
Brass EP-2 Clinic

Brass EP-2 Clinic

Brass EP-2 Clinic
u18b, Feb 8, 2014
    • MarkInLA
      'Didn't get it 'til this pic ! I know see what I'm guessing is one half of a GW 'bipolar' (HO ?) ...Sorry, I only looked at the shots, just checking your technique of scratch-building/repowering/merging of many parts in order to make a whole new device (loco)..Next photo will probably reveal that...
    • MarkInLA
      Well, it wasn't next page, but sure enough what I have done, is jump into the thread nearer to end of the pics. Having now scanned the rest, from the start, I realise the aim of this thread is : correcting/rewiring/improving the use of available contact wheels on an old analog, imported brass GW 'Bipolar'.....Nice job and pictorial of.. ..Thanks.
      I am bipolar, but if I owned this GW bipolar I'd jump right back to this thread (from the beginning !) ...M
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    EP-2 Assembly Clinic
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    Feb 8, 2014
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