Layout party time

rsn48 Jan 12, 2004

  1. rsn48

    rsn48 TrainBoard Member

    Below is the invite I posted for my last layout party. This will be explained at your read further. This is my third year of hosting these parties so I am actually getting a sense of what I am doing now. I will be advertising in a number of forums, so apologises to those who bounce between many. You will see threads I have included at the bottom of the invite so you can peruse at your own pleasure as you make up your mind whether to join in. I can say, that everyone in all the parties have had a good time.

    This one will be called: Workin the layout ā€“ time to party

    I know you're out there. Yeah you, and you, and you with the potato chip hanging off your lip and the half drunk coke sitting beside I know you're not working on your layout as much as you hoped to. Well what I am proposing is a layout party for a 5 week period - a layout design self help group.

    The purpose of the group is to encourage others to get out of their armchair and do some more work on the layout. And also to motivate you (and me) to do more work on our layout. I am hoping we can get a small group (but no one will be rejected) of people who will be committed to posting their work on the layout from the following week. This means for 5 weeks you are committed to posting once a week (or more ā€“ several did). We will of course congratulate those who work on their layout, and encourage those who haven't.


    1. Brief description of your layout to present, with what you want to accomplish in the next 5 weeks (don't make it grandiose is my recommendation).

    2. Brief description of what you hope to accomplish in the next week.

    3. A commitment to posting once a week describing what you have or have not done. It is important to report if you have "fallen off the wagon (not worked on the layout" so that we can see all are human here, and that we can encourage you). You can include pictures, problems you have encountered, get bragging rights around the cooler, etc. Iā€™m looking for you to walk the walk, as well as talk the talk.

    4. A commitment to not fudging your reply so that you look better than you are really doing. By joining this group, you are acknowledging already that you haven't worked on the layout as much as you know you should have. The idea here is for us to have some fun and act as an electronic round robin self help group. When I have others coming over to my home to help me build, I am more efficient because I have to plan and prepare, then work when they arrive. Well, this is the the internet round robin group, we may not be able to physically help you out, but we can support you and your efforts.

    Many had a good time with this format. It was not uncommon to hear people say they had accomplished more work on their layout in the short time we ran the thread than they had in long time. Many posted pictures, asked questions, helped others, moaned about their problems, and encouraged others through theirs. I am including the threads to the last three layout parties if you want to check out what happened and what is expected out of you. Again, the title of the thread will be: Working the layout ā€“ time to party

    From Arm Chair to Benchwork

    Lonely Hearts Club Band;f=33;t=000106

    High Balling the layout
  2. Lehigh Valley Railroad

    Lehigh Valley Railroad New Member

    My goal is to try and to finish the main part of my scenery. I will post pictures once I am done!
  3. MasonJar

    MasonJar TrainBoard Member


    Maybe you should add a link from this thread to the "working" thread to avoid confusion...

  4. Espeeman

    Espeeman TrainBoard Member

    Hi Rick!

    It's a pleasure to join in again. The last party you threw caused me to get much further than I would have had I not particiapted. A LOT further!!! [​IMG]

    Since this is a new party and I'm on to a new layout the timing is right!

    This week I want to finish the details on the track plan and wiring schematic (YES, I'm STILL using DC [​IMG] )
  5. SecretWeapon

    SecretWeapon Passed away January 23, 2024 In Memoriam

    I'm out of work right now on a medical leave.I've been getting alot done with all of this "therapy time". [​IMG] It would be unfair for me to get involved in this.I'm getting stuff done, that if I was working,wouldn't get done for weeks.I've completed 2 scenes that would've taken about a week & a half each.They took only 4 days of on & off thru the day work periods. :D .If nothing else,my layout isn't looking like a mass of wood,ramps,I-beams,etc.It's actually starting to take form.
    Good luck to everyone,don't set your goals to high,so your not disappointed.This is a never ending hobby,i.e.,my friends layout is 14 years old.Yes,it's a huge 2 level,but he doesn't even have much scennery on it yet!To say he's a slow worker,is an under statement!
    Just have fun,
  6. sd40

    sd40 TrainBoard Member

    Hello Nonworkaholics anonymous...... I would just like to say I would like to finish my trackwork and get most of it operational on the Saint Lucas Northern...... Got the track, got the supplies, got the time....... well what do I keep waiting for....... Thanks for giving me the kick in the butt i needed ARMCHAIR TO BENCHWORK!!!!!!!!
  7. HemiAdda2d

    HemiAdda2d Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    In this one, I hope to get:
    A. Diesel service area completed, ballasted, scenicked *not necessarily in that order*
    B. More decoders installed in my loco fleet.
    C. GN slant-cupola caboose finished.
    D. Yard area painted/scenicked.
    E. Mainline ballasted.

    I am shooting for 3 out of these to be finished in 5 weeks.
    When do we start?
  8. Bama Red

    Bama Red TrainBoard Member

    OK, Rick - I'm in. I started in June with the Woodlamd Scenics Scenic Ridge layout, got the track down and all the foam and plaster cloth done and ready to scenic when I decided that it wouldn't give me enought to do, so I added a 2.5'X11.5' extension. I would like to finish most of the track work for the extension this week and start ballasting the track.
  9. rsn48

    rsn48 TrainBoard Member

    Halt the Presses. Don't post anymore here. To SecretWeapon, SD40, HemiAdda and BamaRed go the layout design forum and do a copy and paste there of what you have said here. The layout party is there and the more the merrier. We have already started, but traditionally I find more guys sign up as time passes. You will also get more responses there than here.

    The purpose of this thread was to invite the N scalers to the layout design forum.

    SecretWeapon, I address your issue in a seperate thread that you can see.
  10. SecretWeapon

    SecretWeapon Passed away January 23, 2024 In Memoriam

    OK,I'm in!My layout is 15x12x8.Like I said before,I've completed 2 scenes.I go back tommorrow(1/22/04),so my time is now going to be cut,big time.I guess in 5 weeks,I'd like to complete my country station,& one large mountain,with a farm at the base.I don't want to burn out,so I like to take my time & get it right.I'll keep you updated,Mike :D

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