First Annual International Winter Layout Party

okane Dec 8, 2008

  1. MRL

    MRL TrainBoard Member

    Yum poptarts!!!:tb-biggrin: That is what that kinda looks like in the last picture!!!:tb-tongue:
  2. denny99

    denny99 TrainBoard Member

    Early update, cause this weekend I'll finally go snowboarding!!!

    This week I added some static grass with a Noch GrasMaster applicator. I use Noch 6mm "beige" static grass mixed 90/10 with Noch 6mm green. I try to vary the proportion from time to time to add variation to the grass.

    The hills and the fields still need a lot of details like trees, bushes of several types, and telephone poles. But hey, this is what I was able to do this week! :)



  3. Mark Wilson

    Mark Wilson TrainBoard Member

    Wow, Denny! That is one GREAT looking scene. Have fun on the snow and come back healthy!
  4. MRL

    MRL TrainBoard Member

    Denny!!! :tb-shocked::tb-shocked::tb-shocked::tb-shocked:
  5. MRL

    MRL TrainBoard Member

    I have gotten the masonite down and the supports were level and I got them on the layout and they were off a bit and am going to try to fix them...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2009

    MOPMAN TrainBoard Member

    Here are pics of last weeks progress. I painted about 8' of the second ridge line behind Alma


    and a closeup

  7. pachyderm217

    pachyderm217 TrainBoard Member

    Denny, this scene is very convincing! Good lighting and superb textures. Excellent work.
  8. jhn_plsn

    jhn_plsn TrainBoard Supporter

    Wow, theres been some great progress by so many on here.
    The only thing I have done is layout some of my Cemex plant, but need tons of details, especially roof details.

    Attached Files:

  9. Gats

    Gats TrainBoard Member

    Great work, guys. The hills are looking great Denny, and the cement facility will keep you amused with detailing, Mike.

    I had a flash of inclination last night and started fiddling with baseboards and back drops to work out how to support everything. The first board for Mannila yard went down and temporarily fitted the backboard. It will be curved so I'm testing where to place it to get the curves on one sheet and to reduce the need to cut short the sheets.


    The centre peninsula had a recycled curved roadbed fitted a couple of weeks back and now I'm prepping for fitting the backboard down the centre. I'll see how if fits and looks but it may just be too high and break the room up too much making it claustrophobic.


    The storage cabinets are in position and can be slid clear if needed.
  10. James Costello

    James Costello TrainBoard Member

    Looking good Gary!
  11. pachyderm217

    pachyderm217 TrainBoard Member

    Winding down now

    Just a few weeks remaining in the layout party, and I need to start winding down. I accomplished all my major goals and a few unplanned projects as well. Here's the status on the remainder.

    Erect a small passenger station at Myersville - POSTPONED
    Paint and install 4 dozen power poles - COMPLETE, see photo below
    Weather some new hoppers and vehicles - COMPLETE
    Put a coiled cord on my throttle - COMPLETE, see photo below
    Label the towns on the layout fascia - COMPLETE, labels are on backdrop top edge
    Make progress on my train schedule - COMPLETE for now
    Make and plant about 40 trees - COMPLETE
    Weather the track in Myersville yard - STILL BUILDING UP COURAGE

    Here you can see some of the line poles installed along the north side of Myersville yard. These are modified and painted Model Power poles.

    This view also shows why I need to weather the yard more. It serves a coal washer plant, so there needs to be coal residue just about everywhere. I tried brushing a grease and oil streak between the rails, but the edges are not diffuse enough to be convincing. I need to study more pictures before jumping in any deeper.


    I run the layout with a single Rix throttle I found on clearance at a local hobby shop. The original straight six conductor cord was long enough but always in the way. I ordered a 6 conductor coiled cable from Digi-Key and repackaged the Rix throttle components in a smaller Radio Shack project box. Now I can unplug the throttle from the layout when it's in the way.


    This party has helped me wrap up some long awaited projects. Now my layout is about 98 percent done. Just a few more cosmetic structure modifications remain before I can say there are no incomplete projects.

    Of course, I'll continue tweaking and adding details, learning to operate on a train schedule, and dreaming about expansion some day.
  12. DiezMon

    DiezMon TrainBoard Supporter

    Wow, drawing to a close already.. I'm not sure I'll make my goals..

    I did want to get most of the structures in place.. but I got ONE wahoo!

    I'm farther than I thought I'd be before this little party started though! :)

  13. jhn_plsn

    jhn_plsn TrainBoard Supporter

    12 days to go. I best get moving.
    DiezMon, good to see you are exceeding your expectations. Should feel good about it.
  14. Gats

    Gats TrainBoard Member

    12 days, eh? Hmm... might get the backdrops done afterall!
  15. denny99

    denny99 TrainBoard Member

    Thanks everybody, and good works this week.
    Nice yard on Todd's layout!
  16. pastoolio

    pastoolio TrainBoard Member

    Guys, all the work so far is superb! You're all kickin' butt! As for me, I'm trying to step it up here in the final stretch.

    So I have a problem, and I'd love to get some suggestions from you guys. I've been working on my canyon scene, where the track will go and such. Right now I think I'm trying to stuff too much into this short area, mainly too many curves.
    Here is a pic. I've left it super large so you can see it, so be warned when viewing it!

    Looking down the canyon:


    Looking up the canyon:


    In those 2 photos, there is a silver ruler and a line drawn next to it. That is the edge of the benchwork.

    What I think my problem is, is that I'm trying to fit in too many curves. Right now the flex track is making two "S" curves.
    Should I drop it down to just one large "S" curve? Straighten it out some?

    I have to leave the curve at the bottom of the canyon, since this is coming out of staging. This area has no flex track on it.
    The other part I have to keep is the top of the canyon, where the siding is starting at. You can just see the paper template under the flex track in the top picture.
    Besides those 2 things, the rest is fair game.

    And to give you an idea of what I had in mind originally, here is a super lame MS paint modification. :)


    Any suggestions are much appreciated!

  17. Mark Watson

    Mark Watson TrainBoard Member


    Keep the track right where it lays now!

    Although I should warn you, I'm a HUGE "S" Curve fan! :p The more a train has to snake its way back and fourth to get from one place to another means the more beautiful the scenery will be.

    Also.. Love the MS Paint mock-up!
  18. Gats

    Gats TrainBoard Member

    Mike, the mock up looks great. One thing is the tunnel - it looks out of place to me, too contrived. Maybe open it up so the train will travel along a rock face not visible from the aisle. Think view block.
  19. cthart

    cthart TrainBoard Member


    My initial reaction was 'too much S curve'... but after seeing the mock-up it works. So I think you should keep it that way, provided the tunnel and scenery stays the way you've planned it.


  20. cthart

    cthart TrainBoard Member

    Tunnel _with_ portal looks too contrived, maybe one blasted out of the rock?



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