I just got back from the show. A lot of people, buildings were crowded. I wasn't expecting much for myself, since I model in Z. Was a little disappointed in Atlas, since they didn't have any of their new Z scale stuff out. Checked in at Marklin, but nothing new. Talked with Eric Smith at Micro-Trains and asked about Z scale. Nothing new but, they are going to keep on producing trucks and couplers. Stopped at Peco and asked about Z. The gentleman there told me they have flex track in Z and had talked with AZL in the past to make switches. He seemed unaware of who else was making track in Z. Spoke with some SLA and printing people about doing stuff in Z, some said to contact them and they'll give it a try. Favorite layouts are the Narragansett Bay Railway & Navigation Co. and the Central New York Modelers of Distinction layouts! There is some really fantastic modeling going on in those layouts! The FreeMo layouts were pretty cool and pretty big! Love to see one in Z! Checked out some of the museums and societies. Some neat info there. Stopped by the Railroad Museum Of New England and said hi to a friend. I've been doing some restoration work on a combine for them. Just one retailer carried Z scale, Trainville Hobby Depot. So I bought some MT couplers. Last but not least, checked out prices of trains and talked to some small buyers and big ones like Trainz, to get some ideas about selling my dad's collection. All in all, I'd say it was pretty enjoyable and worth the time, chatting and looking around, especially since it's my first time. Scott
Scott, thanks for the report, and talking to the Z-scale manufacturers. Hopefully we'll see more in the future come our way. AZL is great, but more in the mix would be nice.
Sorry for the delay in posting these, it's been a busy week. These pictures were taken in the Better Living Center around the NTRAK and MaiNe Trak layout.