MODELING It's Monday, January 29th, 2024: Weekend Modeling Accomplishments

Jim Wiggin Jan 30, 2024

  1. Jim Wiggin

    Jim Wiggin Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    No, your eyes are not deceiving you, it is indeed Tuesday as I finally got a chance to write this, however I wanted to keep the naming convention of these threads consistent. I left Springfield Massachusetts Monday morning at 2:30am and got back into Central Illionois last night. No traveling now until April. So, with that behind us, let's see what we got accomplished this past weekend.

    Friday: Set up of the booth and catching up with some old friends.

    Saturday: Day one of the show with an attendance that broke records for a single day at this particular show, 15,000 modelers and train lovers. It was busy and we never slowed down until 5:00pm

    Sunday: Day two and while the morning was busy, it slowed down maybe because of the weather. I finally had a chance to walk around and was lucky enough to find a book I had been wanting to add to my collection, a B&M N scale laser cut signal tower and a couple of ECM shops Pennsy gondolas. Once the show was over, we packed up the booth and celebrated a good show by relaxing with a few cold beverages and food before heading out.

    So how about you? What did you do this weekend? Let us know. We'll assemble again on Friday, February 2nd to start the process all over again. Be aware, I'm sleeping in that day as I have the day off so the Weekend Modeling Plans thread may be later than normal but not as late as today's thread. Until then, have a good week, stay safe and as always...

    High Greens!
  2. Tompm

    Tompm TrainBoard Supporter

    I had a good weekend. I got all the outside decorations in and packed away. We were able to get the Christmas tree down and packed much to the displeasure of the cats. All the bins are packed and ready to go up into the attic. We did our running to the post office, and grocery stores. I even did a couple of loads of laundry.

    This weekend was cleaning and organizing. I removed a bunch of junk from the basement. It is amazing how much collects when you are not paying attention. I then was able to reorganize the storage for my rolling stock and locomotives. Passenger equipment is next. I also got most of the rolling stock that was on the layout waiting for the reorganization put away. I did not get to run any trains, sadly. I did place the Ashmore Hotel on the layout and began working on the next kit; Bachmann Spectrum Ambassador Hotel.
  3. Grey One

    Grey One TrainBoard Supporter

    I fulfilled my intentions and succesfully puttered on the layout all weekend - well, except for domestic obligations. ☻

    BNSF FAN TrainBoard Supporter

    My weekend went about as I expected. Work all day on Saturday with a trip to LHS at lunch where I picked up some M/T trucks and couplers along with freight car that just begged me to bring it home. Sunday, worked the half of the day and things were going great so I escaped for a nice afternoon of railfanning and then finished up a wheel load I had brought along. Really looking forward to heading home in a couple of days.

    Hope you all have a great week!
  5. SP-Wolf

    SP-Wolf TrainBoard Supporter

    Good mornin to Y'all!

    Hope Y'all had a great weekend.

    I got both the front and back yard mowed and edged. - Saturday - Front. Sunday - Back.

    I got a little MRRing done.
    I did have to repaint the cab on one of my friends NYO&W NW-2's. I flubbed the yellow stripe. Didn't notice until I started to apply the road numbers. Took me a couple of moments to figure out that I misplaced the stripe. Well -- dang it.
    And - I successfully sanded off the road numbers of my friend's (Yeah - same friend) Lackawanna F3 - in preparation of renumbering it.

    Y'all have a fantastic week,
  6. Atani

    Atani TrainBoard Member

    Like @Jim Wiggin I spent the weekend at the Amherst show and am also a day behind today and trying to play catch up.

    Friday: Arrived at the show around 11:15AM (drove direct from airport to the show) and worked on setup of the MRC booth, including some initial demos of the new system.

    Saturday: What a busy day! I heard the numbers of attendees was in excess of 16k people and with how busy our booth was it was by far busier than last year (perhaps helped by the product announcements). In addition to general public coming by the booth to see what we had announced I took part in a live stream presenting our new products. We also had multiple visits from other manufacturers and NMRA people interested in the LCC aspects of the new product line

    Sunday: Definitely slower than Saturday, I do agree it likely was the weather since it transitioned from rain to snow and then back to rain. We experienced a power failure on one side of our booth that took out our existing DCC system and the new system we were demoing, but we were able to test and confirm the WiFi range of a couple products as exceeding our conservative range numbers.

    Monday: Woke up around 3:15AM ET and off to the BDL (Bradley International) airport just after 4AM with lots of ice and snow everywhere. Boarded the flight to MPS (Minneapolis Saint Paul) at around 5:15AM, landed just past 8AM CT. Off to another flight at 10:15AM (~75min delay) to SFO (San Francisco). Landed at around 12:30 PT at SFO. Found my truck waiting for me in the long term parking garage just after 1PM PT (long line getting off the plane and retrieving luggage). Made it home around 3:30PM PT up near Yosemite.

    Today will be spent playing catch up for work and integrate some feedback from the show (including updating the throttle form factor)
  7. Kitbash

    Kitbash TrainBoard Supporter

    Good morning all. It was a good weekend. Modeling-wise, I managed to:
    1. Finish (for the time being) the wall hangings in the stairs up to the train attic.
    2. Worked on some scenery items
    3. Ordered a piece of custom cut acrylic as an edge guard that is needed to protect the new country store that was put in. It is close to a layout edge.
    4. Cleaned up/improved some ballast work that I thought could easily be better.
    5. Ran some trains on Sunday
    Have a great week all!!
  8. nscalestation

    nscalestation TrainBoard Supporter

    Good morning everyone,

    It was a good weekend here. Temps hit mid 60's and with things drying out I got out and did a bit of yard work before the rain starts again this week.

    Got the layout cleaned up as planned and operated a few trains.


    While trains were running I worked at the work bench on finishing the house that hides the speaker for the grade crossing. It is apparent from this view that I did not get very far cleaning up the work bench.


    But good progress was made on the house scene. I also ordered some 3D printed details parts for this and other scenes.

    Last edited: Jan 30, 2024
    gmorider, Jim Wiggin, cbg and 17 others like this.
  9. Pastor John

    Pastor John TrainBoard Member

    Friday, I slept in a little (which, for me is around 7:00 am), then took my wife out to a breakfast/lunch place down the street from our train club. It's often visited, and well recommended among our club members but its one that neither of us have tried before. Our visit was a success. The rest of the day was dedicated to homework.

    Saturday, I shifted to the next week's worth of homework assignments because this week is going to be crazy busy with our son and daughter-in-law coming up from Texas and two days worth of testing at the Cleveland Clinic in hopes that our son will be approved as a kidney donor for my wife. I also spent a little time tidying in the basement and eliminating some piles of "stuff" that were annoying my wife. The more that I can do this, the less that she complains about how much (rocket and train) stuff I have in my workshop.

    Sunday was, of course, church, followed by lunch and a few hours at the Sebring Model Railroad Club doing the last bit of bookkeeping before next Sunday's business meeting. Then home, dinner, and a little more homework. I also managed to "sneak" in a bag of train cars that had been donated to our club. Yes, I already have more than enough cars. But I didn't have *these* cars. You know how it goes.

    Have a great week everyone!
  10. Mark St Clair

    Mark St Clair TrainBoard Member

    Made a little progress on modeling while the weekend was really focused on returning home.

    Saturday: Returned home by car and ferry as usual. Stopped for lunch in a new spot along the way that we both enjoyed. Mostly unpacking upon our return, but I did get time to prepare for some modeling on Sunday.

    Sunday: Started out watching soccer and then out for bacon-n-eggs. After more organizing, I did burn some PolyBak.
    2295 engineers PP 5.0.JPG

    Good but not good enough. There were enough other distractions that the rest of my "modeling" time was spent planning next steps without getting back to the laser. I will let you know how things are on Friday.

    Stay safe,
  11. in2tech

    in2tech TrainBoard Member

    Tore the base down to the foam on the C&L Layout & Beyond. Painted the base and now trying different configurations for the future work :) This is like version 4 or 5, who knows what I will decide on before continuing?

    gmorider, Jim Wiggin, Atani and 15 others like this.
  12. dti406

    dti406 TrainBoard Member

    Well over the weekend I managed to get some things done, mounted the TV on the wall so we could move the Computer from the basement to the 1st floor so my wife doesn't have to climb the steps with her bad knees. Bowling went well Friday nite, had a 620 series and the team won all 7 points and we moved up in the standings since it was a position roll-off night.

    Saturday, spent most of the day attending a funeral but I did manage to get some modeling done and got the Moloco Coupler pockets and the Underframe mounted on the RBL I am building.

    Sunday, did the laundry and got the U23b painted, waiting for the decals to arrive so it can get lettered. Added the airlines and rodding to the underframe of the RBL.

    Rick Jesionowski
    gmorider, Jim Wiggin, Atani and 13 others like this.
  13. rjthomas909

    rjthomas909 TrainBoard Member

    Welcome back @Jim Wiggin ... hope you really are home for a while.

    I spent most of the weekend rewiring lights and re-decking (storage area above) the garage. I did manage a little time to work on weathering these old Roundhouse kit cars. I hear some of these are coming out with new tooling, so we'll see how they compare.


    I'll work on these a bit more to include cut levers and brake lines in the evenings...a good set of additional operations cars for the W&NW project.

    Have a good one All,

    -Bob T.
  14. MetraMan01

    MetraMan01 TrainBoard Member

    I didn’t make any progress on anything. Woke up Saturday exhausted and so I napped and read about wiring the layout. Sunday I felt a little better and tried to pick up my slack in doing household chores. Picked a few things off the layout to put them away but didn’t finish it all. Last couple of weeks at work have been busy, hoping that the next couple of days will slow down so I’m not useless again this weekend.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    gmorider, Jim Wiggin, dti406 and 11 others like this.
  15. Hardcoaler

    Hardcoaler TrainBoard Member

    No progress on puffball trees for the DS&N RR. Had plumbing problems at our house, which I failed at trying to fix myself and finally called in a pro to replace the ball valve, water pressure regulator, expansion tank and pressure gauge. All but the expansion tank live under the house in the crawl space, so I then reinsulated things down there to protect against freezing.
    gmorider, Jim Wiggin, dti406 and 12 others like this.
  16. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Work, being run down from the clinging crud, worrying about vehicle repairs- which drained my hobby funds. All that I accomplished was scanning part of of NP train order collection. Oh well. Maybe next weekend.....
  17. SP-Wolf

    SP-Wolf TrainBoard Supporter

    Sorry to read this - (Can't hit the like button) - as this sucks.

    Hope you feel better soon. Stay strong - it can only get better.

    Best regards,
  18. Jim Wiggin

    Jim Wiggin Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    I was hoping to meet you but like you, I was unable to get away from the booth. It was a great show. Maybe next time.

    I'm home until April when I go out to the Rocky Mountain Train show. Yes, those particular FMC cars are being upgraded to actual scale dimensions and with better detail than before.
  19. Kitbash

    Kitbash TrainBoard Supporter

    Good morning all. This weekend should be mostly trains with a few "honey-do's" here and there. Not exactly sure what will get done, but I do have 2 things I know I want to do.
    • Start on the pump-house for the Afton Fuel facility.
    • Break out the static grass machine applicator and hit a few spots.
    I don't know why, but the Mrs. always gets nervous when I come home w/ a shopping bag full of static grass.....

  20. Atani

    Atani TrainBoard Member

    Definitely! I'm looking towards the April NMRA PCR convention in San Jose CA with possibly hosting a clinic on LCC if I can sort out the details on that and my work schedule. After that I'll be looking towards NMRA Long Beach in August and then possibly TrainFest. Looks like this year is starting to get quite busy now!

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