Poll: Getting more G scalers to this board

EMD trainman Apr 19, 2009

  1. EMD trainman

    EMD trainman TrainBoard Member

    Hi, I'm sure everyone in the G scale should know me by now. I'm EMD Trainman and and am the G scale moderator. At this time I would would love to see the G scale section of this board start growing. I would like to hear any and all opinions from those who are G scalers as to what you think would make this section better, what you like and what you displike. I know there is stiff competition with boards like Large Scale Online, but when you realize it, most of the articles, photos and such are written by people like us that joined the site. Yes LSOL editors kick in there articles also, but the majority is made by the people, no different than here really. I'm not trying to make this section a big competitor, but to attract more G scalers here, that hey, there is another board lets check it out.

    So here is what I would like to see

    Let me know what you think about the G scale section, why you like, dislike or nuetral about it and what you think may improve upon it.
    Also I would like to hear how we could attract more G scalers, but I don't want to compete with a board like LSOL because they are in a much different league I think. They have a big major sponsers from the G scale industry. Whats nice about train board is that all scales are included here.

    Again, I just would like to see some more G scalers come aboard, not get into a fierce competition with other boards.
  2. Route 66

    Route 66 TrainBoard Member

    My personal view with any forum and they are pretty much all the same in this respect. That is a new member will participate and the thread they introduce will get 40 views and not one responce...no activity,not a word...with not accepting and making someone part of the group early they will look elsewhere to be heard. To make any place grow threads need to be acknowleged so people feel that their contributions are important.If others see that isn't happening they don't join in. Don't get me wrong I'm guilty of this myself ,right now there are threads with "0" responce and 40 views. Sometimes in these forums it seems like you have to keep pounding at the door before anyone hears ya?
  3. Mr. Train

    Mr. Train TrainBoard Member

    I looked but.....

    My G scale is the free Christmas train I got from some guy at work. I have it on display at the model train club I belong to. Right now I don't have room or money to model G scale but I enjoy watching them run a swap meets. And I will keep mine may be run it on the living room floor for the grandkids once in a while.
  4. DragonFyreGT

    DragonFyreGT TrainBoard Member

    I do plan to start the outdoor and indoor table layouts but right now I'm going to drill through the wall into the laundry room and conntect through there. But the problem with LSOL is with all the sponsers they get, I don't have the money for a membership. I have to apply that money elsewhere. No this forum isn't on the same scale as them but there isn't any reason why we can't make this forum just as good.
  5. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    All that you can do, is to keep chipping away at the mountain. Our Z forum was once small and minimally active. Then a couple of determined fellows went to work, and it slowly took off. Now it's quite busy virtually every day.

    Boxcab E50
  6. EMD trainman

    EMD trainman TrainBoard Member

    I really enjoyed all of the replies and really think we can make something of the G scale section in Train Board.

    Route 66, I know what you mean about no relies, but plenty of views. I too got fustrated when writing articles, thinking no one really cares. But then I looked at it another way, although there were not alot of responses, there are a ton of views, so there are people interested in what you write, if they decided to put in some response at some time, then thats a plus.

    Mr. Train, nice to see you here in the G scale section. To me it doesn't matter how small or how big your G scale layout is, we want to welcome all. Maybe one day you will want to run a bigger train layout and you will definately have alot of info here.

    DragonFyreGT, I couldn't agree more, we can make this a great G scale section as well as a great Train Board. You really don't need big sponsers to make a great G scale section, just talented people such as Dave Winters make a board by showing scratch built models, I was really impresed by his scratch built cylinder hopper and would love to see step by step photos as to how he did it. It's projects like that which attract G scale people.

    BoxcabE50, I remember the early days when I joined this board you had very nice comments to say on articles I wrote. I definately won't give up and think in time we can move the G scale or shall I say the new Gauge #1 section foward while including Fn3 scale models.

    Before anyone boo's or hisses at me, I think the G scale section or now the new Gauge #1 section should include Fn3 scale since it runs on gauge #1 track. These are mainly focused on models like Accucraft which are very beautiful, but would also include any custom made models in the 1:20.3 scale ratio. I think this thread has come a long way since the 1:22.5 LGB section era. Now that this section is Gauge #1, it would include all of those who are into many types of scale ratio Garden Railroading.

    I want to thank all of those who contributed to the G scale section and together we can move on to make it even better for everyone.
  7. phantom

    phantom TrainBoard Member

    One thing I would like to change is the perception that G scale is a shiney toy in the garden. No don’t get me wrong here, I think trains in the garden are just fine. But When someone asks me what scale I model in, the comet I get a lot has to do with the perception that G scale is more of a toy then a model. In building My G scale basement model railroad I have strived to over come the current G scale stigmas ( Over built ) you know when buildings are just built with 4 foot x 4 foot scale beams or 2 foot wide clap boards. The idea that most people seem to have in G scale is vary toy like. I have also herd modelers talk that only the rich can afford to build in G scale. We all know that’s not the truth. Now days you can get a good G scale locomotive for the same cost of a good HO scale model. Rolling stock is a bit more excessive, but I hope in time that will change. One of the great things in G scale besides operation and detail, is the fact that your bound to get more quality the quantity in your collection. I’m always vary proud when a visitor comes to see my layout and most of them make a similar comment. This is not what I expect to see in G scale. Its like a model HO scale but much bigger.
  8. DragonFyreGT

    DragonFyreGT TrainBoard Member

    I have another addition that should be added to G. Now don't get me wrong, but one of my favorite columns in Garden Railways is Peter Jone's Scribblings on a Workshop wall. A few issues back he did an article on GN15. G-Scale equipment that runs on HO Track. I have plans on my layout to do a GN15 Mining operation. I think that would entice more people in. Also I am against F-Scale HOWEVER, F-Scale is still a part of our forums and I'd be glad to welcome F-scale people in. Anything that can help people get hooked on Large Scale trains is a good thing. One of the things I've been trying to do is, news stories that pertain to G, I.e. Marklin/LGB/Walthers I tend to post here hoping to attract more attention. But for now, this is my 2 cents on what we can include in this forum.
  9. DaveD

    DaveD TrainBoard Member

    I have a bunch of N stuff and always figured I'd do a layout on that someday. But time seems to dwindle as you get older, not to mention your eyesight. I got one of my N locos out the other day and snapped the handrail right off just taking it out. Apparently your coordination dwindles as well. I don't think I have the patience for such small things anymore.

    I was considering some sort of little Gn15 layout. Maybe a mine deal where the front is outside, then the back is a cutaway showing the inside of the mine. The UK guys seem to have some pretty cool stuff, but there doesn't seem to be much to buy in the US.

    I'm a fairly young second gen diesel guy, so if I'm considering it, I assume others would. But I do prefer the less toy-ish side though.

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  10. DSP&P fan

    DSP&P fan TrainBoard Member

    I visit the large scale forum infrequently. I grew up with LGB, and am very slowly building an F-scale Colorado Central train set for my son. The key word there is building...not buying. That pretty much sums up my interest in model railroading...building the trains. So naturally, I'll stop by to see what people are building. I don't care much about critiques of commercial products as I prefer info about building, not buying trains. I like to see finescale modeling...F scale for narrow gauge, 1:32 for 56.5" gauge...I'll frequent a place more often when I see that. I hang out in the narrow gauge forum not for the building, but for the discussions of both narrow gauge prototypes as well as narrow gauge modeling (whether Nn3, HOn3, Sn2, Sn3, On2, On3, or Fn3).

    So I guess, I would visit this realm more often if there were more frequent build logs for scale/finescale models. For instance, there is a thread about a broken item on ebay. I would be more interested in seeing the modeler build new parts and upgrade the car...lemonade from the lemon, rather than extra $$$. Still, not knowing the modeler, I would guess that he prefers collecting/running his trains and so thread went in the direction that helped him...and I respect that...but it doesn't encourage me to come back soon...the problem's solution involved $$$ instead of craftsmanship.

    I believe that I am in the minority, but I thought I'd share since it addresses the question.

  11. EMD trainman

    EMD trainman TrainBoard Member

    Phantom, you made a good point about the respect that G scale deserves from people. Unfortunately the first thing a person thinks about G scale who has not alot of experience in that scale is those cheap New Brite battery operated trains in the toy stores and then they come up with just that conclusion that G scale is just a junky type battery operated toy. Most stores carry goo brand HO trains, N scale trains and even Lionel O scale trains, but when you see any G scale it is always the lowest end type train you can get and thats what sticks in most peoples minds. When I have open house, most people never realize that G scale can also be a great model, not just some junky toy.

    In comparison to O scale, G scale has the same prices pretty much with some exceptions. For example, a Lionel O scale premier locomotive with sounds for a SD-70MAC is around $300. In G scale USA trains has one for the same price, but here is the exception, there is no sound, that is another $275. Rolling stock in G scale is comparable in price to Lionel O scale rolling stock. The most expensive part of G scale is the track and comercial made buildings from Germany.
  12. EMD trainman

    EMD trainman TrainBoard Member

    DragonFyreGT & DSP&P Fan, ah yes the F scale subject. F scale uses the same Gauge #1 track as G scale and basiclly all 1:20.3 scale ratio is F scale. This is not the only narrow gauge , there is also 1.22.5, but not common.

    You will find that most F scale people build thier own trains, buildings and such while G scale people tend to buy commercial products and just add thier own touches on it. So with the being said the F scale world and G scale world is almost like night and day, but I really think we can get along together on train board even though the way both scales tend model is different. For example, when I was going to car shows and I owned a 70 Dodge Challenger R/T which I restored, I went into a muscle car class, but you could bet I would show respect for that Boss Mustang or Camaro SS because those were awesome cars although I'm a die hard Dodge man. Same here, I really love to stop by the F scale exhibits at the trai show because those people have a talent that I'll probably never have, building your own trains. Some of the stuff that is built is great, right down to the last rivet. Some, not all get a little tense and over board wanting to count to the last rivet making themselves out to be a rivet counter, but that is few far and in between. Now for us G scalers, most of us do buy our trains commercially, again, we may not have spent hours making this model, but we should get a little repect because we did have to work our butts off to pay for that model. There are a few people such as Dave Winters who may make his own G scale trains. Also don't forget that F scale is also getting very commercialized now and even the prices are falling down. You can buy a Accucraft box car, reefer car, stock car, gondolla car or flat car in a 4 car pack for around $200 and those are really nice. Bachmand put the Rio Grande K27 into the affordability range, Bachman has also opened a F scale line to be exact 1:20.3 scale.

    So with all that being said........

    DSP&P I would also love to see more F scale people come in as long as they had respect for the G scale people on the board like you do and understand how commercial trains and collecting is important to us but without being criticized how they are not exact, one thing G scale people don't like is getting a negative statement from a rivet counter, but people who show respect like you are great. I say if you know any F scale people, go ahead and invite them here or narrow gauge people just in general.

    DragonFyreGT, F scale people are full of talented people who do come make some wonderful models which you have to respect that. I myself have no problem with F scale people as long as they respect the way I run my trains. It's when a certain person tries to tell me how I should run my traina, or that is not correct for my railroad, just basiclly what we call being a rivet counter and making negative statements. That scenario does happen, but is rare.

    That is why there is so many choices in G scale for those who just collect and run, for the customizer, the kitbasher, the modeler and the builder. All we have to do is show respect for each other even though the other catagories may not interest us.

    Some times certain groups just get a bad name because of a couple of uptight people in that group. One last example from my car show days. When I first started going to car shows, I was told by many that the Corvette club was run by a bunch of stuck up rich people who treat others like they are beneath them. I heard this from so many people, I never tried to mingle or meet any of them, I basiclly stayed away, believing this because of the stories from many people. Then once cruise night, I was stuck parked next to the Corvette club. They introduced themselves and let me tell you, thats when I found out the majority of these people were great, yeah there were a very few stuck up ones in the club, but for the most part, I actually enjoyed hanging out with them and started doing so since, we could actually show respect for one another, so car shows wasn't about what kind of car you had or how musch of a die hard you were. It was about having one to get away from it all and just chat and have fun with friends. I think thats what any hobby is about, just having fun, to have trains and run them is like getting away from the real world in a way.

    I welcome all G scale trains and anything that runs on Gauge #1 track, when I say G scale I am including anything that is G scale that may not run on Gauge #1 track such as Gn15, lets all get together, have fun, show some modeling techniques, your collections or whatever.
  13. dmiller

    dmiller TrainBoard Member

    Getting on Board


    Interesting thread, and as I have only made a few posts here, I am reluctant to chime in, but, that is what the forum is for, right??

    I like the Trainboard forums.....I was invited in several years ago by a friend who is on the N scale boards. I visited a few times, then kinda just let it go....as my train modeling was going nowhere. RC aircraft is my primary hobby, and I try to keep in the trains for change of pace. G scale has been a great change from HO and N scales, and after my divorce, I needed a LOT of distractions.......so Im back!!

    Fast forward a year or so, and I decided to get the G scale stuff out again, and put a shelf track in my family room.....works great, looks great, and is a focal point for that room along with the train artwork on the walls!! Then, I started planning for the outdoor track, and back to these forums I came!!!

    Ok, my thoughts on getting more people on this forum....I think what your doing by asking more people to invite those they know here is great. Wish I could help, but I know of no others in my area with G scale. Some HO, one or two N, but not G. I think we are fighting a numbers game, there are only so many people in the hobby, and of those, G is not the most popular scale, due to size constraints. As has been mentioned, costs are/can be comparable to smaller scales, until one talks about track. THAT is where I spent most of my budget for my outdoor layout. Plus, not everyone has a place for the size of G scale to be left up continuously......I am lucky, a place in the yard, that was just begging for this layout. However, I will not give up on the idea , and when I meet people that are interested, I will give them this website as a point of reference.

    I have visited LSOL, and it is a slick place.......however, the internet is a place for free exchange of ideas and information........what they have is an online MAGAZINE......and one is paying for a subscription........I personally dont want to pay for that unless it is the only option. So, for now, Trainboard is my choice.

    One of the negative things I have seen so far, is the lack of posts.....from others on the forum. You put things out, a couple others, but like has also been mentioned, there are many views, but no posts/input from others. Not a welcome aboard, that looks great, or anything. I am a member of a couple R/C forums, and there is always at least one " Welcome to the forums" post when someone chimes in. Plus, if someone comes here for information, and asks, but only gets one or no replies, they will either go somewhere else, or give up. So to those of u out there, just say SOMETHING!!! Positive reenforcement is good!!!!!
    Again, this is also a numbers thing......not as many members, not as many posts....but at least those who are on the boards.....say something!!

    So, Hopefully we can get more interest.......in the forum, and the scale. Its a great hobby, one that can be shared in many forms..........Hopefully I can contribute, even in a small way !!

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2009
  14. DragonFyreGT

    DragonFyreGT TrainBoard Member

    I am not that big of fan of F-Scale, but it does impress me with some of these layouts and the equipment people build. But lately at the local train show, some of these F-Scale people who do show up tend to give me junk because I chose to run a 1:29 Modern layout. It really has unfortunately start to make me drift further away from other type's of G-Scale. But none-the-less F-Scalers have a great insight too.
  15. EMD trainman

    EMD trainman TrainBoard Member

    dmiller, yes there isn't alot of G scale people in the world and I did say i the entire world, not to sound smart. If you took every person in the world who collected and ran G scale, you could fit them all in the state of Rhode Island here in the USA. That is a statistic numbers I found for G scale collectors. You are right about how sometimes there is unaswered question threads, if I didn't know the question I just didn't answer, but like you said, having someone say, hey I don't know and would like to help you, but I can't on this one question would be better than no reply. Some G scale people do not put things out there and I think it is because they think if they learned something the hard way, to keep it a secret and let someone else learn the same way. That was the first positive comment I recieved when I first joined Train Board how open I was about ideas, specifications and information in the G scale area. Track is indeed the most expensive part of the G scale hobby now that precious metal prices are up. I want to upgrade 2 corners of my layout with 10ft diameter brass curves, but at a cost of $275 for a box is ridiculous. I never had trouble however recycling my old used track on ebay for sale due to it's great shape. That was always another problem, finding good used track is hard and I don't mix brand names, I have all Aristocraft track and sticking with that. Some people mix it up as they find good deals which is good for budget, but they must keep in mind about the different code height profiles. I have put all of my experience out there along with what mistakes I made in hopes of helping others which is what boards are for. I'm not a scratch builder or kitbasher, hopefully one day a person like me who is open will join and share views on how to do such things, that would really open this G scale section up I think. I'm on the opposite end, I'm the commercial model colletor and operator. I can tell you what experinces I had, what power you need, what diameter curves you can get away with and such other related info. But I'll never satisfy a kitbashers needs thats for sure which is why we need such people like that to join here.
  16. EMD trainman

    EMD trainman TrainBoard Member

    DragonfyreGT, I know where you are coming from as far as train shows. You just have to understand the beliefs of the F scale people to understand them. F scale people believe that the only true way to model narrow gauge and mainline railroads is with two different size tracks and not two different size scale ratios on the same track, so yes they tend to look down on 1:29 scale ratio although it is now getting more recognition then it ever has before. There is now fine scale models actually being made in 1:29 scale ratio. F scale 1:20.3 scale ratio is the most correct way to model 3 foot narrow gauge railroads. True F scalers have to build there own standard gauge mailines which run on 70.62mm track and there narrow gauge Fn3 or 1:20.3 trains run on our gauge #1 track. It's kinda like church, so many religons, if you join one the other asks why are your there? Maybe a better understanding why they give you junk may help, although I was taught although you may not like what the other person is doing, but if you can't say nothing positive, mind your own buisness.

    Picture #1 below is a true F scale layout from the 2009 ECLS train show. The fire trucks are loaded on 1:20.3 F scale flat bed cars which ride on 45mm Gauge #1 track. Notice the much bigger scratch built train in the back ground which runs on 70.62mm track which is hand laid.

    Picture #2 is a scratch built standard F scale box car for those who thought only Fn3 existed.

    Picture # 3 shows a dual gauge track to tranfers from standard gauge to narrow gauge trains.

    It is hard for us 1:29 scale modelers to get respect from F scale people who work hard to scratch build everything while we buy and just do modifications. Just hang in there, 1:29 scale ratio in comparison is still a very new scale ratio, F scale has been around forever. It's kinda funny how 1:22.5 is also a narrow gauge but is considered G scale, F people don't recognize that scale ratio either although most of those have to be scratch built as there is no commercial trains for that scale ratio either. Accucraft is the biggest commercial model maker for Fn3 scale or 1:20.3 scale ratio which shows that F scale people are now accepting commercial made models, maybe not all of them, but some of them.

    Attached Files:

  17. DragonFyreGT

    DragonFyreGT TrainBoard Member

    Between us, I have a secret love affair with the new Bachmann K-27 ^_^
  18. Trains

    Trains TrainBoard Member

    I'll have to go along with Route66 on this one. A couple of other boards I visit, there are some guy's that get all kind of response to their post and other get none. It seems like your in the group or not. I read most post, if I can help others I'll try. Been into G scale about 25 years so I know a little.
  19. EMD trainman

    EMD trainman TrainBoard Member

    DragonFyreGT, yeah I like the Bachman Rio Grande K-27 also, Bachman actually puts the K-27 in reach as far as price. Don't get me wrong, I would love to own a Accucraft K-27, but can't afford it. Bachman is really doing a nice job getting people to afford Fn3 scale narrow gauge models. I hate to say this, it may draw negative comments, but I think the Bachamn new 1:20.3 scale freight car line up looks real close to the Accucraft AMS 1:20.3 freight car line and is just as well detail, only the Bachman is less money. In a way it gives a top end choice and a entry level choice. My 2nd choice in trains would definately be Rio Grande 1:20.3 scale ratio modeling, but I like modern to 50's trains just a tad bit better as there are people who only like steamers, either way both choices are great.
  20. EMD trainman

    EMD trainman TrainBoard Member

    Trains, I noticed the same thing too on past boards I was on. I have found however, that this is usually due to freinds joing the board and just using it to converse back and forth with photos and ideas, I guess it just makes it easier. The other thing is there are basiclly 3 groups within a group if that makes sense. Think of G scale people as one group. Inside this group will always be divided due to different modeling aspects, you have the Kitbashers who make there own models from another model, the Builders who actaully craft their own trains, buildings and such, then you have people like me who are bacilly operators that buy our trains commercially, yeah we may weather our trains or do other very small modification and such. So a modeler would never respond to a thread from a operator such as mine because he has no interest in commercial models for example. But then sometimes for example a operator like me may want to try my hands at making a scartch built building, thats where the modelers would come in handy for information or a modeler may need specific scale info on a tran and we may have a commercial made model that may get him close enough to make that model. So anyway, you are right, there may not be alot of interaction, but there is only so many people in G scale which is not alot and they all have different interest, so you may not get alot of interaction. I myself don't get alot of replies in my own EMD Trainmans section, but I still keep posting because I do get the views because model trains is something everyone likes, so the modeler may view my thread in just curiousity, just not respond due to it's not his thing. Plus you have the indoor and outdoor modelers, very rare do you see indoor modelers, the only other person I know on this board that models indoors like me is DragonFyreGT, but yet I still get views because model trains in itself is what keeps us motivated, no matter what application it is in.

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