Is Accessible

BarstowRick Dec 23, 2019

  1. BarstowRick

    BarstowRick TrainBoard Supporter

    It appears is accessible once again.

    Welcome to

    Model Railroading How To's.

    Some ideas from the past, new ideas for today with a collection of How To Videos from some of the best modelers out there.

    I was able to access this site and navigate through it without much difficulty. I don't know if all the videos are still working. If you find one that isn't please feel free to inform me of such.

    I do have some work ahead of me, some editing and the like.

    Enjoy it while you can and glean from it what you can.

    Now enjoy the heck out of this hobby.
    dalebaker and Kurt Moose like this.
  2. wvgca

    wvgca TrainBoard Member

    glad to see that it's back .. :)
    BarstowRick likes this.
  3. Josta

    Josta TrainBoard Supporter

    Yay!!!! Time for a celebration!
    BarstowRick likes this.
  4. BarstowRick

    BarstowRick TrainBoard Supporter

    You may have a need to know. I'm having a hard time accessing different postings. Still fiddling with it. Let me know if you are having the same problem.
  5. BarstowRick

    BarstowRick TrainBoard Supporter

    Well, perhaps my announcement was premature.
    I finally had time to fiddle with the saved portions.
    It's incomplete at best, hard to access and the videos have disappeared.
    I can only say this isn't quite what I had in mind.

    Don't know what I'm going to do at this point.
    Quite sure you can figure things out on your own.

    My son-in-law whose control this comes under isn't interested in maintaining it.
    I have skills enough to put this together in the first place but this is beyond my know how to fix it.
    I don't really want to spend the time to re do it or resurrect it.
    Do you see where this is going.
    I thought so.

    So good bye to the How-To Catalog of
    It was fun while it lasted.
  6. jdetray

    jdetray TrainBoard Member

    Hi Rick -

    As I mentioned in one of your other threads on this same topic, the Internet Archive Wayback Machine attempts to preserve past versions of web sites. However, it is often incomplete, and some features are not preserved. The Wayback Machine is a non-profit effort to archive as much of the Internet as possible. It is funded by grants from foundations and by personal donations. At this point, they have archived:
    • 330 billion web pages
    • 20 millionbooks and texts
    • 4.5 million audio recordings (including 180,000 live concerts)
    • 4 million videos (including 1.6 million Television News programs)
    • 3 million images
    • 200,000 software programs
    The Wayback Machine is not meant to be a substitute for a properly-operating web site. They do what they can, but they are not magicians! It is no substitute for regularly backing up your web site so that it can be restored if there are technical or administrative problems. Sadly, without backups there is not much you can do to fix a web site that has been lost due to a technical mishap.

    For pages that can be viewed in the Wayback Machine, you could at least copy and save the text from those pages. Then if you wish to try to recreate your web site, at least you won't have to re-type everything. Similarly, you can also copy and save any images that are still visible in the Wayback Machine. Even with most of the text and images, recreating the site would be a huge task.

    I'm sorry this happened to you, Rick!

    - Jeff
    BarstowRick likes this.
  7. BarstowRick

    BarstowRick TrainBoard Supporter


    It is what it is.

    At this point I can't do anything about it.

    I did find on the internet where a discussion was on going as to someone buying And in case they missed it, it wasn't for sale.

    I'm not alone there are other websites having the same problem with the same host server. So, not sure what's in the future.

    Thanks for your aspiring help and feed back.
  8. Josta

    Josta TrainBoard Supporter

    Rick, perhaps you can use the "screen capture" feature on your PC. Hit the button called "print screen", open Paint, and "paste" it into Paint, then you can save it for use in your new website.

    BarstowRick likes this.
  9. BarstowRick

    BarstowRick TrainBoard Supporter

    Thanks for the encouraging words.
    I'm not going to mess with a new one.
    In other words, I'm done.

    To brief everyone my son-in-law owns the (whatever it's called) on Word Press. He's the only that can fix it. He simply doesn't have the time to deal with it. There has been some security issues which no one seems able to resolve. Advertising issues as in payments have been questionable at best. Depending on You Tube, as in to keep various How-To Videos preserved isn't working out. They will wash out anything they consider offensive. Now what can be offensive about Toy Trains is beyond me.

    I appreciate what the preservationist have tried to do but find myself asking if this isn't a form of piracy. So, not sure what to think about all the unwanted technical issues.

    Waiting to see what my my son-in-law finally decides to do. With orders to scrub it. After all this was a birthday gift from him to me. So we will hurry-up and wait. But, do understand I've given up on it. Sigh!

    My original report of it's dieing looks to be accurate.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2020

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