Jan '04 CCS/IMRC 6-6-4 Sleepers

wig-wag-trains.com Jan 3, 2004

  1. wig-wag-trains.com

    wig-wag-trains.com Advertiser

    IMRC has released the new 6-6-4 Sleeper in the "Valley" series in conjunction with Centralia Car Shops.

    I'd like to commend them for not duplicating names previously used by other manufacturers. Even though the C-C car is the wrong body it's nice to not have to change lettering on older stuff when improving the fleet.

    If I'm wrong on this and there is duplication then I don't have those prior cars in my fleet.

    They've also announced the other cars for January:

    Wood Reefer: WFE (lg goat) 12 #'s

    4650cuft Hopper: BNSF (green) 6 #'s

    50' SD Box: CB&Q (red no DF) 12 #'s

    CYL Hoppers: Red Canada (CNWX) 6 #'s

    CYL Hoppers: Red Canada (CPWX) 6 #'s
  2. wig-wag-trains.com

    wig-wag-trains.com Advertiser


    I really thought the arrival of the Santa Fe 6-6-4 sleeper in multiple names would draw more interest than this,

    Heck, I thought it would draw some interest at least.


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