as the location of those facilities. Had he not died, perhaps Roseville would have been the location from day 1.

    Interesting stuff. And amazing to think how 140 years ago, that distance from the current Roseville Rd. to Rocklin Rd. was a significant difference for fueling and watering a loco.

    Maybe we could organize a sort of Trainboard Layout Tour? That would be neat. Beer and Trains in the Sac valley.

    to be honest, I'd love to talk trains, N scale, HO, all scales, Prototype, in person, with a new group of people.

    As for politics club or otherwise. One thing I learned with this club is that the stereotype of grumpy old men is a stereotype for a reason. :)

    I've had plenty of retired age acquaintances that didn't conform to any sort of stereotype. But get enough together and it's an AARP political convention up in here.

    I totally get why Train clubs aren't for everyone. :)
  9. Ryan Wilkerson

    Ryan Wilkerson TrainBoard Member

    Sounds good David. If you'd like to discuss ideas for a first module, let me know. I've done a lot of the leg work in finding sources for the hardware, etc., and could answer any questions about the standards. Would be nice to get going locally!
  10. Ryan Wilkerson

    Ryan Wilkerson TrainBoard Member

    Hi Jeff, do you put together modules for your SVNT meetings to run some trains or would it be more of a working session? I'm booked for the rest of Dec but could plan for something in January. You guys run DCC, right?
  11. Ryan Wilkerson

    Ryan Wilkerson TrainBoard Member

    I could be in for a meetup but would prefer a RR-related venue so I could bring my sons. Nothing against drinkin' but if I get out and about for trains, usually I have my sons along too.
    January would probably be best for me too. I heard about a few N scale layouts in the area but haven't seen any yet. I'd be in for a visit to a layout or more.

  12. JMaurer1

    JMaurer1 TrainBoard Member

    The December meeting we will be working on modules because there is a show coming in January (or is it February?) that we are trying to get ready for. And yes, we are 100% DCC.
  13. Noah Lane

    Noah Lane TrainBoard Member

    What about just arranging something on one of the days of the upcoming Great Train Show (at Cal Expo) in February? We could either meet during the show, or head across the street to Market Square (at Arden Fair Mall), and discuss things over a very casual lunch.

    Then, depending on what get's discussed at the Cal Expo show, another get-together could be arranged around the National N-Scale Convention?

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