How do you control your railroad spending?

txronharris Nov 30, 2007

  1. txronharris

    txronharris TrainBoard Member

    So i've pretty much decided I'm going to be building a 2 1/2 x 5 foot switching layout instead of the grand railroad empire we all start out thinking we'll build. I have come to the realization that even with me being picky and sticking mostly to Canadian prototypes, I've got way more cars and locos than I'll EVER need. I know some of you guys have smaller layouts so how do you resist the urge? With most N scale releases being limited, if you don't pick up something you like when it comes out, you usually loose out or have to pay WAY too much for it on an "auction site". Just as an example, I've got about 150 covered and cylindrical hoppers (I guess I'm an addict but I love the grain trains) and several more pre-ordered that I've just "gotta have". I won't even go into the 30 or so locos and various other rolling stock I've got. I don't go crazy and would even be considered picky by not going out of my modern time period, but this has got to stop. Any ideas?
  2. NP/GNBill

    NP/GNBill TrainBoard Supporter

    How do I control my Train spending, with a great deal of difficulty:)
  3. Tony Burzio

    Tony Burzio TrainBoard Supporter

    I stop buying when the Rio Grandes are all gone! The bummer is that Emperor is going to be at the GATS at Del Mar this weekend, and that's ALWAYS painful!
  4. conductorjonz

    conductorjonz TrainBoard Member

    I control my spending by virtue that my wife told me to place all the money I make from my second job as a Railroad Bridge Tender in a separate account. I can spend this on whatever I want. This way it doesn't affect our joint earnings account. IE; I will work the next 30 days straight on the bridge making something around a few grand. After the first of the year, I'll go back to one day a week and make around 400/month. Still good money for spending cash.

    As to the layout. I too have a switching layout that is 7 feet by 20 inches deep. I have 500+ cars, 30 engines, and have found that 50 cars fit on the layout comfortably. This means I can only rotate 10 groups without repeating. So I'm actually buying more cars so I can have more variety. Don't discount the number of cars you'll need for your switching layout. I was surprised how many cars it takes to keep things interesting!

    Good Luck!

  5. gunner

    gunner TrainBoard Member

    Nope. I'm in the same boat. If I have it in the budget, I get it. If not, I miss out and regret it. With about a 1/2 bushel of hoppers, a bushel of box cars, a bushel of reefers and a bushel of other various and sundry cars and cabeeses, not to mention several dozen steamers and about 20 diesels; I've got more than can be run at one time. My solution is to run what I feel like when the urge arises.

    I guess you just need to deal with the agony of missing out in the near term and keep an eye out for the stuff the feeds your jones, so that you can score when the finances will support it. Oh and you need extras of the favorites, so that you have something to replace the stuff you wear out!

    I feel your pain!


  6. Grey One

    Grey One TrainBoard Supporter

    For a long time I didn't.
    I use two methods:
    I look at a car / loco etc and compare it to dinner out with my sweetie.
    I remind myself I have more than I can use.

    There are times when the car wins out of dinner
  7. Route 66

    Route 66 TrainBoard Member

    Heck if it's not a financial burden,don't worry about it! But One day it just hit me, I said I don't need it and put it back on the counter. I Have so much stuff I can't possibly run or ever use all of it. I would buy it take it home, look at it and stick it in a trunk with the rest of the stuff I thought I needed or could use later. Heck I wouldn't buy new underware,but I always had room for more rolling stock or a locomotive That is how bad it was. Just put it back, you don't need it
  8. C. Giustra

    C. Giustra TrainBoard Member

    I try very hard to stick with my focus railroad in a specific era. Try choosing a time period and sticking to it. It will help limit purchases. By the way, ten years ago limiting the budget was a lot easier as there wasn't even a quarter of what is now available. Times are good!
  9. Bob Morris

    Bob Morris TrainBoard Supporter

    The easiest thing to do in this hobby is buy something. I try to make sure that I spend time (not money) on finishing the layout: building the buildings, scenicking a new area, doing the wiring, etc.

    I was going to have a relatively small layout (10 x 8) and have only 1st generation diesels for the NYC and Erie/Erie-Lackawanna. I've also got steam and we've added the Lehigh Valley. I've controlled myself admirably on rolling stock, but have almost too many locos already. Fortunately I have NTrak with a separate inventory of cars and locos that I use exclusively in that venue (e.g. my Bachmann 2-6-6-2 that can't pull worth beans up my layout's 3% grades).

    Basically I'm already donating locos and cars that aren't up to my running standards to guys on a very limited budget in our club AND once the new Bachmann Heavy Mountain comes in, I'm done purchasing more locos unless I build an elevated logging branch.

    O.K. so I'm delusional :)
  10. Route 66

    Route 66 TrainBoard Member

    You know I had a friend that was worse than I,He would buy something and find out when he got home he already had one of those,he had so much stuff he couldn't remember what he had,how dumb I thought,come on!! you have to be a complete idiot to buy doubles!!! OK i'll come clean I did it just last month bought something I already had at home, what an IDIOT!!!!!$100.00 on something I bought 3 months before at the same damn show from the same dealer!!!! atleast the loco had a different Rd # so I'm better than my friend, Right????????
    That's when you know there might be a slight problem????
  11. jimcullen

    jimcullen TrainBoard Member

    If you have more money than you know what to do with, then don't worry about it.

    Since I'm on a fixed income now, I had to adjust my spending and change my mind set. What works for me is that I do not buy anything unless I make the money for it by selling something first. Sell the old stuff that you have 10 each of or has been stuck in a storage cabinet for years, and use that money to buy something new that you want.
  12. James Fitch

    James Fitch TrainBoard Member

    Same! And to add to your pain:

    Walthers has finally posted pictures of the announced F7AB set from P2K and the first ever plastic single stripe F7!!! And they have one-upped Athearn Genesis with the prototype details - she's a beaute!


    Oh, I forgot you were an N-scaler. Too bad, so sad! :p [:p]

    What is Emperor for those us who live in a cave!???
  13. J Long

    J Long E-Mail Bounces

    I try to be content with what I already have and will not over extend myself...period. I will not let myself get caught up in the "I'll miss out syndrome" because there is a lot more competition out there than before. It is becoming common for manufacturers to re-run sell outs. Often times, the re-runs see improvements. Limited editions get re-ran with different road numbers.
  14. oldrk

    oldrk TrainBoard Supporter

    Control?? Whats that?
  15. Nick Lorusso

    Nick Lorusso TrainBoard Member

    I dont know how people can buy from him I looked at his paint jobs last weekend in pleasenton and I was not impressed but he did have a D&RGW harritage that a guy in my club picked up decales looked good but paint was real thick just my $0.02. but controling spending I try to plan on what my Road had and go from there
  16. Stourbridge Lion

    Stourbridge Lion TrainBoard Supporter


    As long as there is budget it will get spent. :D :D :D :D
  17. Nick Lorusso

    Nick Lorusso TrainBoard Member

    I have about 30 im trying to sell. IM and MTL :tb-wink:
  18. Pete Nolan

    Pete Nolan March 17, 2024 TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    No answer. I have a big layout and not that many engines or cars. I've visited small layouts where the owner had hundreds of locos and thousands of cars. I'm a modeler, I guess, and not a railroad fanatic. I find it pretty easy to pass on items I don't need. My roster of locos is about right for my layout, so I don't drool too much (yes, a little) about a Challenger. I could probably use twice as many freight cars as I have--all in good time, as I get a better concept of operations.
  19. CofGa_Fan

    CofGa_Fan TrainBoard Member


    I have a 2'3" x 5'3" layout that I'm building for my Central of Georgia equipment. I also run SP trains and Norfolk Southern trains on it (not at the same time of course). There's never enough. Next, I'll start buying Great Northern trains. Good thing I build a drawer into the layout!
  20. Zandoz

    Zandoz TrainBoard Member

    How do I control my spending? Inadequately. The most effective controller? Guilt.

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