MODELING It's Friday, June 17th, 2022: Weekend Modeling Plans

Jim Wiggin Jun 17, 2022

  1. Jim Wiggin

    Jim Wiggin Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Welcome everybody to the gateway to the weekend. It sounds like I was not the only one to purchase a portable air conditioner last week as temps here were 100 degrees s or more. I hope you all stayed safe and cool. Congrats to rray on his well-earned Master Model Railroad achievement award, lots of great modeling and it is all in Z! It looks like we were busy last weekend so let's see what we have planned for the coming weekend.

    Friday Night: Over the past week I got a fair amount of progress done on the NTrak module. I got the blue, yellow and red lines down and last night, I filled in gaps with ties on the areas around rail joiners and where I soldered my feeders. It occurred to me that I have not used Atlas Code 80 track in 20 years! I switched to Code 55 the same year Atlas came out with theirs. I hope to paint and ballast the track tonight so that it can dry overnight.

    Saturday: If I am successful with ballast, I have a list. If not, my morning will be spent ballasting. I have one more coat of poly I need to apply to the fascia after a finish sanding of coat two and then that should be done. I need to build the three bus lines and wire up my three lines and then I should have three running mainlines within the NTrak specifications. Basic scenery will follow as well as work on a skyboard. While things are drying, I'll be mowing and hopefully building a carrier for the Wrangler so I can haul my module safely.

    Sunday: For the dads out there, Father's Day! That means Car Show! Finally get to go to one now. I'll need to get up early for the one hour drive up north to get the Mustang CA/GT out of storage and meet my father-in-law at a local car show. It is at a roadside pub that serves breakfast so after some coffee and breakfast, we'll walk around and admire the cars and trucks. After that Ang is taking us to lunch for Father's Day with some friends that will join us. After that, I hope to start fine tuning the module and getting it completed as I'm less than a week away. It's nice that it feels like old times again.

    So how about you? What do you have planned for this Father's Day weekend? Let us know. We'll assemble on Monday the 20th to see how we all did. Until then, have a great weekend, be safe, stay healthy and...

    Happy Father's Day
    High Greens!
  2. SP-Wolf

    SP-Wolf TrainBoard Supporter

    Happy Friday to Y'all,

    And - for all Y'all Fathers - Have a very Happy Father's Day!!

    My plans are simple --
    Saturday: First color of paint on my Cotton Belt PA project.
    Then - I will peruse my project list and come up with another to start.

    Sunday: Continue with what ever other project I find.

    Y'all have a spectacular weekend!! - Stay safe
  3. Kitbash

    Kitbash TrainBoard Supporter

    Greetings and a Happy Fathers Day weekend to all.

    This weekend I have two (2) tasks.
    • Put down cinder bed ballast against the bottom of the track ballast that went in last weekend
    • Do whatever my fancy in the train room and/or workshop. Maybe work some more on the grain buildings, maybe airbrush something, maybe both, maybe none of it. But something will happen.
    Enjoy the weekend.
  4. Tompm

    Tompm TrainBoard Supporter

    A good chunk of the weekend will be spent getting ready for our delayed 30th wedding anniversary trip. We were supposed to go last year but couldn't due to travel restrictions.

    I have been on a rolling stock kit building tear. I have built about twenty cars over the last two weeks. I now need to weather and tune them up. I also want to tune up all my Tropicana reefers.
  5. nscalestation

    nscalestation TrainBoard Supporter

    Good morning all.

    I will be building up the mountain terrain on the shorter of the two layout sections that I have been working on. May also start to get some weathering on the two tunnel portals. Have a great weekend whatever you are doing.
    Tompm, Mark St Clair, Kitbash and 8 others like this.
  6. dti406

    dti406 TrainBoard Member

    Good morning from sunny and hot Northeast Ohio!

    Since I am still under restrictions all I can do is build some kits and paint and decal them until I can lift more weight. I have a couple of kits that I want to build and am doing some extensive changes to a Kato GP35.

    Rick Jesionowski
    Tompm, Mark St Clair, Kitbash and 9 others like this.
  7. logging loco

    logging loco TrainBoard Supporter

    I'm going to continue working on the sidewalks and roads for the business district of my little hollow core door layout.

    I'm still on restrictions also. I plan on taking full advantage of it this weekend. My wife has family members coming over to tackle yardwork. I'll help out what little I can but most of my time will be spent working on the layout.

    I was informed that I will be outside supervising the entire time.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2022
  8. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Finish the gondola kit I started last weekend. continue scanning my slides. Search for a (quality) T-Trak module manufacturer, if any exist now.
    Tompm, Mark St Clair, Kitbash and 6 others like this.
  9. mrhedley

    mrhedley TrainBoard Member

    I take it from this that the recovery is going well. Hoping it's swift and painless the rest of the way and you'll be back to your regular activities soon. Best wishes.
    Tompm, Kitbash, MetraMan01 and 5 others like this.
  10. gmorider

    gmorider TrainBoard Member

    Happy Father's Day received and sent back to all the fathers. Again, busy people here. (y) Much stuff going on. Congrats to @rray, his work is high quality for sure. ;) Check it out. For myself, whew, just got back a little bit ago. Out of the high heat. :eek: If it wasn't so humid, it would be crispy. :cool: I am creeping along with the Oldsmobile. :cautious: Attached the firewall and sides. I am pondering the next few steps. All have fun and be fun and Happy Father's Day to the fathers. :D
    BoxcabE50, Tompm, BNSF FAN and 6 others like this.
  11. MetraMan01

    MetraMan01 TrainBoard Member

    No modeling for me, I’m still in Denver. Spent a couple hours today (16th wedding anniversary) at the Forney Transportation Museum. Big Boy 4005 (below). Saw glimpses of BNSF and UP power with coalporters, centerbeams, and well cars on the rails all week, no good shots.

    Saturday is the Denver Zoo with some friends from a couple of previous assignments who are currently stationed at Ft Carson. Sunday, going to see if I can swing a trip to the Colorado Railroad Museum and N Scale Supply.


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Kitbash

    Kitbash TrainBoard Supporter

    LOL Rick. You're on the mend and probably will out do us all come Monday. Take care, keep getting better, and enjoy the weekend. Mostly, enjoy the kit building. Good stuff.

  13. logging loco

    logging loco TrainBoard Supporter

    Rick, today at cardiac rehab I heard the nurse telling another patient that it can take upto a year to be 100% after open heart surgery.
    I'll be going crazy if it takes that long, maybe divorced too!
    BoxcabE50, MetraMan01 and BNSF FAN like this.
  14. dti406

    dti406 TrainBoard Member

    Thanks for all the well wishes, had a visit this morning from the Physical Therapist, who again commented on how well I was doing. Most of the exercises were the same ones I did when I had my hip replacement 12 years ago but she did allow me to walk outside for short distances. Still no lifting of heavy objects or driving. I heard 6 months for full recovery but I believe it varies on the initial health of the patient.

    Rick Jesionowski
  15. nscalestation

    nscalestation TrainBoard Supporter

    Hope you get a chance to visit the Colorado Model Railroad Museum in Greeley. It's at 680 10th Street. I've only seen video's and it looks like a fantastic HO layout.
    BNSF FAN and MetraMan01 like this.
  16. Pastor John

    Pastor John TrainBoard Member

    We'll, a good part of Friday was spent waiting. I got a short run accomplished in the early AM, then waited for the air conditioning repair man, t he en waited for him to finish, then waited to leave for a family dinner with my brother visiting from Indiana, then dropped my wife off beat her riding lesson and waited for her to be done. So, not much accomplished... except for the repair to our garage door because someone (not me) backed in before the door was all the way up.
    My oldest brother and I did manage to map out most of our plan for Tuesday's funeral service, so that's something also.

    Saturday I hope to finish my GoPro camera sled gondola that I started last week and maybe a couple of other projects.

    Sunday is "Church in the Park" with a covered dish lunch afterwards and our daughter and son-in-law are coming. So between church starting later than usual, lunch afterwards, visiting children, and Father's Day, not much else is planned.

    Since Tuesday is my brother-in-law's funeral, as well as church board meetings, I probably won't get to train club, so, if I get the camera sled done this weekend, I may have to go out to the club during my lunch sometime next week and test it out.

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  17. MetraMan01

    MetraMan01 TrainBoard Member

    It took me a little less than a year to get there myself. But I was only 36 when I got fillet’ed.

    Just take it one day at a time and reflect on the milestones. First time I ran an entire mile again I was upset how slow I was. Then I though back to the day they took me off the ventilator and how I almost blacked out trying to walk down the ICU hallway. Reflecting on the milestones helps keep it in perspective.

    IIRC, I was on bypass for about an hour and twenty one minutes. So the way I see it, my heart was stopped for that long. So I’m 1-0 with the Grim Reaper right now. Worst case scenario, I’ll shuffle off this mortal coil one day with a 1-1 record against that @$&*#%. And that ain’t bad-most people go out 0-1, if you know what I mean.

    [mention]dti406 [/mention] [mention]logging loco [/mention]
    Best wishes (and a strong and steady rhythm) to both of you.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    BoxcabE50, Tompm, Pastor John and 3 others like this.
  18. MetraMan01

    MetraMan01 TrainBoard Member

    I hinted about that today, so we’ll see. My wife’s family is in south Denver-I think I’ve sold the family on a trip out to Arvada/Golden so far-hopefully I can convince them to go a little further another day

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Tompm, nscalestation and BNSF FAN like this.
  19. Shortround

    Shortround Permanently dispatched

    I do wish those with cardiac surgery the best in healing. It does remind me of the first time I was exposed to such a thing. My baby brother Thomas who was born in 1963 had an issue with a damaged valve as a baby. He was the first 3 year old to have open heart surgery in Wisconsin. They were blown away what they found in there. The valves were completely missing, there was a large hole between the two bottom chambers, one artery wasn't attached and there was a very large growth around the top of the heart.
    Yet he was very active and successful. The main thing has to show for it is the big T on his chest. His initial. He's as healthy as his 11 older brothers.
  20. Grey One

    Grey One TrainBoard Supporter

    Have been *slowly* ripping up most of the layout. Will be leaving a 2'x10' area which I can move in two pieces.

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