rolling stock images

greenthumb Mar 4, 2005

  1. greenthumb

    greenthumb New Member

    not sure where to post, so I picked this forum (correct forum ??)

    I haven't post here much, if at all, but thought I would throw a few recent images and see what sticks...

    This is the LOA31R job (formerly known as the Marlboro) that runs out of Anaheim, CA. They developed mechanical problems after clearing the Ball Road crossing on March 1, 2005. The dreary day made for muted tones, so I processed in greyscale with sepia tones.

    Comments appreciated...


  2. greenthumb

    greenthumb New Member

    The crew was milling about the two switchers and the RCL sled, poking around, trying to get her going, affording me time for a few images of the head end.




    [ March 04, 2005, 10:59 AM: Message edited by: greenthumb ]
  3. CN4008

    CN4008 Passed away August 19, 2011 In Memoriam

    Love the b/w pics. There's a certain old fashioned classiness to such photos.
  4. Peirce

    Peirce Passed away April 3, 2009 In Memoriam

    First a grand welcome to both Jeff and Colin. I hope you will take the time to browse the whole board and have some fun.

    Since your thread deals primarily with photos and you are seeking comments on your pictures, I am going to move this thread to the Railfan Photos forum. You are more likely to receive more comments on your pictures there.
  5. txronharris

    txronharris TrainBoard Member

    NICE pics there Jeff. Good use of B/W. Wish mine were that crisp and professional looking. What speed film did you use? I usually just use 400 speed for everything.
  6. beast5420

    beast5420 TrainBoard Member

    Here's one of some side-dump cars with some rip-rap in them parked on a siding in Perry, OK. The picture isn't the best, but it's the best I could get w/o tresspassing.


    It's kind of funny, i was reading a back issue of N Scale this weekend with an article on scratch-building these dudes and thought to myself, that would be cool, but I'd really like to see one. Co-worker said some odd cars down south of town. Lo-and-behold!! Now, if I could just get a million that way!! :D :D :D
  7. Stourbridge Lion

    Stourbridge Lion TrainBoard Supporter

    Welcome to TrainBoard

    You found the "Perfect" forum for these find of postings.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  8. greenthumb

    greenthumb New Member

    Thanks to txronharris and CN4008 for leaving comments, I do appreciate.

    I am using a Canon DSLR, the 300D rebel, then converting to a greyscale image, then tweakin' them a bit further to get the sepia-like tones. It was an overcast day, so the B&W tonality was perfect for the subjects and the available lighting.

    Beast5420... All of these images were captured at or near grade crossings. I am not certain if I was tresspassing or not. I imagine you're all very familiar with the lack of discernable property lines with the railroads, even at grade crossings.

    Pierce... Thanks for the welcome back. I was waiting for email notification for replies to this thread, but have yet to get any. Did I miss a user setting. Any help would be appreciated.

    Opps, I think I just found it at the bottom of the thread. If there is a user setting to have all threads replied to have a notification, I'd prefer that ... ??

  9. beast5420

    beast5420 TrainBoard Member

    i understand your comment about the property lines well. that one i was getting from the highway, just out of shot was a sign in the ditch. didn't really want to stand in traffic to get the shot. oh well, better luck next time.

  10. watash

    watash Passed away March 7, 2010 TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    Greenthumb, click on your "My Pofile" at the very top of this page then scroll down to find where you set "Edit Topic Notifications" to receive alerts to replies, and remember to add changes when you sign out from there.

    [ March 08, 2005, 04:49 PM: Message edited by: watash ]

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