Bad motor in IM F-unit

leikec May 21, 2015

  1. rrjim1

    rrjim1 TrainBoard Member

    The biggest problem I have seen is a broken wire on one winding of a motor. The motor will still run but will not preform as intended. Most people wouldn't even know there was a problem, and just keep running the loco thinking it was just a slow runner.
    I haven't seen this with the newer motors but back in the 1970+ there was a huge problem with motor brushes and commutator, they would gum up even if you didn't apply any oil to the bearings. If you noticed one loco running a little slow and hot you better pull it off and clean the brushes and the commutator or it would melt down.
    The problem was so bad that I drilled a 1/8" hole in the plastic end bell of some of the motors just to be able to clean the commutator.
  2. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Thinking back on those days, I wonder how N scale survived such awful running creations. They almost drove me away. :(
  3. leikec

    leikec TrainBoard Member

    Well I finally figured out my password so I could get back on... :)

    The motor has been switched out and all is right with the world.
    Usually on my Atlas/Kato locos the big problem is noisy motor bearings, this time on the IM loco the motor just burned up, quit, and stunk.

    Jeff C

    UPCLARK TrainBoard Member

    This is interesting. Just this afternoon a friend from Nashville called me and asked if I knew of any issues with the latest run of Intermountain F3s. It seems his A and B units run slower than other locomotives he has (brands unknown) and eventually the new F3's trip the overload on his throttle. Both units have the same problem Each by itself and when run together so it's both units that have the problem. My suggestion, "send them back to the factory for repair NOW". Don't mess with them. Let the Pros fix them.
  5. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter


    I case of any future password needs, there should be a link showing on the main forum page, when not logged in. (Near the top.) Click on that, and if this method doesn't help, try the "Contact Us" link at page bottom.

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