Fifth Annual International Spring Layout Party

okane Feb 4, 2007

  1. EricB

    EricB TrainBoard Member

    I join in too. However, other obligations will definately limit the time I can contribute. This is what I would like to accomplish:

    1. Finish the downtown buildings
    2. Detail my engine facility
    3. Detail my scrapyard.

    I'll be lucky if I can get those things done, but I'll give it a try.

  2. Doug A.

    Doug A. TrainBoard Supporter

    OK, count me in! I'm going to be a little unconventional in my stated goals for this layout party as I will be working on TWO layouts. Without going into a long drawn out story, I'll list my goals and go into more detail in later posts.

    Layout 1
    1. Finish an already started trackplan of an existing large n-scale layout that is being "refurbished". There was never an official trackplan per se, and the layout is undergoing change and expansion. I am committed to helping with the wiring and implementation of DCC and we need working drawings to plan everything out.
    2. Take drawings from (1) and create a wiring plan including DCC detection blocks, autoreversing sections, turnout decoders, command station setup, power/feeder distribution, and power district segmentation.
    3. Once signoff of wiring/DCC plan is done, start "demolition" of existing DC block wiring and control panel and placing addition feeders and insulated gaps in track as necessary. Notice I said "start"....I don't anticipate finishing this project in the five weeks given my schedule, the other layout, etc.


    Layout 2
    NOTE: This one is my layout--still in benchwork stages--as documented in my Trainboard blog.
    1. Replace framework with 1x4's. I built a frame, not really intending to use it for "cookie cutter" benchwork, out of 1x2's. Tried to make it work but it flexes too much along the length of the layout to be used for a permanent solution. It's not really a portable layout...but transportable, and I feel that moving it could severly damage the trackwork as it is now. Even though the benchwork is mostly finished, I don't think this task will be as daunting as it sounds.
    2. Re-attach risers and subroadbed.
    3. Fabricate temporary "bridges" out of plywood and tack onto subroadbed to facilitate laying track until the bridges are built.
    4. Layout and attach roadbed and track in "hidden trackage" area.
    5. Complete once around mainline circuit using Unitrack to allow testing of hidden trackage before upper level is (semi) permanently attached.
    6. Place upper level and continue to test.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    MOPMAN TrainBoard Member

    Well I love a party so I'll join. Right now I want to get the zip scenery done up to the west switch in Ozark.


    A couple of other projects that I need to work on is the installation of the sub roadbed for the yard at Clarksville Jct. and branch line to Clarksville as well as building the panels for the lighting valance. Since I do all sawing outdoors this will depend on weather conditions.
  4. pdx1955

    pdx1955 TrainBoard Member

    Ok, I've lurked during the previous layout parties, but I need to do something before yardwork & home improvements get in the way. I will try to get much as possible done, but multiple business trips may get in the way. In the next five weeks I would like to at a minimum:

    1 - finish fine-tuning track work
    2- Get DCC installed (power district buses/feeders are already in place)

    If i have time:

    3- Make progress on my Shasta Daylight cars
    4- Install decoders in at least a couple locomotives
    5- Pick a couple of structures to start on

  5. ct_mike

    ct_mike TrainBoard Supporter

    I'll get in on this one, might make me do something.

    Watched the last few parties, and enjoyed the progress made. Well, now it is time I get something done for myself.

    1. Work trackplan to enough completion to begin laying track.
    2. Solicit input on said trackplan.

    With the way life goes, I should be able to get through most of #1, and maybe even part of #2.

  6. Av8rTX

    Av8rTX E-Mail Bounces

    OK, Im joining a few days late but here goes;
    Since I work in spurts, and leave the room a mess after each epsiode this week will be dedicated to restoring order to my train room/office.
    In the next 5 weeks the tentative goals are:
    1. Build benchwork for the second phase of trackwork
    2. de bug and finish up little wiring doodads on the first half
    3. Add some minor structures to a downtown area and neighborhood

    Thats a pretty good start there for me. I have a thousand little things that need to be done and if I follow my typical pattern I will apply myself to those in little bouts of activity here and there as well as initiate other projects.

    Some projects that are grating me and need my attention:
    Detail and light the Austin ave overpass
    Detail the highway over pass that conceals the transition to a staging area yet to be built
    Touch up the backdrop where I got a bit sloppy with plaster and ground cover paint
    Tidy up the roadways and paint stripes
    Replace a misbehaving turnout

    Some long term plans:
    Build the front of the Katy terminal
    Complete Andrews distributing
    Detail Bucks Farm Supply
    Better layout lighting

    I also hope to come upon a decent digital camera to simplyfy posting pics

    All of this has to dovetail with house projects that need tending too, a new deck, repalcing some exterior doors, replacing some facia, gardening and yard work as well as my own desire to renew my medical and get current again so I can spend even more money flying.

    OK now Im tired
  7. HemiAdda2d

    HemiAdda2d Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter


    MOPMAN TrainBoard Member

    Well I started plastering the area west of Ozark last night. That was my first goal during this party. I'll try and post a couple of pics tomorrow.
  9. Flash Blackman

    Flash Blackman TrainBoard Member

    Since this structure will be scratchbuilt, I use a simple CAD program (Arts and Letters Express) to draw the buildings in actual size before creating them in styrene. I don't expect to do so in this case, but you can create the entire structure in paper and then use that for the template. I think it is easier to do this in N scale than in the larger scales. This is a mockup of the three track side walls. (The different colors just distinguish the separate walls.)

    Attached Files:

  10. Flash Blackman

    Flash Blackman TrainBoard Member

    Doug A.: It seems that you are only saving the benchwork if you are drawing a new track plan and going to DCC. Will you save any of the old layout? It's a big project.
  11. Cleggie

    Cleggie TrainBoard Member

    More good work Hemi,:thumbs_up: :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up:

    Looks like you will need to sharpen your tree building skills later for the forest on south draw, impressive country BTW.

    Some questions, what type of trains run through the area you are modelling? Coal drags, intermodal or general freight? Any passenger service?
    It would be great scenery to travel through by rail:teeth:

    Cheers, Ken
  12. Doug A.

    Doug A. TrainBoard Supporter


    The track is already there, but undergoing significant changes like adding staging tracks, re-aligning the staging yard to loop back out the way it came in, adding additional mainline runs, adding two additional layout segments (add'l 40-50 sq.ft. of layout) with additional staging and switching areas, etc. All I am doing is documenting the work that is being done by drawing a trackplan after the fact for the most part. This is so it is easier to figure out the autoreversers, detection circuits, power districts, gaps/feeders, etc.

    But the majority of track (90%) will stay as-is. And the control panel may not go away...just wishful thinking on my part. The layout's owner is evaluating what he wants to do...the block control isn't necessary, but considerations for turnout control are still there. Local control panels are being considered, and whether or not to decoderize the turnouts at this time. LOTS of decisions to make. I'm just going to get the trackplan ready so we can figure out a plan of attack. The reversing sections are going to be a bit of a challenge...several loops and wyes to contend with.

    At very least we have to wire one staging yard for detection and reversing, run bus wire and additional feeders, reconnect a lot of disconnects, and rewire several dozen turnouts. So stuff that HAS to be redone will probably be done with Digitrax (or equiv) components.
  13. pdx1955

    pdx1955 TrainBoard Member

    After an evening, I managed to complete my first goal as all of the track runs smooth with no electrical dropouts or derailments. I have placed the major Digitrax components, so the next step will be to wire up the programming track,the PM42, and all of the UP5 throttle panels. Once that is done, the next subgoal will be to see if I can make up the Loconet cables without too much throwaway.

  14. Cleggie

    Cleggie TrainBoard Member

    Debugged the shortout problem in no time at all. Joined the feeder wires to the wrong block:angry: I had joined the intermodal loop siding to the main power buss instead of latching it to the same relay as the main track block it runs parallel to. 5 minutes done:shade:

    Yesterday I layed track for the coalmine. I have yet to drop feeders to the power buss but after that I guess weather and ballast all the remaining track. Then get ready to add some scenic layers.

    Cheers for now, Ken.

    Attached Files:

  15. HemiAdda2d

    HemiAdda2d Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    I need to build a ton of trees......
    Coal trains are the lifeblood of this route. Amtrak's California Zephyr, and the Ski Train both run this line, as do several manifests from Denver to Salt Lake City. Even the occasional rerouted Z train from the Wyoming line.

    It is incredible scenery; no pictures do it justice!

    More track laid last night:
  16. MOPMAN

    MOPMAN TrainBoard Member

    As promised, here are a couple of pics of the area just west of Ozark. This is the plaster "skin" being applied to the foam. This area is about 8' long. I will do the rock carving on the second plaster coat which I hope to start this weekend.

    Looking west from Ozark

    Looking east toward Ozark
  17. BugNerd

    BugNerd TrainBoard Member

    Mopman, are you modelling the route along the AR River? If I get a chance I'll grab some pics of those areas if I can remember. I have some aerial pictures from cross-country flights but not sure how much detail you can see from them.
  18. HemiAdda2d

    HemiAdda2d Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    If you wanna model the Arkansas River, you might as well become a D&RGW fan, and do Tennessee Pass... :p;)
    You cannot resist, you will be assimilated.... Oh, wait, that's UP... :)
  19. MOPMAN

    MOPMAN TrainBoard Member

    Yes I am modeling the portion of the river west of Ozark and along side Ozark to the end of the siding. My original plan was to model the lock and dam just east of Ozark until I saw how large it is. As it is I still have about 20-25 feet of "water" to model.

    Hemi, if I did model D&RGW, it would be Tennessee Pass especially the 3% climb from Mitchell to the summit.
  20. HemiAdda2d

    HemiAdda2d Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Indeed. That's the Eagle River side of the Divide, BTW. And yes, that's what I'd model, if I had the chance to visit...

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