Model Railroader Reviews

BC Rail King Feb 13, 2001

  1. friscobob

    friscobob Staff Member

    My 2 cents' worth:

    I subscribe to MR, and read Trains on occasion. I also will pick up RMC and RMJ if
    there's a decent article. I have Emailed MR about intermodal questions, and did get a reply. I even got a reply to my thank-you I sent in.

    If you look, you'll find reviews that are less than flattering. Remember the one about Kato's SD40-2 that started out ripping them for the sloppy paint & lettering? And think about all the turkeys that never get into the review pages. Sure, you could have a "Sucky Product of the Month" column, but what good would it be?

    I wish we had a magazine like Consumer Reports for our hobby- that publication is unbiased, not supported by advertisers, and is not afraid to call a spade a spade. Since we don't, we must resort to word-of-mouth from our fellow hobbyists, not just in this forum but in other forums as well.

    Hmmm, an idea just hit me- wonder if a regular Email newsletter reviewing products would work?

    Anyway, if you want to bash the Big 2 model mags, feel free. I still think MR is a decent mag, and earmark the most noteworthy issues for future use.

    BTW Watash, the latest stuff from Life-Like (the Proto 2000 line) and Bachmann (the Spectrum line) is pretty decent. I own examples from each company, and I've been satisfied. LifeLike even has a Proto1000 line that, not quite as detailed as the Proto2000 stuff, is still pretty darn good by anybody's standards. Head to the nearest hobbyshop & check it out [​IMG] They're nothing like the toylike crap offered earlier.

    Oh yes, thanks for the use of the soapbox ;)

    Happy Rails!
  2. watash

    watash Passed away March 7, 2010 TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    Hey FriscoBob, I think I'll borrow your 2 cents, and when I'm up and around again, and the weather clears here, I'll go across town to the Hobby Shop and see what the latest things look like. The last time I went, They nearly gave me a heart attact when they proudly announced their price for a new engine. It was only twice the price advertized in the RMC! But I'll look just for info, and laughs. :D
  3. Benny

    Benny TrainBoard Member

    Just occured to me, another possible explaination to why we only see mostly good reviews: They have weeded out the bad one.

    So to make all of us more comfortable, they should include more reviews, to balance the good ones. And what the hay, I need more reading material!!!

    Secondly, when a manufacturer sends a model in for review, the magas should go down to the local hobby shop, pick up one there, and test THAT one instead! This way, not only will we get teh specs of the machine in its best condition, but also a jist of how an average machine stacks up. And this will also give a good comparison between the suggested price and the actual price.

    All right, I'm getting off of the soap box right now...say hey, is this a nice wood box or what!!! Sorry guys, but This box will be very nice for storing trains! So I'll be taking it with me!


    [ 17 February 2001: Message edited by: Benny ]
  4. jaijef

    jaijef TrainBoard Member

    I agree, come to think of it, since I have gotten back into the hobby I have not read a "bad" review of a product in MR.
    I subscribe to RMC because of the articles about kitbashing and building & painting rolling stock &/or locos.

    I rarely read the reviews and am 10x more interested in the featured layouts in the magazine.

    I usually go by word of mouth in regards to product reviews. I am on AOL and goto their model rr board and am recently found this one.
    Also the local hobby store has a "train guy" who is very knowledgeable about model rr.
    He had the Bachmann Shay in the case at eyelevel and it looks awesome.
    He was also amazed that a company like Bachmann puts stuff like that out.
    He also remembers the old LIFE LIKE days when LL=crap.

    As for Proto 2k Watash, it is A ok in my book.
    I have mainly P2k diesels and they run like a top.
  5. Colonel

    Colonel Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    I have to agree with most of the guys posts here. Most reviews are only a guide to a new product. I much prefer to rely on past performance of the manufacturer and more importantly by what other modellers have to say. As Brent suggested thats why we all come here to trainboard because all of us have reviewed products in the past. Look at the N scale forum at the moment there are discussions on Lifelike. To summarise I feel reviews in MR are more of an advertisement of a new product rather than a critical review.
  6. AFN

    AFN TrainBoard Member

    A friend of mine frequents Milwaukee and had asked about the reviews MR does. This was shortly after the Walthers/Superliner bashing. He was told that of course they dont approach the product with the purpose of tearing it apart. If a flaw is obvious they report it. A little reading between the lines is necessary as well. If a structure is being built, say a grain elevator, and the review states that the silo halves did not quite meet up correctly and some sanding on the joint seams was needed to correct this it means that it required more effort than it should have.
    I cant say I have ever bought any model train item based on MR's reviews but tend to listen to my fellow model railroaders to get input on models.
    A F Niederer
  7. wm-webb

    wm-webb TrainBoard Member

    MRR doesn't give bad product reviews, are you serious. I suppose the review of the HO scale F7 from MRC was a glowing report. MRC is a major advertiser and I would assume they didn't like their new engine being called an overpriced train set engine.
    NO one can build an engine to please any body today. There is always a returning thread on Atlas Forum wanting slower n-scale engines, but then people complain that Bachmann dash 8 is too slow and will not MU with other engines. Atlas comes out with an engine in four variations, there are still complaints that the bell is wrong for "ABC RR or the headlight is wrong for "XYZ RR". I think if we were left in charge of the reviews, no body would never buy an engine again. The better r-t-r get, the more we expect, which is good in a way. I think MR points out problems with out trashing a model.You must remember MR is aimed at all levels of model railroaders, if the reviews are bad for almost every thing made then new modelers would wonder why they chose this hobby. My complaint is by the time the review is out on an engine it's already sold out.
    Oops this soap box got higher than I expected, just MHO next.

    [ 18 February 2001: Message edited by: william ]
  8. Mike C

    Mike C TrainBoard Member

    OK heres my opinion :D I think MR does a fair job on their reviews. Yes they are all mostly favorible, but I do believe that they point out the problems/defects on each product they review. Check out this mounths reviews, for example. The F59PH gets a good review although they do find it surprising that there is no DCC provision. The N scale FB-1. MR notes that the top speed is excessive, its a bit noisy at mid and hi speeds,and there is no room for a DCC receiver. The shay gets a good review (well deserved, I think :D ) but they do mention that its a real pain to take apart. Probably the worst review was the MRC F7.They note that grill detials are wrong, horn is uncommon and possibly wrong, steam generator detials are correct for only a small portion of these locos.,The shell sits high, and the paint/ decals are not quite right. The loco runs well though and they rank it as a good trainset engine. They say, and I agree, that it falls short of other contemporary models.This seems fair to me.I do believe that they tend to review only the best of the newer models comming out, and dont bother with the more toy orriented models. And with the quality of most of todays products, its harder to find the 'dogs'. MHO....mike [​IMG]
  9. rrman48

    rrman48 E-Mail Bounces

    Well,for what it's worth;here's my opinion,with that and a buck seventy seventy
    five you can get a cup of coffee.I read the reviews and go the the shops and look at them myself.If I think it's junk or not
    up to the standards I feel like they
    should be I dont buy.As for the mags.,I feel
    that B.S.walks and money talks.Just how much
    does athearn,LL,Kato,and all the others spend in advertising??
  10. watash

    watash Passed away March 7, 2010 TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    Rrman48, they will spend whatever it takes, so long as you will continue to buy the products. Advertizing has educated the younger modelers to feel it is justified to pay high prices, so they really don't know any different. It is us older generation who grew up when a Brand name meant good quality for a fair price, that realize the scam worked on the younger generation. Shame.
  11. Hunter

    Hunter Profile Locked

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by AFN:
    What about the recent MRC f-7 review? It was less than complimentary. Short of coming out and saying,"Avoid this model." they tend to give "back hand" compliments.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    EXACTLY!!! I will list every thing that they said bad about this Loco. (This review really ticked me off!!)

    <UL TYPE=SQUARE>Large DB fan
    Pattern of posts under the grille
    un-painted seperate grab irons
    steam generator details(not common)
    body sits a scale 6" too high
    side-frames rock back and forth
    lettering to heavy
  12. marc

    marc E-Mail Bounces

    Just read comments on M.R and their "kind" reviews.
    I can understand why some of you are angry with the way M.R talk (too ?)positively of new products and the fact that big business have overcome the modelling world...
    But on the other hand, I would like to advocate a bit for magazines and the industry: When you live 3000 miles away from the nearest stretch of Noth American railroad track or hobby shop, it is good to receive your copy of M.R (and others) just to see what is going on the other shore of the pound :cool:
    After all, modell press is just like any other press, you read it, think of it, and make your own mind.
    I don't feel nostalgic about an age where modell trains where made by guys in their basement for the happy few because, I would not have known if a "caboose" is some dogmeat or anything else;
    So I shout : long live to modelltrain press, to big business industry and to all of you
    as the way you talk about M.R and modell trains demonstrate that it is a living hobby
  13. GP30

    GP30 TrainBoard Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mike C:
    OK heres my opinion :D I think MR does a fair job on their reviews. Yes they are all mostly favorible, but I do believe that they point out the problems/defects on each product they review. Check out this mounths reviews, for example. The F59PH gets a good review although they do find it surprising that there is no DCC provision. The N scale FB-1. MR notes that the top speed is excessive, its a bit noisy at mid and hi speeds,and there is no room for a DCC receiver. The shay gets a good review (well deserved, I think :D ) but they do mention that its a real pain to take apart. Probably the worst review was the MRC F7.They note that grill detials are wrong, horn is uncommon and possibly wrong, steam generator detials are correct for only a small portion of these locos.,The shell sits high, and the paint/ decals are not quite right. The loco runs well though and they rank it as a good trainset engine. They say, and I agree, that it falls short of other contemporary models.This seems fair to me.I do believe that they tend to review only the best of the newer models comming out, and dont bother with the more toy orriented models. And with the quality of most of todays products, its harder to find the 'dogs'. MHO....mike [​IMG] <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Mike, I think you hit the nail squarely on the head ;) yes the reviews do need to be more critical in some areas, but Still, overall it ain't bad.!
    :eek: :rolleyes: :D
  14. Benny

    Benny TrainBoard Member

    How many people absolutely hate inflation? I know I do.

    If there is any one thing that makes me a little depressed is the fact that i cannot find a ten dollar rtr engine in my area hobbyshops anymore. Yes, those engines were usually junk in the first place, but the bachmanns that I bought when I was a bit younger still run straight out of their boxes...and ran well, sounded like a light hissing hum. Never did have a set up to run long trains, and there was always a traction tire or two, but they always ran. And for that time, they were "decent quality", although we all know they were generally lacking way too much.

    As watash says, us youngin's have all been so brainwashed with advertising that we can justify buying a namebrand even if it is junk.

    And I thought moving labor to China would reduce our prices a little!!! :mad:
  15. rsn48

    rsn48 TrainBoard Member

    I like MR and I like what they are doing for the hobby, but that doesn't mean I buy everything lock, stock and barrel (now where did that saying come from?).

    So an example of an inaccurate review...miestro...the music

    Get your copy of this March's MR 2001, turn to page 16 and look at the paint seperation between the blue and the silver in the large photo on that page of the HO F59PHI. Notice to the left of the number 2008, the paint is noticeably jagged, in fact, I could do a better job of painting than that...I don't consider myself that good.

    Now what does the review say about the paint job: (p.17) "All of the sample F59PHIs came neatly painted. The color seperations are excellent, the printing opaque, and all lettering is clearly legible."

    My son works in a hobby shop, they know there the paint job can be somewhat questionable with this engine. So the picture does not back up what the review states. So either Jim Heidiger did a quick glance at the engines, but didn't look in detail; or, there were other economic considerations at work.
  16. Benny

    Benny TrainBoard Member

    All right, all right, you got me over the barrel.

    When I am in the dentists office, or other places, this is one of the first magazine I reach for.

    Some of the articles are interesting...especially the well detailed ones about scratchbuilding, with the full size scale drawings. Where else can we get these?

    "Don't shoot the horse because a shoe fell off. Shoot the blacksmith instead."

    [ 07 March 2001: Message edited by: Benny ]
  17. yankinoz

    yankinoz TrainBoard Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Benny:
    When I am in the dentists office, or other places, this is one of the first magazine I reach for.

    Your dentist has MR in the waiting room? :confused:
  18. Benny

    Benny TrainBoard Member

    You don't see it much, but some dentists just happen to be similarly alligned. I haven't met one for a long while though. Always think it is a pity that they don't have more railroad magazines in those heaps.
  19. watash

    watash Passed away March 7, 2010 TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    There was an article in the MR many years ago about a steam engine a Dentist had made. He had ordered the ball bearings used in his drill and mounted them on the driver axels. He had the money, of course, to afford all those bearings.
  20. Alan

    Alan Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    I have a dental appointment in one hour's time, and there will definitely be no railroad magazines there! :(

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