MODELING It's Monday, November 9th 2020: Weekend Modeling Accomplishments

Jim Wiggin Nov 9, 2020

  1. Jim Wiggin

    Jim Wiggin Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Welcome back everyone. I hope you all had an enjoyable and productive weekend. Let's get started.

    Saturday: As predicted, I went to my favorite store after work on Friday and picked up the blue paint and cleaned out the 1/8-inch hard board then went to my hobby shop. Unfortunately, he was out of the turnout and 2021 Walthers catalogs were not in yet. I still enjoyed my visit though. Saturday, I was able to completely fill in the wall area of the HO layout with skyboard, no more ugly! I then set out to build shadowbox 2 of the N scale layout. The warm weather was nice and I got most of the major pieces cut and built before calling it a night.

    Sunday: It was once again nice so after a nice relaxing Sunday morning, I set off to work. It was at least 75 degrees and sunny. I was able to get all the major pieces of the shadow box cut and glued everything together. Once I got to a stopping point, I took Ang and the Mustang out for a short ride to our favorite burger stand and enjoyed some good food and ice cream. It was nice to get out in the spring like weather. Once back, the warmth and lack of bugs allowed me to get within 80% of finishing the shadow box before calling it a night. All in all, a great weekend.

    So how about you? What did you get accomplished this past weekend? Let us know. We'll do it all over again on Friday the 13th! Until then, be safe, stay healthy and as always...

    High Greens!
  2. Kitbash

    Kitbash TrainBoard Supporter

    Got mostly what I wanted to do.
    • Progress on the HW Meyers project. Got the base down for the ground cover. Looks rough now, but I like how its coming along. Saturday was the hard work. Now will come finishing the ground cover then building features like steps, shed roof, cyclone vents, etc.
    • Got side tracked on hooking up about a half dozen Tortoise machines. I decided to utilize 6 solder type headers I have in lieu of one of many of the screw terminal connectors I have. It annoys me to ignore stuff I have spent money on. So I modified the solder header connectors by adding plastic strips inside to keep the Tortoise header from lateral movement off of the contactors.


  3. Kevin Anderson

    Kevin Anderson TrainBoard Member

    With return of the cold snowy weather I am glad I have the modules set up inside. Track is down completely and wiring has begun. I had to stop due to the lack of supplies. I misplaced some power pole
    Connectors somewhere and had to order more. I Won’t see those for a week. So I will turn my attention to finishing the fascia. He’s are cut out for the UP5 panels and switch controls. Should have everything done here in a week and a half.

  4. bigGG1fan

    bigGG1fan TrainBoard Member

    Plaster is spackled, sanded, and painted. My art director and I decided to go with a rough approximation of the planned surrounding terrain.

    This week's task is cleaning the track (of varying ages) using WD40 contact cleaner. Next weekend we'll lay it, and test alignment and connections before gluing. [​IMG][​IMG]

    Sent from my SM-N950U1 using Tapatalk
  5. nscalestation

    nscalestation TrainBoard Supporter

    It is now cold enough here that this weekend I got down the little electric heater that I use in the train room, dust it off real good and put it to work, it does the job.

    I was able to cut some sub road bed from the paper pattern that I had made. Then got started on the curved concrete ballasted deck trestle. Started by cutting out an 18 inch radius section of .030 styrene sheet. This will have the various sections glued to it and will be hidden but hold everything together.


    I made 4 bents using the poles from Rix Products N scale highway bridge kits. Not about to let the fact that I did not have any of the right sized styrene strips for the beams stop me, I cut some beams from pine stock, drilled holes into them and glued in the poles.

    I have been having a nice time building this little bridge. Hope you all enjoyed your weekend too.
  6. Philip H

    Philip H TrainBoard Member

    I survived camping with the Webelos.

    That is all.
  7. Carl Sowell

    Carl Sowell TrainBoard Supporter

    When I posted my plan for the weekend, I failed to remember that my wife would be celebrating her 76th B'day. Had I not "woke up to reality" I would be "pushing up daisies" today. So, I did not complete my project but I did get some sub assemblies ready and made this image of my flame attempt. This is only one LED and cotton ball that I have mocked up to test the results. There are 3 more LED's and a couple of cotton balls to add along with some grey and black spray paint. I think it is going to work out............

    Stay tuned BUT be well,
  8. SP-Wolf

    SP-Wolf TrainBoard Supporter

    I had a great weekend --

    Nothing photo worthy.

    However, I scrubbed my main line --- and ---- ran trains. First time in a very long time.

    Worked on a building relocation project. -- which went very well.

    Hope Y'all had a great weekend,
  9. gmorider

    gmorider TrainBoard Member

    Saturday was on road trip to Cherokee Rock Village. Enjoyed exploring and speaking with others and watching rock climbers until some rain got me back to the car. Sunday, planning week. Earlier today got stack, headlight and wheels on the Mogul. All have a good week. :)
  10. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Having created several HOn30 critters, plus some other items from kits, I needed a safe place to keep them, when not in any use. After doing some searching, I located at Walmart what are called "pencil" or "crayon" boxes. Only a dollar, they are a perfect fit for most of my items. So I spent some time with those, and my work bench has been further cleared. Nice! Now I do not feel quite so cramped, as I attempt to work on projects.
  11. BNSF FAN

    BNSF FAN TrainBoard Supporter

    You are a good man Phillip!

    Managed to get a few things done over the weekend. Made some fair progress on tank car / tanker truck loading platform. Put a very small area of ground cover down, added a couple dozen trees, installed an interior light for a guard shack along with access gates. Took down a section of peg board to hang some display cases for my locomotives. Then hung a couple of other items on the hall leading to the train room. Been in our house 23 months and save for one clock, these are the first items that either my wife or I have hung on the walls.


    Spent he rest of my free time with my foot propped up and getting caught op on a few shows.

    Hope you all have a great week!
  12. Tompm

    Tompm TrainBoard Supporter

    That brought back memories. I think I need a beer now to recover from them.

    I knew this weekend was going to be an underachievement one.

    We went to Christkindlmarkt in Bethlehem on Saturday. I got some Christmas shopping done. The market was different this year as there were no big tents, usually there are four. The venders were spread out in clusters of four or six stalls. You were not tripping over people in narrow aisles as in the tents. There were fewer vendors than in past years, but it was still good. The biggest disappointment was the kettle popcorn guy was missing. I could hear and feel trains going by, but I could not see them due to a bunch of autoracks on the siding next to the market. I did catch something blue with Norfolk Southern markings go by.

    Sunday was recovering day. I did get a couple of boxcars prepped for weathering but that was it.
  13. minesweeper

    minesweeper TrainBoard Member

    This time with picture.
    Almost over with the platforms for passenger and freight. All carved and painted, just need some weathering before I can proceed with the rest of scenery.
    As you can see, I also found a place for the track scale (it would be further to the right, just a few feet before the fouling line.)… and got the good news on the old LIMA train that does not need filing out the flanges.
  14. Mark St Clair

    Mark St Clair TrainBoard Member

    Didn't get to all of my train list this weekend. Sharon wanted to work on some Christmas shopping so we spent quite a bit of time on that. Had some fun and made some progress on that front. As to the trains:

    Stop binge watching election returns - DONE

    Practice with CorelDraw trial - Made some progress here. The previous version I tried did not have a fillet tool. This one does and I figured out how to use it. Also discovered a couple ways to put spokes in a wheel. Still much to learn before I commit.

    Assemble T-Trak module bases - nope

    Test the old drill press - nope

    Maybe this week.

    Stay safe.
    BoxcabE50, SP-Wolf, BNSF FAN and 2 others like this.
  15. mrhedley

    mrhedley TrainBoard Member

    No modeling at all this past week, again. The weekend here was part of 5 record setting days of sunshine and warmth with a peak of 78 degrees. Consequently that meant raking leaves, daily, and other outdoor maintenance. The warm sunny days and cool nights finished them off except for our Red Maple that overhangs the deck. That tree usually drops them all in a short period. Most were down by yesterday with the remainder taken down by today's rain that brings an end to Indian summer here in Central NY. Back to reality, with snow in the seven day forecast. That could offer a chance to get to work on the layout in the not so distant future.

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