POLICY: Other Forums

BoxcabE50 Apr 30, 2015

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  1. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Comments on other forums or discussion groups-

    Please do not post or create topics disparaging other sites. Whether or not such comments are right, or wrong, this is not the place. Such posts may be deleted, topics either locked or removed. These steps considered or done on a case by case basis.


    TrainBoard has now been in existence for more than twenty years. One thing which does not happen, is our going to other forums or discussion groups, and soliciting their membership for people to come here. Nor does TrainBoard ask members here to go elsewhere and bring others here. If that happens, it was not encouraged, rather done of their own initiative. We do get new folks from others passing our name by word of mouth, behind the scenes, and especially a lot of others who find us by using search engines such as Google.

    As such, we do not allow people to come here and recruit, ("come join...", "you really need to join...", etc), for other sites. TrainBoard is not a referral service. It makes no sense for us to spend time working to build up our own endeavor, then to send users elsewhere. It does not make much sense for those who Support or pay us to advertise here, (helping us pay our bills to stay on-line), only to watch people siphoned off. Such solicitations may be deleted, topics either locked or removed. These steps considered or done on a case by case basis.


    It is OK to reference (link) a topic on another site, only for purposes of enhancing a discussion here. Seeing other photos, or adding information can be constructive and helpful to our members. Otherwise, we do not wish to move the chatting elsewhere, but want to keep on exchanging ideas, together, here.
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