MODELING It's Friday! 09-30-11 Weekend Modeling Plans.

Jim Wiggin Sep 30, 2011

  1. Jim Wiggin

    Jim Wiggin Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Well here we are, the last day of September and the pace of things to do is picking up as we enter train show season. I'm going to have a busy railroad weekend. I'm in hopes of finishing these two Conrail patch jobs tonight.



    I just need to finish the number boards and add the couplers, plus a little bit of dry brushing some rust and grime and then these two will be ready to head back to nscalerone. I'll also be gathering a few of my detailed locomotives and getting ready to head out early Saturday morning to the Northeastern Fallen Flags Railroad Prototype Meet. This year it is in Bridgewater New Jersey, here is a link if your interested.

    It looks like a good excuse to bring some B&M and Maine Central equipment in N, maybe sneek a CB&Q too! The presentations that will be held all day will be of interest to me as well, plus the $25.00 at the door gets you lunch, such a deal! Sunday I will do some more patch jobs, three more to go and will fiddle with the layout some.

    So, what is on your agenda? Layout work? Shows, meets? Maybe some railfaning? Let us know what your plans are this first weekend of October, and as always, pictures are appreciated!
  2. retsignalmtr

    retsignalmtr TrainBoard Member

    Nothing train related this weekend. Going upstate today. Monday though, I have to finish signaling my T-Trak modules and spruce up my HO modules for an upcoming show in Kingston NY on October 23rd. I may get in some train watching on the trip up and back
  3. Bevale

    Bevale TrainBoard Member

    WOO HOO!! I finally have weekend modeling plans! After a summer off, I am finally back to working on the layout. I am hoping that I can finish off my plaster cloth hard shell so that I will be ready to lay some track sooner rather than later.
  4. PW&NJ

    PW&NJ TrainBoard Member

    Man, Jim. Those patch jobs are coming out great! I was thinking of doing a very limited patch job on my SW1200. Currently it's in Southern livery (black and white tuxedo) and I was considering putting a small laser printed label over the side numbers to make it a PW&NJ unit (I like SR too much to make a permanent change right now). Just something simple with white letters on a black background. Maybe I'll use a stencil-like font to make it seem as if it were a quickie job. Feedback?

    Also, I've been tinkering with a little diorama:


    The scenery is 100% playdoh right now (hey, the kids mixed up a bunch of colors, so rather than waste it, I added a little bit of the right colors and made roads, grass, and ballast). I've got a tree kit downstairs somewhere that I might build and put somewhere on this. Regardless, I think it looks better than just a piece of track on wood, and with a little help in an image editor, makes for some nice indoor or outdoor photos.

    Also, I've got an old old old GP40 that I hope to start fixing. I'll be using the remains of the RSD15 chassis and it's motor to fix the very dead GP40 (I burned out the motor decades ago). Both were made by the same company and the gearing parts are interchangeable. I'll just need to cut down the chassis to shorten it appropriately, then make the necessary mods to the fuel tanks.

    All of this plus a little more weathering and maybe some work on the headlights for the boxcab. :)
  5. Tad

    Tad TrainBoard Supporter

    I plan on getting the roadbed glued down for the loop this weekend.
  6. MisterBeasley

    MisterBeasley TrainBoard Supporter

    A trip to my LHS is in order, as I'm out of grain-of-wheat bulbs to light the interior of Merchants Row. I've got the interior walls built out of foam board, and I've downloaded some store interiors to print out and use for the first floor shops.

    Before I start anything else, I've got to do a bit of home improvement on my workroom. Our plumbing adventure a few weeks back has left me with an extra cabinet, which I'll use to expand my workbench a couple of feet. It needs a top, though, so some carpentry is in my plans. Already, the cleanup work on my bench has yielded some goodies I'd misplaced or forgotten about, so this will be a positive step in more ways than one.

    Our first train shows aren't until November, although I may do a road trip for a layout open house at the South Shore Model RR Club at the end of October.
  7. TwinDad

    TwinDad TrainBoard Member

    They're starting another Layout Party over on, so this weekend I'm going to start working on scenery and finish-work for my yard... This weekend will be focused on tweaking some balky ladder turnouts, and painting/weathering the track. If I'm VERY lucky I might get as far as ballast.

    I'll also have to spend some time detail-planning the yard scenery. I need to fit in a tower, a small office, some diesel service, and the attendant details (access road, parking, signs, etc.) Squeezing that into the space available without over-doing it will be a challenge.
  8. GP30

    GP30 TrainBoard Member

    No model railroad plans this weekend. Going out in the boonies 2-1/2 hours from here to visit the in-laws. Hopefully I might get to at least start on my switches Sunday night when I get back into town.
  9. river_eagle

    river_eagle TrainBoard Member

  10. NotchHill

    NotchHill TrainBoard Member


    This weekend I am tidying up some scenery on my T-TRAK modules as I am showing them next Saturday at the Caloundra Buy and Sell and Show. Also putting more trees on some modules as well.

    It is a one day show, but means driving up Friday afternoon to set the layout up.

    I am surprised at the wear and tear moving the modules around cause. I guess all show layouts must have a fair bit of maintenance to keep them working fine and looking good.
  11. mrhedley

    mrhedley TrainBoard Member

    Well I don't have any plans. I had to put my wonderful pet down on Friday. Going to work in the layout room will be a good way to put the grief out of my mind.

    Attached Files:

  12. Wolfgang Dudler

    Wolfgang Dudler Passed away August 25, 2012 TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    I have to do some repairs with my Silver Valley modules. They had some damage from transportation. I have to paint again some rocks.

    And I'm busy with preparing the room for my Pueblo & Salt Lake RR. This will take some time. Where to put all those stuff????

    And I can build the next turnouts for the new railroad. I need PC board ties!

  13. DiezMon

    DiezMon TrainBoard Supporter

    Sorry about your dog :(
  14. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Been there. Certainly understand. :(
  15. Tad

    Tad TrainBoard Supporter

    I am sorry about your friend. That is never less than sux.

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