MODELING It's Friday, May 12th, 2023: Weekend Modeling Plans

Jim Wiggin May 12, 2023

  1. Jim Wiggin

    Jim Wiggin Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Welcome back to the gateway to the weekend. I hope you all had a great week, and you are ready for another weekend. It looks like there was a lot of activity in workshops and layouts last weekend, let's keep that going. Onward!

    Saturday: We are supposed to have a mix of thunderstorms throughout the day so I'm not sure exactly what I will do. Ang's station wagon needs an oil change and so her dad may come over and assist with that. The oil change even on a modern car is not a particularly long process so we may work on getting the hard bags on the Harley if we are so inclined. I have also promised the wife we would look at travel trailers and RVs this weekend. It's only fair as she has let me indulge in my trains and cars, besides it gives me the green light to buy an old Ford truck. So, Saturday may just be a nice day to enjoy family.

    Sunday: Rain chances are 70% so I will take advantage of this and work on the NTrak module.
    I was able to work on it in a limited fashion this past week by sanding the roadbed I installed last weekend and prepping the track. I really want to get the track laid and all the feeders installed. One snag I ran into was the turnout. I thought my Micro Engineering turnout was a left hand but I was wrong. This kind of ruins my plan so I may just make the spur on the other end and have a generic building, we'll see. The countdown is on and I don't have a lot of time so hopefully I can get a lot done this weekend.

    So how about you? What do you have planned for the weekend? Let us know. We'll assemble again on Monday the 15th to see how we all did. Until then, have a great weekend, stay safe and as always...

    High Greens!
    Last edited: May 12, 2023
  2. Moose2013

    Moose2013 TrainBoard Member

    Da Mooses will continue to enjoy our first-ever MRR convention through the weekend. It's the NMRA Pacific Northwest Region's "the Prairie Line Experience" convention in Tacoma Washington.

    And if and when Moose can, hopefully mask and paint some wee rolling stock...

    Hope everyone has a great weekend as well!
    Last edited: May 12, 2023
  3. SP-Wolf

    SP-Wolf TrainBoard Supporter

    Happy Friday to Y'all

    In preparation of our upcoming trip to Austria (We leave on the 17th) - this weekend we will be focused on that.

    I may be able to sneak in a bit of work on my utility truck project -- we'll see.

    Y'all have a spectacular weekend
  4. nscalestation

    nscalestation TrainBoard Supporter

    Good morning all,

    Over the past couple of days I received some parts in the mail that will guide my workshop activities this weekend. Got a new Miller engineering sign to replace the one I burned out a few years ago. So I'll be installing that on one of my Ntrak modules getting it ready for the N Scale convention layout.

    I also got some really tiny 45 link / inch chain which I plan to use to secure some HUMVEEs to my F226 flat cars.

    Yesterday I removed the blown out spare tire from the club trailer and need to get that to the tire shop for replacement.

    Other than that, it's all of the usual household chores.

    Everyone have an enjoyable weekend whatever you are doing.
  5. dti406

    dti406 TrainBoard Member

    Just got done with another bowling tournament that was held during the week.

    I also continued work on the Moloco PC&F RBL with 10' Offset Doors. Here I have completed the B end detailing including the cut levers.


    Now the side detail except the ladders have been added, I skip the ladders at this point as it makes it easier to mask the sides as the car ends are a different color than the body. I will paint the ladders when I paint the body and attach them later.


    I hope to finish the roof of the car with the running board and grabs and then paint the first coat of paint on the model over the weekend. Will also be working on the decals for another car I finished last weekend.

    Took my wife in this morning for her injection in the eye to help the macular degeneration, this is the more expensive type that will hopefully last longer between applications.

    Rick Jesionowski
  6. gmorider

    gmorider TrainBoard Member

    Yep. Rainy here too. :oops: Wee rolling stock! That's what I have! (y) Sneaking in some work. :sneaky: Tiny chain! :cautious: "B end" details. :love: This past week was a toss-up. :censored: All main frames are ready for installation. Due to some fishing, dental appointment and me not doing stuff, I need to do more stuff. :rolleyes: Rainy here. :unsure: Should be able to do stuff. (y) Everyone have a fun, safe weekend. :D
  7. Pastor John

    Pastor John TrainBoard Member

    Friday, I'm meeting yet another contractor to get a bid for insulating the crawlspace of the Sebring Model Railroad Club. While I'm waiting for them, another member, Lynn, and I will start painting the base color (nicknamed Ohio River brown) on our port facility so that the track guys can get started. I ordered the paint from Hobby Lobby last week, and it arrived yesterday, so we're ready to get started.

    Saturday, we'll have a family get-together for Mother's Day.

    Sunday, will be church, whatever else my wife wants to do for Mother's Day, and last-minute preparations for my trip to Israel before I leave on Monday.

    Beyond that, I'll be plugging away at my reading assignment (300 pages or so) that's supposed to be done before our arrival in Tel Aviv.

    I'll try to post an update on Monday while I'm sitting in an airport waiting area, but after that, I probably won't have much train related until I get back in two weeks.

    Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk

    BNSF FAN TrainBoard Supporter

    Painters working at the house all weekend so hopefully that means some extra time in the train room to be out of the way. Saturday morning, my son and I are participating in a friends Eagle ceremony. Once that's over we'll go for lunch and the grab something to bring home for the wife. If the kitchen is finished by Sunday, I'll probably grill some thing for mother's day lunch. As for trains, I'm really not sure what I will work on. Will try and keep things neat as possible since I won't have time next weekend to clean up again before we have visitors over. Guess we'll just see how it goes.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!
  9. Kevin Anderson

    Kevin Anderson TrainBoard Member

    Been a while for
    Me to post here. Tapatalk logged me out and took a while to get back in.

    I have been working on new modules and well nothing will get done for the next two weeks. I will be on vacation in FL. Happy modeling everyone

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. MetraMan01

    MetraMan01 TrainBoard Member

    Saturday was supposed to be a double header for my oldest’s softball team but it was cancelled due to forecasted rain. We’re less than a month from moving out of government quarters on base and flying back to the US so I may use Saturday to pack up the last few things we won’t need anymore or to tear down the awnings over the front and back porches we put up a few years ago.

    Sunday is Mother’s Day and plans keep changing so we will see what happens then.

    I applied weathering powder to the pedal box over a couple of weeke nights and brought it in to my co-worker on Thursday. He was very happy with it.

    For modeling-

    I’ll probably put down a coat of silver paint on some GHQ police cars-I changed my mind on what police department they were for And settled on the Lake County (IL) sheriff as those will make the most sense for where a good portion of my next layout will be.

    I think I’ll do all the decals and details (lights, etc) that I use markers for during the weeknights after the kids are asleep. The TV is packed up, we didn’t watch it most nights anyway, so my wife usually knits and I do little train things and we chat.

    Also this weekend-I’ll probably keep making some rough sketches for the next layout track plan before I get on the computer and design it there.

    A big maybe-I’m saving back one ScaleTrains carbon black hopper to lightly weather-I might find some time to fade the paint a touch. Otherwise I’ll save it for another weekend.

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  11. rye

    rye TrainBoard Member

    I really just want to get the edges of my table finished off with something.... but I'm still undecided. I'm now thinking I want to put a road on the edge that curves around the table in an S shape. Debating between that or just modelling a cliff edge so I can get better low-angle photos.

    I'm also wiring up some fibre optics for an 18 wheeler trailer, and I want to get the epoxy possibly poured into the lake this weekend too, but I'm still adding a few details to the lake bed so I don't want to rush that.

    I'm all over the place this weekend with projects...

    Hope everyone has a good and productive weekend!
  12. rjthomas909

    rjthomas909 TrainBoard Member

    Hey All,

    Building, decaling and painting a few more fantasy Wichita Northwestern cars for some friends this weekend. Finally back home from work travels and it looks like a rainy weekend, so enjoying a day at the workbench. Hope you have a good one!

    IMG_2582 (2).JPG

    Take Care,

    -Bob T.
  13. VinceP

    VinceP TrainBoard Member

    So these arrived today from Bill at here's a teaser since RJ and I are modeling the same road but 2 different paths

    And since RJ asked to see my decals of my version here you go RJ

    Attached Files:

    MetraMan01, BNSF FAN, SP-Wolf and 2 others like this.
  14. rjthomas909

    rjthomas909 TrainBoard Member

    @VinceP , those loook great! I am really looking forward to seeing the locomotives that you are working on for the WNW.
    MetraMan01 and BNSF FAN like this.

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