For all you DCC people-what system do you use??

BC Rail King Apr 8, 2000

  1. Dogwood

    Dogwood TrainBoard Member

    A wonderful drug. Enjoy
    BNSF FAN and sams like this.
  2. Shortround

    Shortround Permanently dispatched

    Unfortunately I have too many deferents to deal with. While I have a controller that doesn't make the two HO engines run and my N is just DC. I will have to see if the HO engines will run on DC as the instructions suggest. :coffee:
    BNSF FAN and sams like this.
  3. Curn

    Curn TrainBoard Member

    DCC++ EX with the MakerFabs WiFi shield, phone as a throttle with WiThrottle app, and JMRI from a desktop for programming.

    The thing I didn't like about the Raspberry Pi/JMRI/WiThrottle-Server setup was that the Raspberry Pi had to be shutdown properly or you risk corrupting the OS SD card. But with DCC++ EX the WiTrottle server runs from the Arduino so there is no need for a computer to just run trains. And I don't need to be all that careful about shutting it down or unplugging things. Atani's ESP32 DCC++ worked about the same, but also runs a web server from the ESP32, so you can directly connect to it through the network and use a browser based throttle which works pretty well. So a guest could run trains without having to install any apps. JMRIs webserver is about the same, but I liked Atani's throttle layout better.

    Otherwise, my first system was an NEC PowerCab, which still works and is a great system.
    BNSF FAN, sams, Sumner and 1 other person like this.
  4. Sumner

    Sumner TrainBoard Member

    I've gone both ways, Pi and no Pi, running the Pi now mostly. Like that the WiTcontroller $50 wireless throttle or the phone throttle both see the roster created with JMRI when I program and create the roster with DecoderPro along with any additional labels that were added for sound decoder functions.

    With the WiFi shield you don't see the roster but I believe you can use a setup file that the DCC-EX command station sees when you start up with the roster and individual loco labels if you have that info in the setup file.

    Both have their advantages. I clone the Pi boot card to another one for that 'just in case'. I've shut down a couple times not using the Pi shutdown procedure when things locked up and it still booted up afterwards but have heard I might not always be that lucky so the reason for a second card with the system on it. I use Todd's image file (probably need to update that also).

    BNSF FAN, sams and Curn like this.
  5. sidney

    sidney TrainBoard Member

    I think this is one of the problems i had with the pi4 it drove me nuts so i threw it in a box then took it for my 3d print to use octoprint .
    now i just use DCCEX 100 % and love it very much. it always works never a glitch so far (i better find some wood to knock on )
    BNSF FAN and sams like this.
  6. sams

    sams TrainBoard Member

    Yes and expenisve!! haha. Well worth the money! You can have everything you want if you take the time to learn it!

    For me it was the dcs51,52, I've tried a few boosters all digitrax. I prefer NCE and will be updating my setup soon. Digitrax customer service is FUN! lol good Luck!
    BNSF FAN likes this.
  7. James Fitch

    James Fitch TrainBoard Member

    Another TCS DCC system person here. I bought a Digitrax Chief system about 25 years ago and found it not all that easy to figure out - needed cheat sheets a lot. After several moves it's remained in the box. I have a layout near to running so in the last few months bought the TCS CS-105 with the UWT-100 bundle.
    BigJake and BNSF FAN like this.
  8. JMaurer1

    JMaurer1 TrainBoard Member

    We have several different Digitrax systems...the Ford/Chevy (or is it Yugo) of DCC. It's the default system you think of when it comes to DCC. The club has had Digitrax since the beginning (20+ years) and have always had a love/hate relationship with it. I have HOPED and PRAYED that Digitrax would some day simplify their software so that it was easier to use (to no avail). When computer geeks think that your software is so hard to use they create a new program in order to use it (JMRI), then SOMETHING is wrong. I would consider switching to a different system if I knew it would work better and easier and didn't already have like 5 or 6 Digitrax command stations.
    BNSF FAN, mtntrainman and Shortround like this.
  9. DCESharkman

    DCESharkman TrainBoard Member

    Come on over Jeff, I will show you how easy the ESU CabControl system is.
    BNSF FAN and freddy_fo like this.
  10. Atani

    Atani TrainBoard Member

    If we set aside the fact that you have multiple CSs from DigiTrax already, what would you want to see in a possible replacement beyond simplifying the interface to the PC? Is the reason for the multiple CS the size of the layout or bandwidth of LocoNet?
    BigJake and BNSF FAN like this.
  11. GGNInNScale

    GGNInNScale TrainBoard Member

    I use the NCE PowerCab. I can run 6 trains if I concentrate... The unit never pulls above about 800mA, so well within the capabilities of the PoweCab (2000mA). I have diesels with TCS, NCE, Lenz/Atlas, NCE/Atlas and DigiTrax and ESU decoders. I am slowly converting all to ESU LokSound. I did buy a LokProgrammer to make it easier to modify the code. The ESU decoders do a lot more than I am interested in, but give good control and good sound. I have to keep a chart of the different decoder manufacturers' CVs, which will go away once I am finished conversions.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2023
    BNSF FAN and BigJake like this.
  12. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    Agree on ESU decoders. I also like Zimo's. Both have excellent motor control configurability. ESU has more drop-in N scale decoders (with sound, which usually makes them not-so-drop-in).
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2023
    BNSF FAN likes this.
  13. GGNInNScale

    GGNInNScale TrainBoard Member

    Hey, what is a missing Zero... :whistle: Fixed it, thanks!
    BNSF FAN likes this.
  14. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    Oh, just about 10x... ;)

    Fixed mine too.
    BNSF FAN likes this.
  15. DCESharkman

    DCESharkman TrainBoard Member

    I tried installing a ESU LokSound decoder with no speaker and it did not work in work on a Kato SD70. It almost seems like the decoder needs to see the impedance of the speaker to power up. To be clear this is my supposition and not something any one else told me. I do not have resistors on hand to test this. All my work is in Electromagnetic Wave and Field theory and Theoretical Physics.
    BNSF FAN likes this.
  16. GGNInNScale

    GGNInNScale TrainBoard Member

    Hello DCE The decoder does not need to see a speaker. It does have to see the motor impedance, or about 100 Ohms (anything from about 50 to 150 Ohms will work.) I made a test dummy resistive load with 2 100Ohm 1/4W resistors in parallel and three inches of 30ga. When I have to troubleshoot I just solder the wires to the motor tabs on the decoder and then I can test or program.
    Mark Ricci, BNSF FAN and BigJake like this.
  17. GGNInNScale

    GGNInNScale TrainBoard Member

    Sorry, I forgot one other item- when you installed the decoder, it is possible that you did not have good contact in the rear connections. I had a Kato P42 that gave me fits. It turned out that the PCB was slightly curved and lifted enough to have intermittent contact. Really frustrating. I tried a bit of foam to press down inside the shell, only worked for a while. I tried Kapton tape- it gradually relaxed and the contact would fail. Finally, I got mad and soldered the rear power feeds to the PCB contacts, and it now runs perfectly. It takes very little to break the circuit...
    BNSF FAN likes this.
  18. ggnlars

    ggnlars TrainBoard Member

    I use NCE systems for DCC. I have gone a number of decoder installs over the years. I have found that you need to to do a factory reset twice before you try to use the decoder. Some are ok, but it seems there is electronic garbage that colllects on the decoder during shipping. The factory rest clears that out. I do it twice to be sure.
    sidney and BNSF FAN like this.
  19. DCESharkman

    DCESharkman TrainBoard Member

    With the ESU CabControl, I always check the update Firmware before programming. In many cases this has been the reason a decoder would appear non functional on the programming track. it has resuscitated many "Dead" ESU decoders. For example, I purchased several Kato locomotives with Factory Sound decoders installed. They appeared dead on arrival. Was ready to send them back when I saw the ability to update the firmware. Updated the firmware and the dead ESU LOKSOUND locomotives were alive again.
    sidney, DeaconKC, mtntrainman and 2 others like this.

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