Kendall Johnen (The Blue Caboose custom painting) RIP

Logtrain Jan 13, 2016

  1. Logtrain

    Logtrain TrainBoard Member

    It is with great sadness to announce the passing of Kendall Johnen over the weekend. He was the owner of The Blue Caboose custom painting services. I first meet Kendall when I was knee high to a grass hopper many years ago. Over the years as I started doing my own custom painting and modeling Kendall was always impressed with my final product. He gave me great inspiration and knowledge over the years. When it comes time for our annual show this year in Monroe on Feb 27-28th there will be this section of tables this year that just won't be the same without him there. He will be greatly missed. So here's to you signals and notch 8 all the way. RIP.
  2. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Well. Bad news travels fast. I just posted this same in The Inspection Pit. :(
  3. Logtrain

    Logtrain TrainBoard Member

    I actually found out late last night. But just got a chance to post it.

    Sad loss to the model RR community.
  4. PacRail

    PacRail TrainBoard Supporter

    Very sad to read this. I have exchanged emails with him for several years and will always remember the picture he posted years ago when he became the proud father of his baby boy. My thoughts go out to his family and friends. RIP Kendall.
  5. DCESharkman

    DCESharkman TrainBoard Member

    Wow, this takes me by surprise too. I have about 100 of his custom painted locomotives and several custom painted cars too.

    I will miss talking to him and the special paint jobs we had lined up.

    RIP my friend!
  6. Allen H

    Allen H TrainBoard Supporter

    Well that's not good news.
    I've dealt with him several times over the past several years a swell. he did up a couple of MKT SD40-2's that are one of my prizes.

    That explains why I haven't heard from him over the past year?
    he has several shells, decals and paint as I contracted him to do up four units for me. I wonder if there is anyway of getting a hold of his family [in time] and trying to recover my supplies?

    Rest In Peace my friend...Maybe we can meet again at the end of track.
  7. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Hopefully after the family has a brief time to gather themselves, they'll start contacting people.
  8. Ryan Wilkerson

    Ryan Wilkerson TrainBoard Member

    I attended the NSE show in Sacramento and he and I were looking through adjacent bins of used locomotives, he had a healthy stack!
    Later, I saw him at his table and was admiring his custom work and joked with him about him snagging the good stuff in the bins before I got there. Very sorry to hear of this news for his family.
  9. x600

    x600 TrainBoard Member

    Allen (Bendtracker), I may be able to help get anything that Kendall had of yours back to you.
    And to anyone else that may have things waiting for paint, Please PM me with a list.
    A few of his friends will be going through his stuff to sell at the UNW Monroe Show with the proceeds going to his family.
    I can't promise anything, but I am able contact them with specifics before things get lost.
    It is sad indeed, Kendall was a member of Mt. Rainier N-Scale in the past, and I had the pleasure of running trains with him on many occasions.
    I got pleasure in showing him some of my paint jobs and relished his approval of them.
    He was a gentle giant and will be missed, for sure.
    No specific plans have been made as to a memorial service.
    Greg O.
  10. Allen H

    Allen H TrainBoard Supporter

    Thanks Greg, PM sent.
  11. jpwisc

    jpwisc TrainBoard Member

    I just met him at the NSE in Sacramento, nice guy with a good disposition and a great set of modeling skills.

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