MODELING It's Monday, August 15th, 2022: Weekend Modeling Accomplishments

Jim Wiggin Aug 15, 2022

  1. Jim Wiggin

    Jim Wiggin Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Welcome back everyone. I hope you all had a productive weekend. I'm pretty tired after a weekend at the National Train Show but it was still a good time. Let's get started.

    Friday: We finished setting up the booth in the morning and were greeted with a steady flow of people from about 10:00am to 6:00pm. It was nice to be at a show again.

    Saturday: We started the show at 10:00am and had steady traffic in the booth all day. At 1:00pm we showed the first test shots of the Athearn Genesis HO scale Amtrak Surfliners and California Cars as well as the first working sample of the N scale shelf couplers. I also had a chance to meet fellow TB member, Kevin Anderson and his wife. It was nice to put a face to a name. I stayed in the booth until close at 6:00pm. Train show life seems to be getting back to normal.

    Sunday: Show started at 10:00am and was a little slower so I took a few breaks to walk the show and see some incredible modeling. I met up with a lot of folks and talked trains and generally had a great time. 4:00pm came and it was time to pack up. Aaron and I had the booth packed up and ready to go a little after 6:00pm. We stopped by K-10 Hobbies on the way out of town and were impressed by the large HO scale layout. We then stopped for dinner at Sugarfire BBQ and headed home. We got back about 9:30pm and I crashed. A good weekend, nonetheless.

    So how about you? What did you get done this weekend? let us know. We'll do it again on Friday the 19th. Until then, have a good week, be safe, stay healthy and as always...

    High Greens!
    BNSF FAN, SP-Wolf, MetraMan01 and 8 others like this.
  2. Kitbash

    Kitbash TrainBoard Supporter

    Happy Monday all. Seems NC gets a break this week from the hot weather. Hope that holds up.

    Spent some good time working on landscaping at the Monterey tower. (MN Cabin). Built a box over the control lines (not in picture), finished the steps, soldered a railing for steps, cleaned up the building and added anther downspout.

    Also did some clean up or organization in the train room which really needs straightening. I may do that this week before next weekend gets here.

    Have a great week.

  3. Tompm

    Tompm TrainBoard Supporter

    Had a pretty good weekend. On Saturday the wife and I ran some errands including getting gas. I didn't make it to Delaware and we paid $4.09. After the errands we took a ride to Valley Forge National Park to enjoy the nice weather. Sunday we did some gardening including weeding the front garden. I did not get to trim the weeping cherry tree. I also did a bunch of laundry.

    I fixed two Tropicana reefers by adding some washers to the coupler pocket to prevent the lid from moving. Te loose lid was allowing the couple to bounce and lead the cars uncoupling. I decided that I will tack down more the track evn though I may make revisions later. This will help with the uncoupling and derailing I am sometime experiencing.
    BNSF FAN, Jim Wiggin, SP-Wolf and 8 others like this.
  4. pomperaugrr

    pomperaugrr TrainBoard Member

    Not much modeling done this weekend, but I did get the track cleaned, after roughing in the paved streets and sidewalks in the New Milford area on the N scale Housatonic RR. Still more detail needed, but the first train just rolled through town after some clean up work. I apologize for the poor depth of field focus on this. It is just an unedited cell phone grab shot.

  5. pomperaugrr

    pomperaugrr TrainBoard Member

    That is some beautiful scenic work!
  6. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Agreed. And yours as well!
    BNSF FAN, MetraMan01, Kitbash and 2 others like this.
  7. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Limping along.... Made some progress on my gondola, but not enough. :( Decided not to dig out the foam board as yet. Instead I am using paper outlines to simulate and fiddle with potential placement of scenic elevations.
    BNSF FAN, Jim Wiggin, Tompm and 8 others like this.
  8. nscalestation

    nscalestation TrainBoard Supporter

    Had a productive weekend here and got a few layout things accomplished. First photo shows the design I came up with for finishing the push-pull turnout controls that are along the fascia in Carlin.


    I will need 8 singles and 3 doubles and got a good start on creating the acrylic panels.


    Now that the prices of lumber products have calmed down a bit I picked up a sheet of plywood and started making parts for the upper helix that will connect Carlin to the upper staging & turn around loop.


    Also spent some time this weekend enjoying a few videos that had been posted on the National Train Show that was taking place this weekend. Always appreciate those who do that as I don't get to nearly as many shows as I would like. Never did get to finishing the ballasting.
  9. Helitac

    Helitac TrainBoard Member

    Here's a couple of pics of the weekends progress, I'll run out of cork later today, good excuse to get out and about for a couple of hours. It's not so brutally hot so I'll walk to the local train shop.
    DSCF0001.JPG DSCF0002.JPG
    Have a Safe week. Bobby.
  10. Tim Holmes

    Tim Holmes TrainBoard Member

    Hey Everyone -- Hope that you had a great weekend -- mine was a mixed bag of adventures. I spent some time watching the new volcano in iceland
    I went out to breakfast saturday with a bunch of friends, upload_2022-8-15_10-53-1.png

    I spent a lot of time over the weekend working on some liveries for the Digital SLRG Including this SD90/43MAC (SLRG 111) as well as

    Layout 2-682022-08-12 19-16-16.png

    SLRG 1100A, 1101A, 1100B 1101B

    new game2022-08-15 10-45-48.png
    I also converted this trackmobile to a form usable for the game and got him working as well

    new game2022-08-15 10-41-29.png

    I also built an access database to keep track of Towns, Stations, Industries, types of cars at each etc. I had been doing this with a spreadsheet but by the times I started trying to put in different legs of the line it was getting too confusing.

    I dont know if it technically was this weekend or not but in the last week or so, I finished the tentative route map for the digital SLRG -- its subject to change of course


    So it was a busy weekend as you can see -- several of the things I did required me to learn new techniques in blender, Gimp or Inkscape -- not typical modeling tools I know but im having a great time, so I guess thats the important part
    BNSF FAN, Dogwood, Tompm and 10 others like this.
  11. gmorider

    gmorider TrainBoard Member

    Yes, a good train show is like marrow to the bones. (y) @Kitbash, this pic is outstanding! (y) Great scenery! And finished knobs for push/pull linkage. Cool! :cool: Other folks showing good progress too. Keep at the gon. ;) And the Digital! Saturday, I did what I shoulda' done. I put the whole day toward the '39 Olds project. o_O As a result, I have all parts except the headlight pods ready for assembly. :eek: In fact, the roof and front left fender have been glued in place. Please hold your applause. :confused: Bear in mind this is a "mold master" All be fun and safe. :D
    BNSF FAN, Jim Wiggin, Tompm and 9 others like this.
  12. dti406

    dti406 TrainBoard Member

    Good afternoon from sunny and warm Northeast Ohio!

    Over the weekend I managed to decal a 40' Iced Reefer and a Southern 50' boxcar to intermodal flat conversion. I also completed a Eastern Car Works Depressed Center Flat car. I also started on a 40' Boxcar kit to be detailed as a DT&I 14000 class boxcar.

    Now a little construction work coverting a 12 panel 3 bay Greenville Hopper into a 2 bay Hopper.


    Rick Jesionowski
  13. MetraMan01

    MetraMan01 TrainBoard Member

    That’s beautiful

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    BNSF FAN and Kitbash like this.
  14. MetraMan01

    MetraMan01 TrainBoard Member

    So I got a little more done than I originally planned. I took more photos and posted them in my WC Waukesha Sub thread. But here is what I did:

    3x CP well cars and 18x 53’ containers (as planned)

    3x flat cars with Metra Coach loads (as planned)

    11x trash flat cars with containers (unplanned)

    and I decaled some graffiti on a couple of 100T Greenville hoppers (unplanned) to finish some other time.

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  15. Kitbash

    Kitbash TrainBoard Supporter

    Thanks, I appreciate that. There's a lot of good modeling from our posters and elsewhere on this site. I get a lot of inspiration from this thread and other threads/pictures I see on the site.
    BNSF FAN and MetraMan01 like this.
  16. GP30

    GP30 TrainBoard Member

    Accomplished very little this past weekend. We had a camp out with cub scouts, so that took one morning.

    But I did glue a lot of cork roadbed down, that was about it. But hey, it’s something!

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  17. SP-Wolf

    SP-Wolf TrainBoard Supporter

    Good afternoon to Y'all,

    I was making great progress on my Beet train decaling. I have the sides done. Went to do the end numbers - that's when my progress stopped. I couldn't focus in on them. My optivsor/cheater combo wasn't working. So, I ordered a new headband magnifier. It has more magnification options. Should be delivered this Wednesday.

    Y'all have a great week,
  18. Kevin Anderson

    Kevin Anderson TrainBoard Member

    It was great weekend at the NTS and is was great to meet Jim finally . Looking forward to next years NMRA convent in Dallas.

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  19. bremner

    bremner Staff Member

    I started to model again...a pair of Pacific Electric 1000's
  20. Dogwood

    Dogwood TrainBoard Member

    Nice. What are these kits?
    BNSF FAN and MetraMan01 like this.

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