What was your latest purchase?

Primavw Feb 4, 2012

  1. MRLdave

    MRLdave TrainBoard Member

    Went to a show over the weekend and actually hit the jackpot........I was hoping to find 2 things (doesn't mean I won't buy more though) and actually found both. I always am looking for stuff that barely exists, so I don't get my hopes up.......so one item was transition era generic tank cars. I don't need any more Baby Ruth, or Hersheys, or any of the other "branded" tank cars, just plain old black. I managed to find 2 Intermountain GATX 8000 gal. cars. The other item was a Fox Valley Hiawatha 4-4-2........mine stopped running and I really wanted one for the new layout. Seen several on Ebay, but they usually start out at 6 or 7 hundred dollars and the last one I watched went for over a grand. But I found one of those too.....the full 6 car set plus 2 extra cars. I came home very happy.
  2. badlandnp

    badlandnp TrainBoard Member

    freddy_fo and Moose2013 like this.
  3. Kisatchie

    Kisatchie TrainBoard Member

    I just ordered some Oxford N scale vehicles and a Woodland Scenics auto. Should get 'em later this week.
    freddy_fo and in2tech like this.
  4. Calzephyr

    Calzephyr TrainBoard Supporter

    Just received a heavy box of pre-ordered special run passenger cars from Lowell Smith's Railsmith Models.
    Eleven included in this shipment:

    Texas Special coach 'Picardy Lane'
    Frisco Meteor coach 'Webster Grove'
    Frisco Meteor coach 'University Park'
    SP Cascade two tone grey coach # 2429
    Rock Island silver corrugated sleeper 'San Jacinto'
    Rock Island silver corrugated sleeper 'Buffalo Bayou'
    NP 1947 Mainstreeter coaches #503 and #505
    NP 1947 Mainstreeter baggage #401
    SPS 1968 coaches #303 and #304

    Many others were received prior to my Lenten penance. These and prior releases will all be posted in my Railimage albums eventually.
    sc2f100, Mark St Clair and in2tech like this.
  5. freddy_fo

    freddy_fo TrainBoard Member

    Another package arrived. Background is some more ESM wheels. The caboose is the latest release from MTL for the "family tree series" so I am now current for the moment with that collection. Then for my euro a Krupp K5 283mm railgun. Very nice detailing and came with an extra set of railings... I guess for in case the originals get damaged. The center piece that rests on the bogies has a bit of weight to it. Will likely require one of my larger 2-10-0 steamers to pull it up grade. Been waiting a long time for that release.

    Pfunk, eposte12, BNSF FAN and 6 others like this.
  6. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    Interesting... Did the Germans build loops of track to allow aiming those beasts? It does not look like it has much/any windage adjustment.
  7. freddy_fo

    freddy_fo TrainBoard Member

    Yeah, only about 2 degrees of windage adjustment. Curved sections of track had to be constructed at locations where these would be used to give greater horizontal range.
    BigJake likes this.
  8. Run8Racing

    Run8Racing TrainBoard Member

    Trying to come up with a reason for BN, CRI&P, or PC to be moving a Leopold !!! That is just COOL !!!
    freddy_fo likes this.
  9. pomperaugrr

    pomperaugrr TrainBoard Member


    Model them moving it as a "Special Move" to a military museum farther along the line. Place some empty flat cars in front and behind it to help disperse the added weight of it from damaging the rail. It could add an interesting operational element.
    MetraMan01 likes this.
  10. Pfunk

    Pfunk TrainBoard Member

    I forget which of the foreign-market sites I always see that on but it is always hilariously out of place.

    Is a beautiful, super interesting car that I always stop and look at, but I always seem to find it when searching for passenger service stock and it makes me howl every time.
  11. freddy_fo

    freddy_fo TrainBoard Member

    I just got the last of the signals needed for my upcoming layout. Had these on order for almost a year. Itty bitties and very nicely done, no light leakage yet on any I've tested.


  12. MRLdave

    MRLdave TrainBoard Member

    I have the static version of the rail gun......I enjoy sticking it on a siding at shows. I also have some of the Morser-Karl mortars. You gotta remember that these things were firing at targets 20 or 30 miles away, so 2 degrees of adjustment is quite a bit of change at the target end. I'm not up on my monetary conversions, but that doesn't look like a bad price........almost makes me want to get one.
    What vintage is your Leopard? if it's in your time frame, Nato is always doing "joint exercises".
    MetraMan01 and freddy_fo like this.
  13. freddy_fo

    freddy_fo TrainBoard Member

    Dave, as far as I know the K5 was WW2. Nato:ROFLMAO:
    Sepp K and MetraMan01 like this.
  14. Trainguy64

    Trainguy64 TrainBoard Member

    Sometimes I wish my local train shop wasn't 7 minutes from my work place can't seem to stay away from there.LOL
    Purchase this unusual beast today a Canadian Pacific H-24-66 Canadian Locomotive Company.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2022
    in2tech, sc2f100, Pfunk and 6 others like this.
  15. MetraMan01

    MetraMan01 TrainBoard Member

    Some decals for WC MOW trucks and for emergency vehicles.

    An HLCX GP38 to add to my roster of leased power that all still needs to get weathered and/or patched over from the original owning RR.

    Some 2 and 3 bay MT hoppers for UP when UP visits my layout. And that latest MT April Fools boxcar-I understand the prototype has been sitting in the same place for 20 years but UP might press it into active service from time to time out here.

    Two Louisiana Hot Sauce tank cars

    Two sets of magnetic clamps from Proses

    And 2 fast food restaurants from Summitt.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    jhn_plsn, badlandnp, eposte12 and 4 others like this.
  16. freddy_fo

    freddy_fo TrainBoard Member

    Nice haul! What do you think of that MTL april fools car? I've been impressed with their recent releases and the metal etched pieces they've been adding to them.
    MetraMan01 likes this.
  17. freddy_fo

    freddy_fo TrainBoard Member

    I got another delivery today which completes my series 2 railbox graffiti cars (2020 - MTL - left row) as well as some series 1 (2018) and a "butterfly" ribbed 50' boxcar.

    Pfunk, badlandnp, eposte12 and 4 others like this.
  18. MetraMan01

    MetraMan01 TrainBoard Member

    I like it. I usually weather my own, but when they release something with a rust pattern or graffiti don’t have the skill to do myself, I usually find a reason to buy it. I’ve been going back and forth on the TOE bulkhead flat runner pack because I like the weathering on them, but I’m not sure how the wood decks will look.

    Close ups below. Like most things-it’s got the plastic shine to it and it doesn’t have depth/texture like when you weather your own stuff. So I always do a little of my own weathering on top with powders and dull coat to take the shine off and add a little depth. Haven’t done it yet on this one.

    I think the rust/grime/fading on their weathered boxcars is better than the covered hoppers. I think the covered surface of a hopper makes the lack of depth a little more noticeable than the flat surface of a box car.


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Kisatchie

    Kisatchie TrainBoard Member

    Hmm... Louisiana Hot
    Sauce is really terrible
    on bananas, but great
    on termites...
    Shortround, MetraMan01 and Traindork like this.
  20. freddy_fo

    freddy_fo TrainBoard Member

    The car/photography is fantastic. Thanks for taking the time to post.
    I've wondered too about the finish on the TOE. I know with their longer 89' weathered flat cars that the deck is printed so no actual decking texture. Still from stand off it looks pretty dang good so not regretting getting the ones I have. Not sure if that is how MTL did theirs but if you get them please post. I go back and forth on them myself.

    My favorites for bulkhead flats were the few that Intermountain put out but they are of the older variety and one has to weather if they dare.
    BNSF FAN and MetraMan01 like this.

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