Leaving N scale and moving to HO

Colonel Jan 27, 2013

  1. montanan

    montanan TrainBoard Member

    That's an impressive looking layout you're selling. First time I have seen pictures of it. What drove you to change scales ? I guess moving was a big factor but with so much equipment, it must have been quite a decision.
  2. Colonel

    Colonel Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Yes the move was the main reason and I had not been active in the hobby for a while. I didn't want to watch trains do loops and this was my first layout.

    At first I was planning an N scale switching layout but the thought of converting my 80 locos to DCC and the fact I liked detailed locomotives a friend GATS suggested I switch to Ho. 6 weeks later my whole N scale collection was sold.

    I have now purchased 3 HO locos all with DCC and sound and 60 pieces of rollingstock and I can't wait for the move .
  3. montanan

    montanan TrainBoard Member

    I can well understand why you changed over. Too bad you're havsuch a hard time selling the N scale. When I was in N scale I had over 16 scale miles of mainline, but the quality of the locomotives in the 70's and erarly 80's was miserable for the most part in comparison to todays offerings. I was lucky enough to part out my N sclae at a model railroad swap meet. Time sure flys. I switched to HO scale in '83, longer than I thought.

    you will enjoy the extra details you can get in HO scale. That was also very poor back when I changed over, plus the equipment being offered at the time wasn't available for the roads I wanted to model. At first I had to custom paint what I needed for the Northern Pacific and the Milwaukee road for the most part, but in recent years the offerings have improved quite a bit.

    I am still holding off on DCC. There are no other modelers in my area in HO scale, so for the most part I am a lone operator. The expens of changing is a big reason. If I were to switch I absolutely wouldn't get a starter system, but get something that wouldn't have to be updated in a few years, plus the thought of installing decoders in over 30 locomotives turns me off. Not only would it be a matter of expense, but the time and effort to install them. I'm no spring chicken and would rather use that time and available funds to finish what I have. Also, being a lone operator, I wouldn't really need to run more than one locomotive, or train at a time. My old Atlas Alcos can be put into multiple units if needed for a long train as they all run at the same speeds. If there were more operators that would deem operating sessions a possibility it could sway me, but I really don't see that happening.

    Now that I am getting a little older, I find that working on HO scale a lot easier than N scale. It's a lot easier to custom paint and detail something that you can actually see without magnifiers on. Looking forward to seeing you get started and posting photos.
  4. traingeekboy

    traingeekboy TrainBoard Member

    Montanan, I always am surprised to hear when someone is doing a scale and can't find other modelers to operate with. Maybe you can get a round robin group organized somehow. I know that regardless of my own layouts scale, I would always be willing to help someone else run theirs in another scale.
  5. montanan

    montanan TrainBoard Member

    Locally (20 miles away) there is a small group that is in N scale modular railroading. They get together from time to time for public displays such as in a Mall or library, but they have no permanent location for a club set up. I do know a few of the members and have helped them occasionally with problems, but they don't seem to have any interest in HO scale.

    Years ago I used to help out the model railroad club in Great Falls, MT during state fair. Their club layout is in the public school building at the fairgrounds and their rent is to have their layout operational during the hours state fair was open. Not a bad deal at all. They were a little down on membership at the time and I used to bring some locomotives and rolling stock up and run during fair to help them out, but a 180 mile trip is a little much to become a full member. I also lent them my Kadee spiker when they were building their layout which is all hand laid track.

    We're just a bit spread out up here and distances between small towns is big. It's just the way things are out here.

    I do have quite a number of model railroading friends across the country that we do visit if we are in their during our road trips and do enjoy the visits. Although I am a DC operator, I do have a brass Northern Pacific Z-5 Yellowstone (2-8-8-4) that I call my traveling locomotive that is DCC and sound equipped that I will usually take with us. The only time I run it on my layout is to keep it lubricated and free running. Although my minimum radius is 32 inches, and there's no problem running the Yellowstone on my layout, but in the theme of my railroad even though I do connect with the NP, this locomotive wouldn't have shown up because they were in their last days of service as helpers over Bozeman Pass. ( I got to ride on them a number of times as a kid, wowzers !) Also, my turntables aren't large enough to handle a locomotive of that size.

    We do have model railroading friends visit from out of state visit from time to time, but for the most part, I am a lone operator.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2013
  6. N-Jineer

    N-Jineer TrainBoard Member

    I sell off some N Scale Locos as I have finally started downsizing my Loco Roster, partly to make it more managable but also 'cos I'm unsure about whether to build my proposed N Layout or move back to OO, and what happens? You post your video of your GP38-2 and I find myself needing to visit the Athearn website and find out more.

    Net result? I end up ordering a GP38-2W with DDC & Sound :blush: - the unit used to be based in Halifax, Nova Scotia when I was last over there; didn't actually see it for myself because CN were on strike!
  7. Colonel

    Colonel Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Wow I am sure you will be happy I have shown family and friends and they love the sound effects
  8. N-Jineer

    N-Jineer TrainBoard Member

    Thanks Paul,

    It arrives tomorrow - now that I've paid the 'ransom' to ParcelForce/HM Revenue & Customs
  9. N-Jineer

    N-Jineer TrainBoard Member

    The GP38-2W has been delivered, only had time to check it is in working condition....


    It looked good in the video on Athearn's website - it's is even better in the flesh. And as for the sound............ :love:
  10. montanan

    montanan TrainBoard Member

    Guess I know what you'll be doing for the next few hours.
  11. N-Jineer

    N-Jineer TrainBoard Member

    Unfortunately that'll have to wait until the weekend - but it's a Bank Holiday Weekend in the UK, so 3 days off :cool:
  12. Petey

    Petey TrainBoard Member

    Hello Colonel/Paul. After much diddling , I have gotten my first loco data sheet in the Swap Forum. Don't like the way it looks, but was the best I could do. The format on this site seems to be, start at the left and go to the right, no indentation, no paragraphing. My wife, who teaches computers, remarked that this server is not particularly user friendly. I picked a MoPac page because I noticed you modeled that line. I have five more diesel pages, and 12 pages of steamers. I also
  13. Colonel

    Colonel Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Hey Peter good to see you here

    Would a Sd38-2 Ej&E be too mainline for my layout?

    There was one at Kato here in Japan so I may go back and pick it up before I return home
  14. Petey

    Petey TrainBoard Member

    Paul, It would be an unusual switching area that would be using an SD size loco. This would sometimes happen when a main line loco does switching, dropping off cars, say to an industry, where its size would be allowed on industry tracks. An SD38 is a mainline loco. If you were running a terminal, large branch line, transfer, or connecting line, then you might have use for this size engine.
  15. Colonel

    Colonel Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Thanks Petey I will justify the fact I have an engine service facility that has a contract with EJ&E E
  16. StickyMonk

    StickyMonk TrainBoard Member

    You can always find a way to justify any loco purchase, I do not think my Montana Central would really have 2 Alco C628's but I will think of something...

    Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191
  17. YoHo

    YoHo TrainBoard Supporter

    SD38s were not typically used in mainline service. EJ&E and some ore haulers being exceptions. They were and are most regularly seen in hump yards.
  18. montanan

    montanan TrainBoard Member

    That's the nice part about having a freelance railroad. It's your railroad and anything goes. Nobody can say it's not so.
  19. Colonel

    Colonel Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Looks like this will be my first sound decoder install although from what I know it just plugs in and need to install the speaker or am I over simplifying the process?
  20. Alan

    Alan Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Should be as simple as that on a new locomotive Paul. I would guess spaces for decoder and speaker will be available.

    Sent from my Galaxy SII using Tapatalk 2

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