Some of the New Z Products seen at the NTS

rray Jul 12, 2005

  1. rray

    rray Staff Member

    I took photo's of the MTL GP35 in PRR and their new log cars on their new figure 8 module featuring new sectional track, but for some reason they did not come out, so all I have of MTL, is the GP35 in an action shot pulling a container train on the back of this module. As far as looks and running of the GP35 goes, it's a winner for sure. Their new track and log cars look very nice too, and someone will no doubt post close-ups all over the web in the coming days. If you have some photo's, please post them here to update this topic.


    Jim Hinds at Richmond Controls was showing a Z Scale cop car with flashing lighting effects:

    He also had Caboose Lighting in Z: [​IMG]

    Tim Buehring was showing his new Road Railers: [​IMG]

    AZL had a non-operating sample of the new SP AC-12 Cab Forwards: [​IMG]

    The detail was spectacular as normal: [​IMG]

    And finally, Lajos of Zthek had sent a sample of their new SW-1 Switcher painted in Searails scheme. We tested it to pull 15 cars, which should be good for switching most small layouts:

  2. William Cowie

    William Cowie TrainBoard Member

    Wow - Z scale gets Cab Forwards and Surfliners and N scale gets............ RS-11's!
  3. SmolderZ

    SmolderZ TrainBoard Member

    The AC-12 looks great :D this model gets the closest to a Big Boy!

    Road Railers, nice! [​IMG]

    I like the SW-1 Switcher a lot! But I'm afraid it doesn't have space for a decoder :(
  4. Alan

    Alan Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Those GP35's will be winners for sure, and Tim's roadrailers look great! [​IMG]
  5. Kurt Moose

    Kurt Moose TrainBoard Member

    [​IMG] [​IMG] Awesome stuff!! Did you say log cars as in Z-scale log cars like the N-scale version? Cause that would be cool! Any mention of other road names on the GP35's cause I'm really starting to foam at the mouth!! I sure would like a GN orange and green one!! [​IMG]
  6. rray

    rray Staff Member

    Yes and Yes! Yes the SW-1 does have room inside to fit a decoder if you remove the constant intensity lighting module, and Yes the MTL log cars are just like the N Scale log cars, with a different log load applied to each car they release.

    I had several photo's of other new stuff that did not come out due to blurry shots, but you can see them in other topics, like Alan's spine cars, which were being sold by Ztrack Magazine, Eric Menzel's turnouts, and several Searails projects. I hope other people who attended the show will post here.

  7. ztrack

    ztrack TrainBoard Supporter Advertiser

    Micro-Trains also showed off their new Z scale preballasted track system. Very nice!

    American Z Lines made two other BIG announcements. Coming this year are SD70M in NS and UP. Also coming this year are SD75I in CNR. Next year, AZL will release SD70M Flared in UP and SD75I in BNSF and ATSF. These will be injection molded locomotives with your choice of body mount or truck mounted couplers.

    To go with the SD70s, AZL will be releasing BethGon Coal Porters. These will be injection molded and feature metal wheelsets. Roadnames are BNSF, CHTT, NS and UP. Four cars come to a set.

    Dietrich Enterprised showed off a Z scale Elephant car and Z scale elephants! They also had flat bed tractor trailers.

    Mountaineer Preciciion Products announced a General store and a universal warehouse building for Z scale.

    Okay, what am I missing?
  8. Triplex

    Triplex TrainBoard Member

    At last, pictures of those engines I've been hearing about! The biggest Z-scale engine and one of the smallest. Now American modellers will have a switcher! Any news on the planned GE 70-tonner? And news on the SD70s - but I thought Conrail was also being planned?

    How soon will Z become a mainstream scale? To take an Arthur C. Clarke quote out of context: "About ten years after you stop laughing." I think we're a couple years into the stopped-laughing stage.
  9. ztrack

    ztrack TrainBoard Supporter Advertiser

    AZL is planning on releasing even more varients of the SD70s. Yes, Conrail versions are planned. I would expect we will see them later next year. Even more good things are coming!

    Rob Kluz
  10. JoeS

    JoeS TrainBoard Member

    Great pictures! I wish I could have made it! Now I can feel the credit card start to smoke as I get the wish list ready. Very impressive stuff
  11. rush2ny

    rush2ny TrainBoard Member

    SW1's and a possibility of a GE 70 ton? I am jealous! We've been waiting for years for these in N scale!!

  12. JoeS

    JoeS TrainBoard Member

    By the way Robert, did you get a chance to tinker with the SW1? How easy was it to get the shell off to get to the motor to clean? Are they gonna be available assembled? I must say, I had some doubts at first but that really does look impressive. [​IMG] [​IMG] Thanks for all the ifno you have given so far!
  13. rray

    rray Staff Member

    I did not get a chance to play with the switcher much, just watch it run. There was a disaster that I did not see happen, where someone had a curved turnout on the mainline, and the switcher stalled there.

    The drivers must have kept turning as friction developed and the plastic inside one of the drivers melted. They are blaming the curved turnout and not the locomotive though.

    From what we were told there will be 2 and possibly 3 levels of this model, first being a flat kit, where you do everything, second level with the shell assembled, and finaly a completed model. [​IMG]

  14. JoeS

    JoeS TrainBoard Member

    Interesting. Makes me wonder if a completed model is easy to remove the shell to get to the motor for the usually cleaning and lubing maintanance. Its funny, I have no problem taking a shell off and breaking down a mech and motor to clean anymore, but the thought of having to solder together peices to make a shell scares me! :confused:
  15. Bill_K

    Bill_K In Memoriam

    I had the pleasure of dinner with Lajos and his wife last night in Galveston, Texas. Lajos has been in Houston all week, and all of the Z scalers here will enjoy a meal with him on Friday night.

    To answer your question, Lajos brought one of the SW-1's to dinner, and we must have taken it apart and put it back together on the corner of the dinner table four times...without tools...but with reasonable effort (i.e., the shell won't fall off in use). The constant lighting PC board goes where the Marklin capacitor normally goes and replaces the function of the capacitor.

    Folks with any reasonable skill level in their finger tips should be able to assemble it...its just an exercise in Orgamy.

    Bill K.
  16. ztrack

    ztrack TrainBoard Supporter Advertiser

  17. Kurt Moose

    Kurt Moose TrainBoard Member

    Hey, that's pretty cool they actually noticed! They also put below that about the Searails new structures too! [​IMG] Hopefully more people and company's are taking notes! [​IMG]
  18. Powersteamguy1790

    Powersteamguy1790 Permanently dispatched

    That Cab forward AC-12 is outstanding. The detail is fantastic.

    Stay cool and run steam.... [​IMG] :cool: :cool:
  19. SmolderZ

    SmolderZ TrainBoard Member

    Awesome stuff Rob! [​IMG]

    Ok, check out this pic and correct me if I'm wrong [​IMG]

    The loco in front is the SD70M UP flared, the one behind it is the SD70M CSX? Right?

    [ July 17, 2005, 06:38 PM: Message edited by: SmolderZ ]
  20. rray

    rray Staff Member

    That's the way it looks to me. Dark Future scheme.

    -Robert :D

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