NP Please Help Save Our Historic Train Depot!

lazarst Apr 2, 2009

  1. lazarst

    lazarst New Member

    Dear Railfans,

    A committee of concerned citizens are dedicated to the preservation of a local historical railroad depot in Kendrick, Idaho. First built in 1890 by the Northern Pacific Railway, it is the only remaining depot of its kind of the total of 34 built in WA, ID, OR, MT and ND using the Standard 1890 freight and passenger wood design. It may very well be the last in the entire northwestern United States. Please view the Petition to Save Our Depot at the following website; Save the Kendrick Depot!

    The Kendrick City Council voted to sell the Kendrick Depot building for $50 even though; there was an offer on the table for the Kendrick Depot Preservation Committee to buy it for $5,000 and lease the land; there have been grant monies acquired and used by the City of Kendrick for the specific purpose of restoring the depot; there was a vote taken of all those in attendance at the meeting and some fifty-two (52) were in favor of preservation and only two (2) were in favor of demolishing it; there were over a dozen people who spoke reasonably, intelligently and passionately for preserving the depot and no one but the appointed Mayor argued for its destruction; the majority of WE THE PEOPLE want to preserve and restore the building; reason, logic and commonsense dictate the preservation of the depot; the building and property on which it sits was gifted to the City of Kendrick by a prominent Kendrick family with the intention that it forever remain and exist to remind the city and all who visit it of its historic railroad legacy; the building has great historical significance not only for the City of Kendrick but for Latah County and the state of Idaho as well.

    These Kendrick city council members for reasons unknown to most of us are hell-bent on destroying what many believe to be a historical landmark and treasure. Please help prevent this from happening by emailing, posting, and otherwise directing people to this website where visitors can read more information regarding our efforts to preserve this bit of Idaho railroad history for generations to come as well as view our on-line petition.

    Please contact the Kendrick City Council Office and let them know that you support the preservation of this historic railroad landmark - by email at: or by phone at: (208)289-5157.

    You can also reach the mayor and city council members at the following numbers:

    Mayor Dale Lisher: (208) 289-8346

    Councilmember Mike Morgan: (208) 289-4531

    Councilmember Donna Corkill: (208) 289-5931

    Councilmember Jeremy Alexander: (208) 289-4398

    Also, please stay in touch by way of our blog at: Save the Kendrick Depot!

    We will be posting updates for you so you can stay informed about our progress to save this historical landmark.

    You can also email us at:

    A special thanks to all those who are supporting our efforts!

    Any and all efforts in helping us save this historic train depot will be deeply appreciated.

    Kindest regards,
    Scott Thurston,
    Kendrick Depot Preservation Committee Member
  2. rray

    rray Staff Member

    You should also start a petition to vote those city council members, and mayor out of office immediatly! Start a petetion to remove them from office! Your fine town don't need clowns like that deciding it's future!

    Also, make sure you post this on the NP Telltale Yahoo list, and email the NPRHA. Maybe they would rally for restoration and one of the annual NP Conventions there after restored!
  3. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Start a recall petition, right now. It's obvious those "officials" are out of control, and operating for their own interests. Time for them to go.

    Does your group have legal counsel available? That would be a big help.

    Good luck!

    Boxcab E50
  4. Kurt Moose

    Kurt Moose TrainBoard Member

    Thank you Scott, for the 411, and welcome to!! It would be a shame to let this be razed, and an even bigger shame for future generations!
  5. JCater

    JCater TrainBoard Member


    Contact your State Historic Preservation Office IMMEDIATELY! If this structure is the last of its kind then the STATE has an obligation to preserve it. They will work with your organization directly regarding this matter. There are benefits for the city as well. DO NOT WAIT!! I work in historic preservation and I can tell you that this is exactly why antiquities and historic laws have been enacted by state and federal agencies. It should be in the phone book under state government, but even a switch board will get you through to folks who can help. Do let us know how this turns out...too many of Americas historic treasures have been bulldozed already!
  6. SDP45

    SDP45 TrainBoard Member

    I signed the petition!

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