Later Gents?

Mopartex May 13, 2001

  1. Mopartex

    Mopartex E-Mail Bounces

    This is just sort of an off the wall question that has to do more with the trainboard than modelling.

    I sign all my posts "Later Gents" and was wondering if that is correct.

    I know my better half reads over my shoulder from time to time and most post I see are signed with male names.

    My question is am I leaving out any female members of the trainboard? I know as I have grown up over the years there have been very few females I have known that showed much of an interest in the hobby. I have read a few posts that mention wives or girlfriends,as well as the thread that cracked me up about "smuggling new items" onto your layout.
    But I have yet to see any female authored posts.

    Was just curious if there was any thats all.Hope this doesn't come across as a sexist post or anything.

    Later Gents (?") :rolleyes:
  2. Mike C

    Mike C TrainBoard Member

    Not being one for "political correctness" , I myself wouldn't worry too much about it. I believe that the few Ladies in this hobby are astute enough to not take something like this as an insult. It would be greaty IMO for more women to be interested in Model Railroading, but it doesent seem to be apealing to most women. Too bad, they would make a perfect wife....Mike
  3. 7600EM_1

    7600EM_1 Permanently dispatched

    Guys i'm not married yet and not even a girlfriend to the date in time, but being I am who I am and what I do as a hobby its a package deal with me. HE! I'm like this they want me they have to except me for who I am and what I do. Take it or leave it. They get me AND my trains :D Not one or the other I spent way to long of my life to pick between the two so.... Trains have been a part of my life almost all my life. My grandfather bought me my first train set at 2 years old as a Christmas gift and I turned 22 this past September so this past Christmas was my 20th year in the hobby collecting. Thats along time to just give up and forget about. Something not even I can do... :D So I in time will have 2 major things in my life, My trains as my hobby and the lucky girl. And speaking of a family??? Well all I can say is my kids are going to be spoiled if I can get them interested in the hobby. I'm going to do my best to do just that! :D All in all though I respect the fact of a girl and the difference between her and the hobby...
  4. porkypine52

    porkypine52 TrainBoard Member

    Well I guess I am not too worried about the male/female ratio here. But I am not worried about the male/female ratio on the SEWING CIRCLE BOARD either. I don't think I have ever seen any notice that women cannot post here. If they have information I hope they post it.
    As to the idea of a wife being interested in the hobby, I have hit the jackpot. I have married a babydoll who is interested in my hobby. We go to as many swap meets, club meetings, conventions as we can. She has found out that there are a whole lot of good people around who are interested in trains.
    On the idea of sneaking a train item into the house, never had to. Many times I have been asked the question "You didn't see anything at the swap meet you wanted?" She knows all about all the MICRO-TRAINS Special-Runs that I have,I collect them, and most of whatever else has to do with the layout. It is a two way street, she knows about and supports my hobby and I support her crafts.

    PS This post was approved by the boss/wife. I always have the last words in any discussion we have. The words are "YES DEAR!"
  5. watash

    watash Passed away March 7, 2010 TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    "You picked well and learned early my son, may the Force go with you!" :D
  6. rsn48

    rsn48 TrainBoard Member

    In one of the TAMR (Teen Age Model Railroader) magazines my son gets and I occassionally read was this item posted in the humour section: "Archeologist have recently unearthed an animal once thought to be extinct - a female rail fan." (I don't know how accurate this is to the original, but I couldn't help laughing).
  7. friscobob

    friscobob Staff Member

    Two things:

    1. Political corectness is for crybabies.

    2. If the "gents" part still bothers you, try "Later, folks" or "Later, gang".

    I can deal with "gents" just fine.

    BTW, do we HAVE any female members? And if so, why don't they speak up? We'd like to hear from you [​IMG]
  8. Mopartex

    Mopartex E-Mail Bounces

    Just a short note here...

    Trainboard member number 1823 replied to me in the DCC forum...I mention this only because the name on the post is Lindalace9.

    So I am guessing there is at least ONE female member on

    Interesting to see as the female model railroader is a very rare breed indeed.

    So in turn I must now say ....

    Later FOLKS [​IMG]
  9. watash

    watash Passed away March 7, 2010 TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    Greg, did you welcome her to TrainBoard?

    Jennifer and Debby are here too that I know of. There are several ladies who lurk about and are interested, but seldom feel like posting. Possibly they feel shy, but I always encourage them to join in the fun.

    I especially enjoy the women's point of view when I'm doing houses and the land scaping around. They have good taste, and are really hep on color. I find they are a big help if we just encourage them a little.

    I know my wife enjoys running her trains, Lionel, and G scale. Mine are too small and fragile for her taste, so we get along fine, she just doesn't get into reading about trains, she collects old dolls.

    I offered to collect old dolls with her, but she only wanted the dead ones. Rats! :D
  10. 7600EM_1

    7600EM_1 Permanently dispatched

    Only the dead ones huh???? AAAAWWWWW I bet she was like YOU awnry man you :D HE!
  11. UnionPacificBigBoy

    UnionPacificBigBoy Profile Locked

    "Yoda, you seek Yoda!"
  12. watash

    watash Passed away March 7, 2010 TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    Linda has quite a railroad history, don't sell her short! She is starting her new layout with DCC and needs some advice from us, so lets help he, she is a member just like all of us. If she doesn't tell you about herself, I'll share some more about her later. Her Grandfather was a conductor on the New York Central! She likes trains and modeling them and running them. Well, don't we all? :D
  13. Telegrapher

    Telegrapher Passed away July 30, 2008 In Memoriam

    I would like to extend my belated welcome to Jennifer, Debby and Linda. You won't see to much from me on trainboard as mostly like to just read the forums. I have learned a lot on here, especially from Watash. There is also another female, Barbara. I believe she is also a member. Not sure though. She is a member of the NARA and I have seen her layout on that site. Nice Job :D :D :D :D

    NSCALEMIKE TrainBoard Member

    I recall as a pre-teen, visiting a family friend
    who had a large HO layout in Bel Air. His wife
    did all the weathering, painting of his rolling
    stock, locos and buildings. She was very adept at this type of small detailed work. I am sure there are many women out there who would be great in this hobby, especially that portion of it.
  15. marc

    marc E-Mail Bounces

    Hi gang,

    Knowing the awfull reputation of frenchies as male chauvinist, I 'd just like to say that I know
    a good number of ladies in modelrailroading.
    One of them used to hang the laundry all day long in front of her house near the depot on a diorama
    I have since demolished and she would never complain about this situation :D
    After all, modelrailroading is for dreaming too,isn'it?
    More seriously, my wife is very supportive although not being a modelrailroader by herself and I appreciate her invalaluable advises for good looking scenery.
    Too bad she doesn't know track and turnout handlaying ;)

    "Women who want to be equal with men show a lack of ambition"
  16. BC Rail King

    BC Rail King E-Mail Bounces

    I had to find a place to post this....a dn now I have. My school starts on an exam schedule on Friday so it is time to do some studing! This is part of a review package my English teacher gave me. It is for editing.... I think I have edited it all ( I hope :D )

    The Politically Correct "Three Little Pigs"

    One there were three little pigs who lived together in mutual respect, and in harmony with their enviroment. Using materials that were available in there relative area they each built a beautiful home. One pig built a house of straw, one a house of sticks, and the other a home of dung. Once they were finished building their homes, and the pigs were satisfied with their work, they settled back into a life of piece and self determination.

    Their peace was soon shattered. One day along came a large wolf with anger management issues with expansionist ideas. He saw the pigs and grew very hungry, in both the physical and ideological sense. When the pigs saw the wolf, they ran into the house of straw. The wolf ran up to the house and yelled "Small pigs, Small Pigs, Please allow me to enter"

    The pigs shouted back "Your gunboat tactics hold no fear for pigs defending their homes and culture!"

    The wolf wasn't denied what he thought was his. He huffed, and puffed and blew down the house of straw. The frightened pigs ran to the house of sticks with the wolf in hot pursuit. Where the house of straw had stood, the wolves bought up the land and started a banana plantation.

    At the house of sticks, the wolf again banged the door, and shouted, "Small Pigs, Small Pigs, Allow me to eneter!"

    The pigs shouted back "Go to hell you carnivorous imperialistic oppressor!"

    At this, the wolf chuckled and thought to himself, "They are so childlike in their ways." "It will be a shame to see them go, but progress can't be stopped!"

    So the wolf huffed, and puffed and blew down the house of sticks. The pigs ran to the house of dung with the wolf close at their heels. Where the house of sticks had stood, the other wolves built a time-share condo resort complex for vacationing wolves. Each unit was a fiberglass reconstruction of the house of sticks, and as well as a native curio shops, snorkoling and dolphin shows.

    At the house of dung, the wolf again shouted, "Small Pigs, Small Pigs, allow me to enter!"

    This time in responce the pigs sang songs of protest, and wrote letters of complaint against the wolf to the United Nations.

    By now the wolf was getting very angry and the pigs refusal to allow him entry to their residence, so looking at the situation in the carnivores sence he huffed, and puffed and fell to the ground. The wolf had died from eating too many fatty foods. The pigs rejoiced and danced around the wolfs' corps.

    Quite an interesting story! ;)

    Happy Railroading!

    Dane :cool:

    [ 14 June 2001: Message edited by: BC Rail King ]
  17. yankinoz

    yankinoz TrainBoard Member

    LOL Dane! - but "big bad wolf" is not PC - it should be "large wolf with anger management issues"
  18. BC Rail King

    BC Rail King E-Mail Bounces

    Hmmm.... I'll change that now ;)
  19. yankinoz

    yankinoz TrainBoard Member

    Now that I'm helping you with your homework (and why isn't your dad doing this?) I would change "with anger management issues with expansionist ideas" to "with anger management issues and expansionist ideas"

    Good luck on your exams mate!
  20. rrman48

    rrman48 E-Mail Bounces

    [​IMG] Here around memphis; you could say"later
    ya'll",that just about covers everyone.The definition of "Ya'll" is;you'ns +three.

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