RBrodzinsky Aug 26, 2009

  1. RBrodzinsky

    RBrodzinsky November 18, 2022 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    Here's a quick video showing the animation. I just used the iPad, so the sensor was a bit oversaturated by the static portion of the sign (why you can't read the "Rexall", for example), but you can see the animation clearly.


    Mike - you will definitely like the signs. Along with the them, I installed the converter cards so that the signs are running off my Aux bus, rather than on the battery holders as supplied.
  2. fifer

    fifer TrainBoard Supporter Advertiser

    Very cool , I ordered the card as well.
    Thanks , Mike
  3. Curto

    Curto TrainBoard Member


    That's great! Thanks for sharing :)
  4. RBrodzinsky

    RBrodzinsky November 18, 2022 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    Building a diner

    Here are a few "in progress" shots of the Miller Engineering / Micro Structure diner that I'm building to go next to the Gulf Station. This was a very easy etched stainless kit to build, just took me a couple days all told. I also have the interior kit which compliments the building, and it comes with interior lighting as well as an illuminated roof sign. I have decided not to use the roof sign on the roof, but instead will illuminate the metal "DINER" sign using Ngineering micro super-white LEDs in small reflector housings I am creating

    Here are a few exterior shots. Amazing how the windows, at magnification, don't look clear, while they are just fine with the naked eye.



    I still have some finishing touches to do, such as bringing out the words on the awning


    The model actually isn't glued together, yet, hence some of the gaps
  5. RBrodzinsky

    RBrodzinsky November 18, 2022 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    Here are a couple interior photos


  6. dstjohn

    dstjohn TrainBoard Member

    Beautiful Rick! This thread is an inspiritation for me to get moving on my layout. Keep up the great work!!
  7. Primavw

    Primavw TrainBoard Member

    I was very impressed with the signs... I might have to dabble with them way down the road. Who supplied them to you?

    Also how did you paint the pinstripes on the diner?
  8. RBrodzinsky

    RBrodzinsky November 18, 2022 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    The signs are Miller Engineering animated signs. They can be purchased direct from Miller Engineering, or from a number of retailers. Fifer Hobby has some of them in stock (see Mike's comments, above, about ordering a bowling alley sign for his own layout).

    Pin Stripes - that comes directly from the instructions! You basically take a Sharpie and just draw over the whole area. Once dry, take a q-tip with acetone, and wipe off all the ink from the polished metal. The stripes are etched in, so are not polished, and the ink infuses into the metal surface, so will not wipe off with the acetone (unless you put too much onto the swab, and flood the area - ask me how I know!) It is a real cool effect, I know. I keep looking at them and going "ooh".
  9. RBrodzinsky

    RBrodzinsky November 18, 2022 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    Diner almost done

    Here's the roof on, with the lighting installed. Also, I washed the windows (with first IPA, then acetone). Made a world of difference.

    Close up of interior with lights on


    Here's a further back shot


    And, here's one of my two custom lights for the Diner sign on. I still have to wire the board for the LEDs, so can only light one at a time

  10. Jim Wiggin

    Jim Wiggin Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Rick, awesome job on that Diner! Did you scratch the interior or is that part of the kit? One thing that would look great to help finish it off is a set of gum ball machines in the breezeway. I don't know if anyone makes these in N, might be able to scratch build them. I got a diner like this here in Newton, and like your model, you walk in from the side and there are about 3 gum ball machines and a rack filled with tourist "things to do" brochures. Interesting factoid. Did you know New Jersey has the most diners in all of the United States?
  11. RBrodzinsky

    RBrodzinsky November 18, 2022 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    Thanks Jim - the interior (except people) is available from Miller Eng (add on kit to basic structure).

    LOL - as I was putting the entry way on, I said to my wife "I'm not going to glue the roof on yet, in case I want to put something or someone in here. Of course, what we really need are some gum ball machines, and lots of brochures and posters for what's going on in and around town. And, on the back wall, I need about 10 years of photos for the sponsored Little League team."

    I've been wondering how to make little ketchup, mustard and sugar dispensers, and need a covered pie plate for the counter. :tb-biggrin:
  12. RBrodzinsky

    RBrodzinsky November 18, 2022 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    Here's the diner, now named "Stripe's Parkway Diner" in place on the layout. An SP Overnight Express is coming into town. In this photo, you can see my markings on the foam (foreground right) on how the road will be curving forward into the fascia, mimicking the curve of the track. This will allow me to create a larger parking lot and landscape area to the right.


    These next two are my "Batman" shots of the diner.



    I like how the tall metal sign reflects the lighting from below, even though it isn't lit
  13. RBrodzinsky

    RBrodzinsky November 18, 2022 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    Here's the Overnight Express, at night, between the Cherylton Depot and Stripe's Diner

  14. RBrodzinsky

    RBrodzinsky November 18, 2022 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    The other thing I worked on today is the highway bridge that will finally connect Cherylton with Laurel Gulch. This has been part of the "great nothing" expanse for almost two years. I got the roadbed of the bridge built today, just sitting on piers with double sided tape for validation


    The area on the left with the blue foam will become a lake with trees, the river from the mountains through Laurel Gulch feeding the lake. My goal is to have this area reasonably complete by June 1, since I will have zero time from then through late summer for layout work.
  15. RBrodzinsky

    RBrodzinsky November 18, 2022 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    Made some progress on the area pictured above. Got more terra forming completed, and the roadbeds started. Here's an overview of the new area, with the roads "in place" (the tweezers are holding it down to the curve of the hill). It will meet up with the highway to Laurel Gulch at the bottom right.

    You can see the ballasting I got done on the tracks through the valley into Laurel Gulch, as well as the hills taking shape, and rock formations showing


    Here's looking down over the hill at the highway bridge


    Bridges and roads not attached yet (and even the railroad bridge is easily lifted out -- YAY UNITRACK)


    Here's the big rock formation, overlooking the RR bridge, and the tracks below. It had just been sitting loose for 2 years, now it is part of the hillside (lots of blending in to do)

  16. Curto

    Curto TrainBoard Member

    Great progress! The unitrack looks a lot better with the ballast
  17. fifer

    fifer TrainBoard Supporter Advertiser

    Rick , I really like the look of the overpass next to the bridge!!

  18. dave n

    dave n TrainBoard Supporter

    That's going to be a really cool scene - looking good!
  19. RBrodzinsky

    RBrodzinsky November 18, 2022 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    Thanks, guys. I'm still working out exactly how I want the area around the lake to be: how much open area; how much trees; etc. That will determine how the rest of the area flows together. If folks haven't caught on yet, I'm basically making this up as I go along. There's a very basic scenery plan in my head, but the rest of the details just "appear" when the time is right. And, if it isn't the right time, then I don't force the scenery, and work on something else.
  20. Vaccam

    Vaccam TrainBoard Member

    Rick, when you said, "even the railroad bridge is easily lifted out", it reminded me that I wanted to ask a question about your lift-out bridge. Are you using the Kato Expansion Track here and on the lift-out bridge? It looks like it from the pictures of the lift-out bridge in earlier posts. Can you provide more details in regards to this, especially for the lift-out bridge? If you are using the Expansion track is part of the Expantion Track secured to the lift-out bridge and then is it just extended to connect to the layout? I went back through you posts here and on your web-site and could not find any more details.

    Looking great as always!



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