I thought as a test of what I could make and what my printer could print that I'd take my farmhouse design that I've done for N and Z and see what it would look like in T gauge. I got a pretty decent print. I painted the roof but I'm not sure if the doors and windows really show if I painted the walls. Would this be something that you who model in T would want? Not the print but the design. If not that's okay; I'll always have that test print. If so, let me know. I've done a lot in Z and some in N. I think it might be fun to tinker with T, whether or not I ever build a layout.
I have a few more buildings made, so I'll start a Swap Meet thread about my designs. And who knows, maybe I will build a little T display layout to better show these off?
You should consider a resin printer. The difference in quality is amazing. Here's a link to a t gauge EMD I designed/printed on my Mars 3 resin printer. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5383827 . I'm getting a new resin printer to replace the Mars 3 and it's supposed to have even better quality.