More eBay Humor

OC Engineer JD Jan 16, 2009

  1. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    If nothing else, it is a slick way to get folks looking at his item.
  2. Logtrain

    Logtrain TrainBoard Member

  3. Ryan Wilkerson

    Ryan Wilkerson TrainBoard Member

  4. Allen H

    Allen H TrainBoard Supporter

    I would say that's a Bachmann drive under the GE 8028, look at the white gear in the tower.
    The chassis looks the same under the 5018, the truck frames look like GE.
  5. jagged ben

    jagged ben TrainBoard Member

  6. Allen H

    Allen H TrainBoard Supporter

    I stand corrected.
  7. greatdrivermiles

    greatdrivermiles TrainBoard Member

    Ahh they're not so bad. My friend and I bought a couple of sets and had fun with them. we got seriously weird looks when we took them to Dennys. :p
  8. paperkite

    paperkite TrainBoard Member

    You guys got a Dennys? Boy I wish we had a Denny's .....
  9. Pete Steinmetz

    Pete Steinmetz TrainBoard Member

    You must not have been in a Denny's lately. Gone pretty far downhill. Was at the Narrow Gauge Convention in Seattle and went twice. Big mistake.

    Didn't see ANY N Scale at the NNGC. I was looking.
  10. umtrr-author

    umtrr-author TrainBoard Member

    One of the more annoying tactics I've seen... an item doesn't sell, and gets relisted for a higher price. I mean, really?
  11. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter


    I've tried to decipher the psychology behind this tactic and cannot come up with any reasonable answer.
  12. Allen H

    Allen H TrainBoard Supporter

    I have seen this numerous times as well.
    The only thing that I can think of is this:

    If it's listed and you have watchers, no bids and it doesn't sell, if you re-list it at a higher price [not an exorbitant

    price], then the ones who were watching it might think "OMG, I bet get now before it goes any higher"!

    I've got a buddy who does this same thing. Just recently he listed an item and it didn't sell. So when he re-listed it, he added a couple of bucks and within a day or two he got a bid. It seems to work for him.

    Did you ever see that commercial where a guy walks into a kwiky mart and there is one Rice Krispy bar left. The guy leaves the store and about a block away, he thinks that if he doesn't go back right away and get it he'll miss out. So he RUNS back to the store at a break neck speed, knocking people out of the way, grabs it and pays for it. As he's walking out eating it in bliss, you see the clerk reach under the counter and put out ONE more.

    I think this technique works the for the same reason.
    I call it the Krispy Bar Theory.
  13. Jeff Powell

    Jeff Powell TrainBoard Member

    Well it could Reminds me of a washer I was trying to get rid of and did'nt. So I stuck a price tag on it and put it near the curb and it was gone the next morning....LOL
  14. Allen H

    Allen H TrainBoard Supporter

    "LMOA" Yep that works.
    That's always a good trick!
  15. rpeck

    rpeck TrainBoard Member

    I've done that but not a washer.
    I had a built model on Ebay and it didn't sell .So I relisted it and seen I forgot to add shipping on the first listing.I lowered the price and added shipping the second time around.
    Was not going to relist it because with the shipping it was $3 more but thought one more time.Sure enough it sold for $5 more than the first listing.
    Dumb luck I guess.

  16. porkypine52

    porkypine52 TrainBoard Member

    For All Those COLLECTORS With A LITTLE Excess Cash They Need To Git Rid Of

    Noted these two listings on FeeBay: and

    The first tank car for $5,000 and the second one for $4,000! I used to be a Special-Run collector and I have a bunch of high value cars, but these two would be a little out of my league. I guess if you have to worry about the costs, they ain't for you. Notice that they are both a BUY IT NOW listing and the 26 day listing period. I'm going to watch them just to see what happens. Maybe I'll hit the POWERBALL Lottery before the end of the listing and BUY TWO OF EACH!!
  17. randgust

    randgust TrainBoard Member

    I'd be curious to hear the HIGHEST PRICE ANYBODY has ever seen for a Micro-trains car on an actual Ebay sale.

    I have a friend of mine that's a significant collector; has dressers and dressers of the stuff. We both had a mutual good friend that was a 'runner', big layout, and had commissioned Micro-Trains to make a special run of B&O 50-ton hoppers with a unique road number - 100 of them. Many years ago he put one up on the N scale collector and it got a very hefty price - he was a financial advisor and joked that this had his best investment return of anything. That was pre-internet and pre-Ebay.

    He passed this year and my other collector friend has been liquidating his collection. The same Kadee cars that got astounding prices before are now going for about retail on average. Mind you, they were run - not factory air, but they were in good condition and had that car number absolutely unique to him.

    So my theory is that as long as the collector auctions were tightly held in a restricted distribution, those kinds of amazing numbers could happen. But once Ebay has become the public liquidator of choice, a high-dollar sale simply makes everybody go search their collections to find 'another one' to put up, and the price drops. If you get $500 for the first car in that league, somebody puts there's up after the first auction and gets $250, and so on, until the market stabilizes. I think the open market of Ebay has really put the bash on these 'black tulip' car prices; bluntly I've been able to find just about whatever I want and never paid more than about 3X original retail even for relatively rare ATSF cars.

    I'd love so see somebody actually get that kind of price, but I'm skeptical to say the least.

    I'm also glad I don't have one of those red tank cars, I would have weathered it years ago! I do have the very first Kadee SP 40', double-door boxcar.... weathered....with a load in it and now on its second set of trucks as the metal wheels wore out... looks like I can still get it for around $20. You'd think that would be the ultimate collector car.
  18. Logtrain

    Logtrain TrainBoard Member

    I saw a Kadee Railbox 50ft boxcar from 1978 listed one time for almost $700!
  19. Logtrain

    Logtrain TrainBoard Member

    I did this with a couch one time. I had it at the end of the driveway for about 3 days with a FREE sign on it. I then put a sign on it of $10! It was gone the next morning. I guess they figured they wanted since they thought they were stealing it. LOL. My g/f at the time was so pi##ed off at me. She said only a true redneck would do something like that.
  20. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    I know several people who have done the same. Amazing, it has worked every single time. If free, folks assume there is no value. But if there is a price, it must be worth something... Poof. Gone.

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