Greg Lussier

A bright sunny day for this catch!

A bright sunny day for this catch!
Greg Lussier, Oct 8, 2006
gmorider likes this.
    • Mr. SP
      Great looking railroad. The Milwaukee interested me for a while but there was not much available at the time. Walthers it is rumoured is going to release a Hiawatha.
    • BoxcabE50
      Actually, over the years, there has been a fair amount of Milw power, and equipment available in N scale. But, paint scheme accuracy has not been the greatest. And those Kato SD40-2 sold out so fast, a lot of people were disappointed. That's one reason I back dated my plans.


      Boxcab E50
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    Milwaukee Road Coast Division Layout
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    Greg Lussier
    Oct 8, 2006
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