Rebooting the past

SDVike Mar 6, 2021

  1. SDVike

    SDVike TrainBoard Member

    Here are the temporary bridge supports that I made over the last couple of days. I had a bunch of 1/16” cut offs from a desk project that glued together in nice curves.

    I plan on replacing these someday with 3D printed metal trestles. I don’t own a 3D printer yet so temporary wood trestles for now. How very pro-typical…LOL.

    Well, back to wiring.


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  2. SDVike

    SDVike TrainBoard Member

    I’m sitting at my work bench trying to get it clean enough to start wiring switch motors. I spin around in my chair and see this. Such a cool view. Can’t wait until I can get to scenery.

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    Last edited: Aug 1, 2021
    Kurt Moose, RailMix, BNSF FAN and 2 others like this.
  3. SDVike

    SDVike TrainBoard Member

    So I’m getting really close to hooking up the layout to DCC. I decided to record a video of my F3s running on DC before it changes over. It’s a nice overview of the layout also.

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  4. Shortround

    Shortround Permanently dispatched

    Coming alone very well. (y)
    BNSF FAN likes this.
  5. Shortround

    Shortround Permanently dispatched

    Coming alone very well. (y)

  6. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    A response so nice, he wrote it twice!

    Been there, done that...
  7. Shortround

    Shortround Permanently dispatched

  8. SDVike

    SDVike TrainBoard Member

    I haven’t updated over the last 3 weeks as wiring is boring to post. I do chronicle my adventure with DCC under the thread “My Digitrax/Smail switch motor journey (critiques welcome/needed)” if you’re so interested.

    I’ve managed to get DCC working on the main and branch. I’ve also wired up all the turnouts on the mainline with switch motors that are connected to DCC so I can throw them using my throttle.

    I have a lot to wiring yet to do but I wanted to work on something different for a bit so I’m working on extending the branch line. More on that in a bit. For now, here is a video of my only DCC loc running the majority of mainline.

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    Kurt Moose, gmorider and BigJake like this.
  9. SDVike

    SDVike TrainBoard Member

    I’ve been fitting the bridge pieces to make sure the transitions are consistent. Once each end of the bridge is set, I’ll build the supports.


    To complete the bridges, I need to permanently attach the plywood for the town.


    The town needed just a little bit of slope to clear the winding track on the left. I found a 1/4” rise every 2 feet got the rise I needed without my cars rolling along the siding.


    So now I have two dilemmas.

    1. Do install all the track and switch machines before permanently attaching it to the base? Or is there a way to install the switch machines after the fact?


    2. How long do I want the passing siding? If I keep the switch as it is shown I get a siding that is 6 feet long. I can increase the length of the siding to fit the train below by moving it farther around the curb. This matches the longest siding by the yard. Unfortunately that puts the switch roughly in the worst spot to access it. Eventually this branch will extend to a town with an iron ore mine. I don’t think a long siding is needed unless this would be a meet point for two long ore unit trains. The rest of the trains using the branch will be shorter.


    Here is the same train on the longest siding. This could be my meet point.


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    gmorider, Doug Gosha and Kurt Moose like this.
  10. SDVike

    SDVike TrainBoard Member

    I haven’t had much time lately as my deck project is moving forward again. I did get some time over the last two days to extend the branch to the end of the current layout.


    I laid the cork for main and passing siding. I only need to layout the cork for the two industry sidings. I have a dilemma that I would like your opinion on. Where should I put my Station?

    The next three pics show my original plan. The industry sidings would go around the station. I like how the station sits at the end on of Main Street. I don’t like how it’s at the end of the passing siding and it forces short industry tracks.


    The next two are the alternate option.

    The station moves off of the passing track but I you could extend the platform across the industry siding. This arrangement allows for longer industry tracks with more room. The flow of the town is weird thought.


    Finally, I could move the station to the right of the industry switch. Not a fan of this option. Also in this picture is the reason I’m having this dilemma. The industry switch was meant to be directly over the branch below it. No room for the switch motor. I ended having to move it left causing it to get really tight with the station.


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  11. SDVike

    SDVike TrainBoard Member

    All the track on the upper town is laid except one spur. The last two pics show my two options. I think I like the last pic the best.

    Now that all the switches are attached, I will remove the upper section so I can mount motors under them.



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  12. Grey One

    Grey One TrainBoard Supporter

    Great progress! I really love what you are doing.
    Have you considered making your YouTube train videos 'Public'? I'd love to see what else you have done.
    I am just learning how to manage my YT account. It can be tricky.
    Something I did was create multiple 'Playlists' to make it easier for folks to find what they are looking for.
    My train stuff is Public but my 'Family' / 'Personal' stuff is not visible to anyone except thos that have the link.
    Just a thought.
  13. SDVike

    SDVike TrainBoard Member

    I've thought about getting more serious with Youtube but honestly, I don't have the time. I think once a couple of projects are finished around the house, I may give it a more serious try. I think it would be good to do some progress videos.
  14. SDVike

    SDVike TrainBoard Member

    I've only been able to work on the layout a little bit over the last 3 weeks. Before that all my free time has gone into finishing up the skirting on the deck I built last year. Here are a couple of photo's of what I worked.

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    Doug Gosha and Kurt Moose like this.
  15. SDVike

    SDVike TrainBoard Member

    Now back to the trains. In order to finish the town branch, I had to install the switch motors and bus wires. I cut some access from underneath so I can access the motors once I add scenery. My only concern is that maybe I should have put the bus wires under the layout instead of in it.


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    Doug Gosha and BNSF FAN like this.
  16. Chops

    Chops TrainBoard Member

    Well, didn't the GN have some mountain catenary?
    SDVike and Kurt Moose like this.
  17. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    Nice! Will it have a roof, or a pergola atop those posts?
  18. SDVike

    SDVike TrainBoard Member

    The lower deck will get a pergola and the upper deck will be covered with a roof. I’ve decided I’m too old to frame up the roof so I’m hiring that part. I have siding and a pergola to do in the spring.


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    Doug Gosha and BigJake like this.
  19. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    Leaving the peak open for ridge vent? Mine work great! Had powered vents before, but they didn't hold a candle to the ridge vents, and my main roof is hipped (less ridge). The garage is much cooler too (it's roof is gabled on one end, butted to 2nd story wall of house on the other.)

    But I am in a hot/humid climate...
  20. SDVike

    SDVike TrainBoard Member

    There will be a vent to vent the attic space, but otherwise the vaulted ceiling will hold in heat. I may add a ceiling fan if it feels like it is needed. In Colorado, the sun is so powerful that you don't sit in the sun the majority of the summer. The shade on the other hand is really comfortable because its so dry here. I've never lived somewhere where the shade vs sun has such an extreme temperature variation. In the sun it will be 97. In the shade its 75.

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