Best size for images in a thread

Tower24 May 4, 2024

  1. Tower24

    Tower24 TrainBoard Member

    When I inserted pictures into my recent Interlocking Tower 24 thread they came out really big on the screen. These were pictures I took with my Android phone and they were huge - like 26in tall x 72 pixels, around 1.4 megabytes in size. I did some experimenting with an image editor and found that an image about 6 in tall x 100px deep produced a much smaller image (150 kb) and it seems to look pretty good on the screen.

    To test this, I would like to re-size the images on my recent thread to see how they would look overall. So would it be possible to let me edit my thread to upload the smaller imges?
    BNSF FAN likes this.
  2. HemiAdda2d

    HemiAdda2d Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    As far as editing a post, I believe there's a timer on how long a member can edit a post after posting. I think it is 10 mins to an hour. The staff instituted this after a member angrily deleted a ton of their posts, leaving unsightly gaps and a lack of images and information they'd posted in each thread. After that, the member left the site for good, and a mess in their wake. To prevent future recurrence, the staff added the timer. If editing a post is necessary after that, please contact a staff member. Unless the image links are broken, there is no need to have posts edited simply to increase the image size. Hope that helps!
    BoxcabE50 and BNSF FAN like this.
  3. Tower24

    Tower24 TrainBoard Member

    Thanks, Hemi, looks like it would be more trouble than it's worth. I'll just use the smaller images on a future post to see how it looks.

    BTW, you might consider adding, if possible, an alert when somebody clicks on the "Post a New Tread" button, that they have x amount of time to make any corrections.
    BNSF FAN likes this.
  4. Hardcoaler

    Hardcoaler TrainBoard Member

    On my photos, I often use 1000 Pixels on the horizontal axis. I'm going to do an experiment here to satisfy my curiosity, 1000, 900 and 800. I have a small laptop screen. [Shepard, SC 11/05/2016]

    2016-11-05b Shepard SC - for upload 1000.jpg

    2016-11-05 Shepard SC -  for upload 900.jpg

    2016-11-05b Shepard SC - for upload 800.jpg
    Last edited: May 5, 2024
    BNSF FAN and Tower24 like this.
  5. Tower24

    Tower24 TrainBoard Member

    Beautiful picture, Hardcoaler! Is it 72 px/in? The 1000 px wide image is a bit large on my computer screen but the 800 px image looks really good. The minimum size I came up with was about 600 horiz px @96 px/in. So maybe 600 to 800 px would be an optimal width to keep the file size low but still have a decent picture. I'll try posting some images soon and see how they look compared to yours.

    Thanks for the feedback!
    BNSF FAN and Hardcoaler like this.
  6. Hardcoaler

    Hardcoaler TrainBoard Member

    Thank you. I'm not sure what the px/in is on the three samples I posted. I don't see that result displayed in the processing software I use, though it's probably hiding in there somewhere. I like your plan to post some of your pictures in varying sizes/resolution to see how they look.
    Tower24 and BNSF FAN like this.
  7. Tower24

    Tower24 TrainBoard Member

    Hmm well I'm walking on egg shells here... I'm no graphics expert but I think it means that if you have an image that is 72 pixels per inch, each inch of the image is broken up into 72 parts or pixels (1 sq in = 72x72 pixels). So a 96 px/inch image would would have more pixels and therefore would have a higher resolution. And I think your 1000 pixel wide measurement means that at 72 pixels per inch, the image would be 1000/72 = 14 inches wide. For 96 px/in, it would be 1000/96 = 10.5 inches wide. Going the opposite way, 10.5 inches x 96 px/in is roughly 1000 px wide).

    Somebody please correct me if this is not right.
    Hardcoaler and BNSF FAN like this.
  8. Tower24

    Tower24 TrainBoard Member

    Here are four sizes of an image that I posted on my Tower 24 thread - three at 72 pix resolution and one at 96 pix resolution. Each following image is approximately half the size of the previous one. It's interesting to note that the two 4.5 wide images look the same but if you enlarge them, the 96px image has slightly more detail.

    18 inches or 1319 pixels wide @ 72 pix resolution
    18in-1319px wide-72res.jpg

    8 inches or 720 pixels wide @ 72 pix resolution
    18in-1319px wide-72res.jpg

    4.5 inches or 430 pixels wide @ 72 pix resolution
    4.5in-430px wide-72res.jpg

    4.5 inches or 430 pixels wide @ 96 pix resolution
    4.5in-430px wide-72res.jpg

    Something else to consider: the TrainBoard display is different if you're not logged in vs if you're logged in. The images on the Tower 24 post are almost half of the viewing window and of various sizes when you're not logged in; when you log in, they fill the width of the image window, so the TB software is adjusting the size of the images to make them fit. I don't have that feature on my computer browser so the images appear overly large, because they are actually very large.

    Sorry to make this so involved, but thanks for hanging in there! And feel free to correct me.

    Attached Files:

    BNSF FAN, gjslsffan and HemiAdda2d like this.
  9. Tower24

    Tower24 TrainBoard Member

    Hardcoaler, I re-read your comment and I believe I misunderstood what you said about px/in. My apologies for going off and explaining it when you probably already knew what it meant.
    Hardcoaler and BNSF FAN like this.
  10. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    In our past we have suggested that a total file size of around 100kb has worked well. If details within an image are indeed important, a larger size may be of course necessary.
    Hardcoaler, BNSF FAN and gjslsffan like this.
  11. Hardcoaler

    Hardcoaler TrainBoard Member

    Oh, no problem there. There's much that still puzzles me. I think I've come to let my eyes be the judge on what looks best here, balancing file size and clarity. When I post vertical shots, I try to choose a size that will display most or all of the image without having to scroll up and down to take it all in.

    2021-10-03b Columbia SC - for upload II.jpg
    BNSF FAN and BoxcabE50 like this.
  12. Tower24

    Tower24 TrainBoard Member

    Thanks Hardcoaler and Boxcab - I've got some reference points now for sizing my images. (y)
    BNSF FAN and Hardcoaler like this.

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