Out of the armchair: layout construction has begun

tasun_eq Feb 27, 2012

  1. tasun_eq

    tasun_eq TrainBoard Member

    Layout Update

    Been waiting on parts but I've managed to make some progress on the layout:


    Double track mainline and the start of a small yard. Waiting on a double crossover to link the loops.

    Most importantly, we are having fun running trains:


    I've also started work on phase 2 of my project (need to seize the initiative while the foreman - aka the wife - is on board with the project):

    IMG_2229.jpg IMG_2235.jpg

    4 - 1' x 4' "dominos" which will be the future yard on the phase 2 layout.

    A few more observations:

    1) Unitrack switches have different geometry than Atlas code 55 switches. I can fit an extra yard track on the 1' wide domino with C55 track according to XTrackCAD. I'm tempted to make the jump to C55 on the phase 2 layout.

    2) N-Scale structures are tiny. I started construction on a Walther's Mi-Jack kit and it was an exercise in frustration.

    3) This hobby is great. I'm woodworking, engineering, using my rusty math skills, designing, building, you name it. Best of all I'm doing all this with my boys and they are learning so much (along with their dad).

    Good times,

    - Mark
  2. Sierra117

    Sierra117 TrainBoard Member

    Very cool!! I love seeing these layout building threads progress, and it's even better when there are kids involved. My two have been my big helpers along the way and it's awesome to see more parents getting theirs involved in model railroading. Keep the updates coming! :thumbs_up:
  3. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    I like seeing a big smile on the face of that youngster! Hope you can keep him hooked on this hobby!
  4. Grant_T

    Grant_T TrainBoard Member

    Yeah, this is my favourite thing about the hobby. There's such a range of skills and techniques to develop. I doubt I'll ever become a huge fan of soldering though.
  5. ch3360

    ch3360 TrainBoard Member

    Are you using Kato Master set with the Variation packs as add-ons?

    That's what I'm planning; Master M2 with the V1, V3, V5, & V7 variation sets.
  6. tasun_eq

    tasun_eq TrainBoard Member

    I started with the "Amtrak Starter set" and the V1 passing siding. From there I've been purchasing individual packs of Unitrack since I wanted to try out a bunch of different scenarios. The sets are definitely a good deal if they contain the pieces that you need and a great way to add-on to the layout.

    I can't say enough good things about Unitrack - I've had minimal issues working with it so far.

    - Mark
  7. ch3360

    ch3360 TrainBoard Member

    Thanks Mark.... I have the M2 master set already and couldn't agree with you more, the Unitrack stuff is very nice.

  8. Sierra117

    Sierra117 TrainBoard Member

    I really love the V11 track set for the double track and the super elevated curves. I absolutely love watching my trains come into the turns and start leaning. The concrete ties are a nice touch too.
  9. tasun_eq

    tasun_eq TrainBoard Member


    Its been awhile since my last update but fear not, I've been busy :)

    The first thing I did was add some decent lighting to the room:


    I also finished up the benchwork on the yard side. Here are some in progress shots:

    IMG_2302.jpg IMG_2256.jpg IMG_2252.jpg

    Since the layout is only 12" deep I went with basic steel shelf brackets with a 3/4" wood base and 2" of foam on top. I made the mistake of buying some of the white foam - what a mess. This was quickly replaced with the pink stuff. The wooden blocks in the 3rd picture strengthen the joint between the 4' sections and give me something to attach the fascia to. The front fascia is crown molding - cheap, easy to work with, and it looks pretty good, IMO.

    Continued in the next post . . .
  10. tasun_eq

    tasun_eq TrainBoard Member

    I also started laying out the track:


    I'm loving the Unitrack since I can easily change the layout on the fly for all of those "what-if" moments that I seem to be having.

    Most importantly, we managed to get a few trains running on the temporary track:

    IMG_2322.jpg IMG_2328.jpg

    The boys were ecstatic to see the trains rolling again even if it was only for 6 feet.

    A few questions:

    1) I've designed the layout to essentially operate clockwise - all of the trains move in 1 direction. Is this inherently bad for long-term operating interest?

    2) I plan to have a small engine servicing terminal in front of the main yard pictured above. Is it better to have the switch off the yard lead a trailing point or facing point switch? i have room for either. The idea is that trains pull in the A/D track where the road power can cut off and head directly into the service area.

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