Future home of the Northern Pacific and Black Hills Ry.

badlandnp Mar 17, 2013

  1. badlandnp

    badlandnp TrainBoard Member

    For those who have been patiently waiting, boxcab and mtntrainman, here are a couple of pics ot the 10x52 1962 Rollohome I acquired to build a RR in, affectionately known in this house as the Trainshed. There is more siding repair to do, windows, and interior framing and insulating. Heat is electric with a woodstove, no plumbing. In the end it will yield a 9'6" x 41 ft area to build a rr!

    Planning for that has finally gelled and is in the sketching stage, will post pics of that when I have a drawing of some sort. badlandnp,mar2013-2 358.JPG badlandnp,mar2013-2 353.JPG

    And a deck at the door with a proper step and many, many little projects to go.
  2. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Are you sketching away, with many ideas of what could be built? If so, please share!
    BarstowRick likes this.
  3. badlandnp

    badlandnp TrainBoard Member

    badlandnp,mar2013-2 354.JPG badlandnp,mar2013-2 355.JPG badlandnp,mar2013-2 356.JPG badlandnp,mar2013-2 357.JPG
    These are the really rough sketches.

    The RR was established by the efforts of a consortium of investors headed up by two fellas with investments in mining and oil. Oil was found in SE Montana and the consortium also had much stock in the mines of the SD Black Hills. So, to make a better profit, they helped the NP and FEMV ( a CNW subsidiary in th Hills) to build a connector line from the Hills at Belle Fourche and proceeding NW through the new oil fields and a couple of open coal mines to an interchange with the NP just south of Glendive at the confluence of Cedar creek and the Yellowstone. The route has two other primary stations with Ekalaka as the home terminal. Interchange with the upstart Milw will be at Plevna, MT.

    The layout is set in the 20's, tho other era steam will show up, such as my 1935 FVM Hiawatha (just too sweet to pass up!!) Maybe even a 20th century bullet nose..... Never can tell about those eccentris oil and mineral magnates!!! Rumor has it a trio of MI bxcars were brought in from the Blacktail coal mine siding, weird looking BIG things from sometime.....?

    The road will be built in a modular fashion, to facilitate outdoor pics and portability, in a 'U' shape. Two decks with a helix at the Ekalaka end to get up to the second deck. Deck heights haven't been determined yet, as many other details also need to be worked out. Such as a logo, if they even get one, or just use 'mother ' road equipment on loan. How big will each module be, or all the same size? Etc. etc. etc.

    Hope the sketches help!
    BarstowRick and Doug Gosha like this.
  4. Gerry M

    Gerry M TrainBoard Member

    Looking good! You are indeed fortunate to have a dedicated space like that.

    I'm sure you could tuck a mini-bar in somewhere...
    BarstowRick likes this.
  5. MC Fujiwara

    MC Fujiwara TrainBoard Member

    Very groovy space for a layout!

    Glad you're going to take the time to properly fit out the building with walls, insulation, electrical, etc.
    You'll be very greatful later!

    Lots you can do in that space, too.
    A lovely space for a double-deck "G" and you could even pull a track out to the short side of the door for your workbench (if that's where it'll be).

    Looking forward to seeing your progress!
    BarstowRick likes this.
  6. mtntrainman

    mtntrainman TrainBoard Supporter

    Looking good :)

    But..." It's deja vu all over again"... LOL


    Gutting out THE RV was a daunting task. In the end...it turned out great !!!


    You're gonna love having a seperate space for the trains. There are a lot of wives, gf's, significant others...who silently...deep down inside ARENT happy when ya take the spare bedroom, garage, den etc for a trainroom.

    I'll be following along with your progress :)

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2013
    SP-Wolf, SecretWeapon and Kurt Moose like this.
  7. gcav17

    gcav17 TrainBoard Member

    This will be a fun thing to watch and hear about brother. And don't worry guys. I will keep him motivated and a tad bit jealous when I send him pics of what I am running! LOL!!!
    Its good his layout is separate from his house. And movable. Although, it is another building to heat.
  8. mtntrainman

    mtntrainman TrainBoard Supporter

    A higher heating bill for his own train space he can do anything he wants to with. JMO...I think he made the right choice :teeth:
  9. gcav17

    gcav17 TrainBoard Member

    Yes your right! And knowing him he will insulate it very well. I hope he can find time to work on it. Summer is coming and that will keep him very busy.... Same for me too!
  10. badlandnp

    badlandnp TrainBoard Member

    MC- How'd you read my mind about the spur to the workbench? There will have to be one for each level, of course.

    Mtntrnman - hope to make good progress, AND keep you all posted too.

    Now to figure out how to post video to this utube thing my wife has an account on............:eek:hboy:
  11. badlandnp

    badlandnp TrainBoard Member

    Here's a video of the Mike I got from TB member, Colonel. The current layout is the first temporary version of the NP&BH, will have fun practicing things and playing. Like the 4% grade leaving the yard eastbound, A good way to test the mettle of the ehgineers and their faithful steeds, but expensive having to put helpers on or split trains!!
  12. badlandnp

    badlandnp TrainBoard Member

    OK, so I tried to link the youtube video, keep getting a message that the lurl ain't right. Tried copy/paste and manual entry, no go. So, helpful hints would be good before I modify the computer with a handy oxy/acetylene unit! :)
  13. FriscoCharlie

    FriscoCharlie Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

  14. gcav17

    gcav17 TrainBoard Member

    Hey brother....... does the geezer still cry about not having a MAC? HA HA.
  15. badlandnp

    badlandnp TrainBoard Member


    New try, thanks for the tutorial E-8! Am like a fish out of water here sometimes......
  16. badlandnp

    badlandnp TrainBoard Member

    Hogger Peterson, the senior engineer on the system, got right to work putting the "new" #9 through it's paces yesterday! She was purchased used from the obvious previous owner, in good shape. The roundhouse boys got here relettered in a quick way over the weekend and went over the mechanicals, and now she is out there earning her keep on the line! Hogger says, and I quote, ' Vel, she ain't no big teakettle, but she digs in an' grunts with de best of 'em! '

    Enjoy the video![video=youtube_share;tfmBk1mGzJY]http://youtu.be/tfmBk1mGzJY[/video]
  17. badlandnp

    badlandnp TrainBoard Member

    Just an update for those interested: Got most of my NCE system in the post this last week, but still waiting on a couple of items. So, spent the week installing a decoder in a Athearn 2-6-0 mogul tender, which was some challen geing! I got it in behind the motor after cutting off the flywheel and shaft extension thereof. Then removed the big post behind there for the tender body mount and fit a NCE Z14SR decoder in there. Then I geeked out and put in a backup light, a cab glow light (orange) and added some details, with more to go... ( can't get this thing here to put in paragraphs....) And now I just finished putting in most of my power drops and soldering up the busses, it all tested well with my analog, so when the rest of the dcc gets here, I have a unit ready to program. Pictures of the engine will come later, I took quite a few just for this forum and will get those up this week later. G'nite!!:sleep:
  18. EMD F7A

    EMD F7A TrainBoard Member

    I haven't posted in your thread but I AM watching it, like many others! Glad to hear you had luck on that little Atheran; I have some older (same loco) MDC/ROundhouse locos that sure could use the treatment, post pics if ya got 'em! G'night!
  19. Jerry M. LaBoda

    Jerry M. LaBoda TrainBoard Supporter

    What's bed is that that is the size of my home!!!
  20. badlandnp

    badlandnp TrainBoard Member

    OK, it runs, but I had a brain fart and put in a couple of 1.5 V lamps with no resistors, OOPS! Pics are coming, really!
    BarstowRick likes this.

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