The Greenbrier Logging and Sawmill Co R.R. #5

OleSmokey May 30, 2021

  1. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    Hi folks, Well after two years i am starting a new layout. Took everything i could off this layout and throwed all the white junk in the trash! Starting with Pink foam this time. It has a all new main line. A new ladder yard and line up to the logging camp. I have been looking for more pictures of those old sawmill camps as well as old logging camps. I found two that i like. Am gonna take the best and add them to my layout. Will post a couple shots here but don't want to give it all away. I have to remember how to post pictures here. Its been a long time

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  2. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    I have a plan to copy a picture of a logging camp from Spruce or Cass maybe. Its a B/W photo with no date or place of shot. I found it in a mix of pictures that was mostly Cass. At that time it would have been Mower lumber co. I really like it for its simplicity. Not sure if i can put a turnout on that as its on the mountain. Gonna be tight. A shot below of it.

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  3. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    I have been kicking this layout around all week. place track here, nope there, nope somewhere else. So i ended up with it here for now. Subject to change. Using scraps to see how it works. I need to clean off the layout. I can't see it for the junk on it. Later

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  4. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    Don't you like change? I don't, but sometimes i don't like something and make changes to make it better. In the old town of Spruce the sawmill was on one side of the river and town on the other side. When i started to make changes i thought that might be cool so i did. The other side is the barn and all kinds of animals and up on the side of the mountain is the new logging camp. What you think? Track is just sitting there Nothing glued down. Looking at it can be a good thing. It could work.

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  5. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member


    What size is your layout?
  6. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    36X96 inches. I want the height to be below 4 inches. The mountains higher. The mountain behind the logging camp will be somewhere around 12 - 16 inches. The one on the other side maybe 8 - 9 inches. The foamboard is two pieces. one is 1 inch thick the other is 2 inches for a total of 3 inches for the main board. As it says, logging and lumber camp in the forests of WV. Using around 40's to 50's era. I am running DCC Digitrax and all diesels on Kato track. I forgot about letting everyone not knowing what i have. Anyway it looks way better than my last layout as far as plan. I had four main modified plans that just wouldn't play nice. I have a bigger layout and I started with a 3X5 back in around 2013. It developed into a royal mess with two main additions to it and that gave it almost 8 foot by 3 foot. Then i started on a whole new plan. Its still a work in progress. The base plan is ok. I have changed the plan at least 4 times to this one. I have already made changes to this one three times now. Anyway, I guess i will see how this develops. Any other questions or help the plan out, let me know Smoke
    logging loco, BigJake and mtntrainman like this.
  7. JimJ

    JimJ Staff Member

    Looking great! Moving right along at a good pace.
  8. badlandnp

    badlandnp TrainBoard Member

    That looks like a great concept! Has a very logging road feeling to it.
  9. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    Yep, After i get that logging track down and engines working i will be taking a break from the construction part to check things out. Been working pretty hard to get some operations on the layout. I am waiting for the Kato Flex-Track to get here. I want three 3 sticks of that. Its supposed to be here by mid July. With that i can run the three different lines into the sawmill complex. That should finish the track at that time. Now i am trying to figure out how i want to proceed with scenery. I have plenty of Pink foam in 1 inch and 2 inch to use for the scenery. I just don't want to screw it up with scenery like last time. Track itself is easy, scenery is a royal nightmare for me. I would like mountains of some size on the back of both corners, with the one on the left higher. Anyway i have plenty of time to have fun. It may be awhile before i post again. Not sure when i will start doing the actual scenery. Later all
    logging loco and badlandnp like this.
  10. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    I am slowing down for a bit so i can make sure no major issues pop up. Just want to enjoy running trains and seeing if any bugs pop up. I have run many trains on the main now and last night i ran engines up to the logging camp and no derails! No major issues with anything but 2 more power feeds and my tuenout power control wiring and then i am gonna just enjoy trains for awhile. Later all, smokey
    logging loco and badlandnp like this.
  11. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    Well, I got the turnouts wired up and running but for 2. No turnouts for the switch controllers. Had one unplug from the turnout so i had to pull up about 4 turnouts to get to the one that was disconnected. Its done and was running my RS-2's and one runs super and the other s a crap shoot. Don't know why. Same with my BLI MW-2's. one runs perfect. They other i spend more time resetting than running around the track. I bought a new 44 toner thats Bachmann. It ran 4 foot and had a serious meltdown!! Its at Bachmann being fixed. Never saw orange smoke coming from a engine before. Figures it would be my little 44 toner. It was the only one i found. They don't make them in nscale anymore and this one came with dcc too!! I just hope they can fix it! If not, I am not sure what i will have to come up with to replace it. I am going to go around the track and see if there is anything on the edge of the track that would/could cause the RS-2 from running around the track like it should. I am thinking of drilling a hole where the reset button is and that way i don't have to take it apart each time it needs that. I will figure it out. Just needs to be fixed before i start scenery. If its track, I want to find out and fix it before i go any farther. Laters
  12. SteamDonkey74

    SteamDonkey74 TrainBoard Supporter

    This is fantastic, a great post to see today. I look forward to seeing more of this layout.
  13. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    Well see if i can soon. right now i am running engines and cars to find any bad places. This may take a bit.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2021
    mtntrainman likes this.
  14. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    I hate it when i have two locomotives the same,(Atlas RS-2's), One runs perfect on the mains and yard. The other keeps getting intermittent hiccups when running around the mains. I can run one down to a craw but even at a medium speed the other one hiccups when going around the mains. Even my MR-2's from BLI can run around the mains Both ways with no issues. Not sure what i need to do to stop it. All are dcc. The BLI's are sound. One little 44 toner is still with Bachmann. Hope they can fix it. I am still getting used to dcc. I never ran much on the other layout so i am learning dcc all over again. I am open as to how to fix the one engine giving me issues. I am kinda not wanting to tearing the engine apart to fix it if i can get around it. Anyway that is where i am for now. Any ideas on that one engine would be a major plus. As far as track. everything is good. Just enjoying the running of trains. Gonna be cleaning up the mess and vacuum all the layout and floor as well. Get things ready to finish all the track and make sure its all glued down. I got a little wiring to finish and thats all. Then the scenery...yeah that...
  15. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    I thought i might post a you tube of the fun on the layout. A friend of mine had a extra #4 RH turnout from Kato and so i was able to finish a good part of the yard. Only one place left to finish and all the track will be finished. I am still having a major issue with the RS-2. It runs fast and medium speeds ok slow it hiccups with every connection to power. I have 5 places i put power connections to and that was the mains. It hiccups at everyone of them. The other RS-2 and the MW-2's all run perfect both ways. Gonna try something that could void the warranty. No ox on the Truck contacts. Running out of options. Have a couple of YouTubes for you. Laters
    logging loco and badlandnp like this.
  16. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    Not sure whats going but i saw just a picture not a youtube. Lets see whats happening

  17. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    Ok, got the first one. Lets see if i can get the other one.

  18. mtntrainman

    mtntrainman TrainBoard Supporter

    Hey !!! Trains are running !!! Looks good to me ! (y)(y)
    badlandnp likes this.
  19. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    Me too! I brought out all the cars i have. Some are really for the logging camp. Small box cars, flatbeds of parts and logging cars. For the rest i have two reefers and about 10 different box cars. and one Russel snow plow. Where i am going to place them is gonna be fun. making then stay on the track is another thing. These are Micro Trains mostly and some Atlas or Bachmann. The logging cars i got somewhere else but they need fixing. Doing that now. Now if i can get the cars to quit derailing at turnouts and any other place they want. Engines run great! I did the no ox treatment to the engines. That one i had all the trouble with is fixed. No Ox the other three engines and they still run great so that is a fixed thing. Not sure what i can do to make the cars quit derailing. The trucks are all plastic. I wish there was another truck that was realistic and metal maybe. I am not happy with the Micro Trains. Couplers are great but there wheel sets wobble and jump track.

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    BarstowRick, SP-Wolf and badlandnp like this.
  20. mtntrainman

    mtntrainman TrainBoard Supporter

    badlandnp likes this.

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