MODELING It's Friday, 05/17/2013, Weekend Modeling Plans

Jim Wiggin May 17, 2013

  1. Jim Wiggin

    Jim Wiggin Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    A recent guest on one of the Podcasts that I listen to said he had proof that our version of linear time was speeding up. I tend to agree with him as it's already time for Weekend Modeling Plans.

    My weekend starts early as in a few yours my fellow club members will be picking me up and heading to Columbus for the Ohio N Scale show. All week I worked on my Maywood station T-Trak module. Right up until late last night. I wish I could say it is done but I am far from done. I do need to have it completed by Galesburg but that is about six weeks away. I have never been to this show so I'm looking forward to the time to look around. No real budget or "got to have items" just a fun weekend with four fellow club members running trains.

    So how about you? What plans do you have this weekend for the miniature pike? DCC work? Track work? Maybe you too are heading to Columbus this weekend for the big N scale show. If so, stop by and say "Hi". We'll all come back here on Monday the 20th and see how are model weekends were. Until then, have a happy and safe weekend and...

    ​High Greens!
  2. MisterBeasley

    MisterBeasley TrainBoard Supporter

    It's Graduation Weekend for our daughter Annie. She'll be getting her bachelor's degree in Neuroscience at the University of New England, so I'll be leaving directly from work and driving up to Maine. She's got a job line up, although it's not a very good one. In her field, she needs more of that book-learnin' and in this economy the jobs are pretty scarce anyway, so hopefully this will be something that pushes her to go back to school. She knows it, too, but I remember how sick of school I was when I graduated so I can understand what she's doing.

    I got one piece of side fascia glued on the carfloat base, but that will be the extent of my modeling unless I get home early on Sunday afternoon. Hold down the fort for me, OK?
  3. GP30

    GP30 TrainBoard Member

    Well, I'd like to paint some locomotives, but that depends on the weather today or sunday. We shall see....

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