CB&Q paint & decal info.........

bfc1230 Aug 8, 2022

  1. bfc1230

    bfc1230 TrainBoard Member

    I have acquired a Burlington E5-B shell (sky top models), and a friend of mine has agreed to paint it for me.
    Does anyone know what decal set (microscale or other) is appropriate for this loco. Also, I'd like to know if anyone has a formula for getting that almost stainless look for the paint. I failed to get the info from skytop before the
    site shut down. would be thankful for any help.

    John C
  2. DeaconKC

    DeaconKC TrainBoard Member

    Testors used to make a line of paints that could actually be polished to give that look. If that can't be found, they do make an acrylic stainless paint that does paint up very nicely. Tamiya's acrylic Silver might also work.
  3. Train17

    Train17 New Member

    I painted my Sky Top Models Burlington E5-B shell per Bill's suggestion on his website. Clean the resin shell first with mineral spirits before painting. Base coat first with Tru-Color Paint TCP-130 NYC Dark Gray and then TCP-077 Silver. This combo provides a pretty good match to Kato's factory painted CB&Q E units. Micro Scale Decals 60-98 "Burlington E units 7,8 & 9" has the BURLINGTON for the sides. I finished mine with light coat of Micro-Satin to seal everything. I'm satisfied with the way it looks behind the Kato factory painted stainless steel E5A. I also used the same painting method for the Sky Top Baggage-Buffet-Lounge "Silver Buffet" and Dome-Parlor-Observation "Silver View" for the CB&Q Twin Cities Zephyr.
  4. freddy_fo

    freddy_fo TrainBoard Member

    Is this going to be airbrushed? Alclad makes some of the best metallic paints including a stainless steel but they are lacquer based so there is special consideration if say applying over acrylic or enamel. To get the high shine one would use the alclad gloss black paint as the basecoat then spray the steel color over that.
    MK and DeaconKC like this.
  5. bfc1230

    bfc1230 TrainBoard Member

    Thanks to all for the info. I knew I came to the right place.
    John C.
    Train17 and DeaconKC like this.

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