Amtrak Super Empire Builder? -- (Chicago - Seattle)

theskunk Jan 22, 2009

  1. theskunk

    theskunk TrainBoard Member


    My girlfriend has mentioned that she'd like for me to accompany on a trip out west to meet some of her family for a week, and I'm not all about spending a full week and a half, so I figured I'd take a flight from Raleigh, NC (the originating city) to Chicago, and then take the train for a week.

    I was wondering if anybody out there knew anything about taking this trip 'solo' -- Its a two day trip, and I've never actually taken a full-blown train trip before. I know its do-able, there is a flight that leaves and gives me 3 hrs to get from midway to union station before the train leaves.

    Only major concern, is that my seat would be 'coach' and i'm not sure if this is the same as a plane trip, where I basically would be stuck in my seat for 2 days, or what exactly.

    Thanks for any input/suggestions...

  2. Mr. SP

    Mr. SP Passed away August 5, 2016 In Memoriam

    Contact Amtrak's reservation people. There is the automated Julie but ask for an agent.
    When are you planning to take the trip?
    When you talk to hte reservation agent ask what the "special of the day" is. Amtrak dosen't volunteer it.
    Four years ago we took Amtrak's Empire Builder from Vancouver Wn. to Milwaukee Wi. and return.
    I made the reservation in December for a trip in May. The fare for three adults round trip was $2300+. I asked what the "special" was and after being on hold a few minutes was informed if I purchaced the tickets with cash in 48 hours or less the fare would be $1100 even. We were going first class with a bedroom and the fare includes the cost of meals.
    Coach would be OK but with a bedroom you have a place to yourself if you wish.
    The food on the Empire Builder when we took it was excellent.
    Going by train one dosen't have to be searched and their baggage emptied out and searched. You even get to keep your shoes/boots.
    Check any baggage you won't need while on the train. It will be at the baggage counter when you arrive. Be sure to keep your claim ticket so you can get it back.
    Amtrak dosen't just dump the baggage in a heap on the ramp like the airlines.
    On the train you are free to go everywhere except in the Pullman cars unless you are a pullman passenger. There is the lounge and the diner that are open to all passengers.
  3. HemiAdda2d

    HemiAdda2d Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    I highly recommend a sleeper ticket. Not only is the food free with the cost of the ticket (coach fares pay extra for each meal), the service is second to none. I took the California Zephyr from Denver to Sacramento in 2004, and my wife and I were treated like king and queen. the money you save with coach tickets will almost not be worth the lack of a bed. Chicago-Seattle is a long haul. I have it on good authority (my wife has taken the coach ride from Shelby, MT-Minot, ND 3 times, and it was nice, but that's only 9 hours) that the coach seats recline, and are comfy, but there's nothign like a bed. Privacy, too.
    *plink, plink*
    I'm also taking the 'Builder in June to the Portland N Scale Convention.
  4. pilotdude

    pilotdude TrainBoard Member

    If you haven't done it before you can take the Orange Line el train from Midway to the loop for $3 or so. Its 30-40 minutes if I remember correctly and I think Quincy Station is where you would want to get off. You can check the details on the CTA website.

    The trip sounds fun!
  5. HemiAdda2d

    HemiAdda2d Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    CTA's a good way to get around in Chi-town; just don't do the EL at night!
  6. theskunk

    theskunk TrainBoard Member

    I think my quest here may have me taking a different train -- there is no way that I can actually get a 2nd person, which means likely no bed/room for me. And I don't think i can handle being in the same seat for 44 hours -- this is going to be on my own, so It may be better if i can fly to somewhere ~1 days train ride of seattle, preferably an airport that has a subway/train station attached to it... any suggestions? west coast ppl?
  7. Kit

    Kit E-Mail Bounces

    I've not taken a ride on Amtrak myself, but I'm looking into it. It's my understanding that you must have reservations, but you are not locked in to sitting in the same seat the whole time you're aboard. You can get up and go to the diner, or go to the lounge, and then find a different seat if you wish. Your reservation just means there will be a seat available somewhere on the train for you.
  8. GN-Z-phile

    GN-Z-phile TrainBoard Member

    Portland, OR to Seattle, perhaps?

    Portland, Oregon to Seattle, perhaps, then? Fly into PDX, take the MAX (light rail) to downtown Portland to Union Station, then The Amtrak Cascades north to Seattle.

    It's a thought.
  9. theskunk

    theskunk TrainBoard Member


    I was actually just looking at that -- it looks like, though, that i'd end up taking the MAX to downtown portland, and either walking or bus-ing to Union Station... Am i off base here?

  10. YoHo

    YoHo TrainBoard Supporter

    sissy! ;)
    You're not a man till you've ridden the greenline through Henry Horner homes after dark.
  11. YoHo

    YoHo TrainBoard Supporter


    This is correct, but it's not a long walk and it's through some of the touristy sections of town like the Pearl District.
  12. Mr. SP

    Mr. SP Passed away August 5, 2016 In Memoriam

    As I mentioned in the former post. One is free to walk about the train at anytime. There is no reason to be stuck in the same seat for 44 hours.
    As a coach passenger the only off limits area is the Pullman cars.
  13. GN-Z-phile

    GN-Z-phile TrainBoard Member


    Agreed. It'd be a short walk. I'm planning the reverse trip (sort of) next month: Amtrak Cascades from Seattle to Portland, then the "Yellow Line" to my Portland destination. The MAX train from PDX (Portland's airport) is the "Red Line". I admit I'm not a Portland-area resident/native. Any locals care to confirm what sometimes-visitors are saying? :)
  14. theskunk

    theskunk TrainBoard Member

    looks like due to the increased cost of flying RDU -> PDX and then SEA -> RDU instead of back out of pdx, I won't be able to do this.

    I am now going to try to go from SEA -> Edmunds via rail... should be a quicker train trip anyways...

    Thanks for all the help, maybe I'll do this trip in the future (assuming i find people to do it with...)
  15. r_i_straw

    r_i_straw Mostly N Scale Staff Member

    A few years ago, just for fun, I did the Los Angeles turn from Houston by coach. I just rode the train till it turned around and got back on the same one to go home. I had a day in LA to sight see. I slept in my seat for four nights and that was about it. I was usually in the lounge car, the lower lounge in one of the coaches or the diner talking to folks. The diner experience is real cool as they fill up the tables and you get to meet a lot of people that way. Every meal was with someone new. I befriended the train crew and kept up to date on what was going on. We were usually running late but it was due to all kinds of adventures. Out in West Texas, a woman fell in her room and needed medical attention so the train stopped at a crossing in the middle of nowhere and met an ambulance. They patched the gal up and we were good to go. In Tucson a woman kept the train in the station until she found her son who she was meeting there where he was supposed to get off the train. It was the middle of the night and he was asleep. He was not in the seat where he started out and the conductor had no way of knowing where he was. She went through every car till she found him. Then there was a wreck on Beaumont Hill where we had to get around on a temporary "shoe fly".
  16. Kevin Anderson

    Kevin Anderson TrainBoard Member

    Several choices. When you purchase your fare on the train you pay for your seat. The room is additional. The best thing is if there is more than one of you the fare is the same as if there is only one. The meals are included with your room. If you choose not to get a room the coach seats are comfortable. They do recline and there is a foot rest on them as well. If the train is full for the Empire builder then I can recommend the California Zephyr. This train runs CHI to EMY. You can get off at Sacramento CA and catch the Coast Starlight to Seattle. IF you do coach feel free to bring your own food. Nothing is written in stone that you need to purchase the food on the train. IF you get a room there are different sizes available that are different prices. And the train is not an airplane. You are not required to sit in your seat 24/7. You can get up and move around and do different things. If you would like more info you can PM me and I can see what I can do for you. Also if interested there is a train from NC, The Carolinian that runs to Washington DC where you would catch the Capitol Limited to CHI. That is nother option if you don't want to fly.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2009

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