Miller Engineering GULF gas station diorama

This is my first foray into Z-scale, although I have weathered a few cars with my airbrush. In regards to the Miller Engineering GULF station, I am not fully happy with the blue stripe along the bottom of the station, and may attempt to redo it at some point. Also, you may be interested in the semi-trailer boxes. These are some custom units I am working on, adding my own details, etc. I resin cast'd the units, and used Plastruct supplies to add the additional details. Stay tuned, as I am still working these. The wheels are what is killing me. Hard to get the detail I desire in such a small scale. On another note, I have yet to start a full up working operation, and I am only now drawing up the track plans. Planning to start that project very soon. Stay tuned...


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Zscaleplanet, Feb 7, 2012
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