Made it to the Chantilly, VA show today.

John Moore Aug 24, 2013

  1. John Moore

    John Moore TrainBoard Supporter

    With my Missus in tow I got there about 1015 AM. She found most of what she wanted but I found not too much of what I was looking for. The book seller wasn't there so struck out on my books I had on the list. The lady up on the left front side that deals mostly in Bmann was there along with the new S-4s that were the same price I would pay if I ordered through my regular discounter. So one left with me. Not a sign of the new Bmann F-7s yet.

    I was there mainly for early BN equipment and just did not find much there. What I did find was over priced to me so it stayed. However near the back I found a dealer with Kato and Atlas that was a lot cheaper than the other guy up front. It pays to keep your wallet in your pocket and see what is there before you go back and spend. That paid off with two Kato BN SD40-2s and two Atlas BN U25-Bs. All the locos have separate numbers so no renumbering for me. However as nice as Kato is they have one problem in no white handrails and grabs where the prototype had them so I will be breaking out the white enamel soon. On the other hand Atlas did have the white handrails and grabs so score one for Atlas over Kato.

    Overall nice fair sized turnout at the show. Seemed like a little less Lionel and three rail stuff this time and maybe just a tad more N scale. Overall I'm happy in that I added my first U boats to the roster without spending a lot in fact probably for less than I could have found elsewhere.
  2. brokemoto

    brokemoto TrainBoard Member

    I went with GF. We got there a bit later. I saw the Bachpersonn lady, too. I know the name of their shop, but, if I recall correctly, Forum Rules do not permit that it be named. Anyhow, I bought a B-mann S-4 as well. Another N scale vendor had some of the longer pieces of Kato street trackage, so I bought some of those to replace the shorter sections now in place. The fewer electrical connexions, the less chance for failure. The last mentioned N scale vendor was nice enough to let me test my S-4 on one of his demonstration tracks. The DC power pack on the G-berg test track was not functioning properly. No surprise, as it was an older B-mann or MP trainset power pack. It was rather hot to the touch, so I suspect that something was not quite right with it.

    As to the overpriced stuff that JM mentioned, I find more than a little of that at more than a few shows. GF saw two Tweety Birds that she wanted but both vendors wanted five times what I would pay for them on a good (for the vendor) day. I should mention that to-day JUST was not those vendors' day (an' temorry ain't lookin' none too good, neither. Not that we plan on going back to-morrow). Some of those vendors wonder why they keep schlepping the same stuff from show to show. I guess that I should be glad that at least THEY have a high opinion on the value of their merchandise.

    I know who that guy is up front. His prices are high, but he does have many new items that people want. I have seen him at more than a few shows, but I have never bought anything from him. The guy in the back is one of the few who sell salvaged/botched/trashed buildings for a decent price (in most cases, that is). You do have to look at everything at his tables, because you can not judge him by what he has on an item or two. Some of his stuff he prices far too high, but some of it is a pretty good deal.

    I fail to understand why some of these vendors think that people will pay twenty or even twelve dollars for a building that the original purchaser ruined by a) overdoing it with the aeroplane glue b) doing a sloppy paint job and c) failed to fit together parts properly. On top of that, the thing has been jostled in transit and is missing a few details. This guy does have some good, salvageable buildings for three to five dollars. If I can find a cheap trash building, I enjoy taking it apart (if necessary), repairing it with parts from one of my many parts boxes and cleaning it up. I have gotten more than a few decent and unique buildings that way.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2013
  3. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    The posts above have my blood pumping. A month until the closest swap meet to me. Sure hope I can go.
  4. kornellred

    kornellred TrainBoard Member

    The Greenberg shows, wherever they are held, are invariably the same. Same vendors selling the same items for prices that vary from ridiculously high to barely reasonable. Most shows are jam-packed with people, and there is never any shortage of rudeness and more than a few folks who took a bath just last week. I only attend to see the train layouts.
  5. TetsuUma

    TetsuUma TrainBoard Member

    I couldn't go as I had to go into the District for a medical appointment and because I really wanted to deal with the crowds for the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington. I'm sure my wife would have liked the much shorter ride to Chantilly vs. the ride out to Timonium. I'm planning on going to the GSMTS in October.

    How late into the start of BN are you looking to go?
  6. PW&NJ

    PW&NJ TrainBoard Member

    For the first time in 15 years I made it to the show. Last show I went to was Greenberg in Timonium in 1998, so it's been awhile, and this time I had my four little crewmembers in tow. They all had a good time (even the pink-clad railfan) and I got some paint for the Checker SW8 I'm modeling (BN green).
  7. SPsteam

    SPsteam TrainBoard Member

    This is the first time I didn't make it to the show. I went last year and wasn't very impressed. I did pick up a couple truck trailers, but that was it. I've stalled out in the N scale world for the last year or so, been pursuing other interests. I finally set down and worked on a remotoring project tonight that has been setting on the workbench for a year.

    CHARGER TrainBoard Member

    Really, wow, that is pretty good compared to some of the shows we've been to lately. The last show we went to I asked my 8 year old if she wanted to go with us and for the first time she said no. When I asked her why not, she said "I like looking at trains, but some of the men there smell really bad."
  9. John Moore

    John Moore TrainBoard Supporter

    I hate to say it but yes I have encountered the same thing especially in the warmer months. I sometimes think that this may be the only time some of these folks get out of their basements. I don't know which is worse. Being downwind from some of them or downwind from the Lionel bunch and choking on the smoke. One of these days somebody will hopefully make a smoke that smells like coal instead of overheated, and overused, fast food cooking oil.
  10. brokemoto

    brokemoto TrainBoard Member

    .....and those who have yet to figure out why Proctor and Gamble are in business are those same guys who stand in the middle of the aisle, keeping anyone from getting by, as they loudly discuss the number of spokes on the drivers of the various classes of Framusroggins and Scrogginzitley 2-8-0s. These are also the same guys who stand in front of one table for an hour and one half trying to make up their mind which three dollar Model Power or Bachmann used freight car they want to buy. As they do this, they keep anyone else from looking at what is on that table. If you try to step around him to pick up something, he shifts his position so that you can not reach it. If you try to go to the other side, he shifts back. If you try to reach, he will shift right into your arm. While I understand that some people are on severely limited budgets and have to make sure that they are getting the best that they can, that does not give them a licence to stop anyone else from looking at what else is on the table. I am not about to try to snatch one of those three dollar freight cars from him. I have acquired enough of those junk freight cars that were thrown in with trades to the point that I need not worry about finding donors for bashing projects.

    Fortunately, I have found a way to deal with these types. The results of eating at Taco Bell the night before can penetrate even their oh-DEAR!.

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