Paint Stripper

wpsnts Jul 13, 2020

  1. wpsnts

    wpsnts TrainBoard Supporter

    Here is the age old question. Can anyone recommend a paint stripper? I usually use 91% IPA and it's not working this time. Testors ELO works and costs a bunch for a small amount. I am familiar with most of the other big names. My real issue is finding one that is available and that is really what I need help with.

    Thanks All

    p.s. No brake fluid please.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2020
  2. JimJ

    JimJ Staff Member

    Well, that shut down my response.
  3. Sumner

    Sumner TrainBoard Member

    How long did you leave it in? I was surprised how long this fellow leaves it in if he has to...

    I'm getting a loco in that I'm going to need to do this. With Covid going on it is hard to find 91% IPA online. I can find good prices and such on 99%. Has anyone used 99% over 91%. I'm assuming the only difference is in the strenght???

  4. Andy S

    Andy S TrainBoard Member

    Im working on the same question, what I've discovered so far is "Minute Man Green Stripper" The other option Im exploring is a common degreaser called "Purple Power". I understand it will take off most paints (after soak full strength), and leaves the original plastics un touched. CAUTION, I have NO experience with either product! My son has used Minute Man Green Stripper on miniatures, and says it still requires some small scrubbing in the fine details. As for the the Purple Power, I should have some more details tomorrow... perhaps some of the other folks can chime in on either of these options. I'll post more when I have better details... hope that at least gives you a few other options to follow. I know the model car guys use the Purple Power stuff.
  5. wpsnts

    wpsnts TrainBoard Supporter

    The models have been soaking for over a week. More often than not one to two days has been enough. I've never tried 99% IPA. The only strength available near me is 70%.
    I'm working with decades old TRIX cars. I have one that I can sacrifice and may end up trying brake fluid.
  6. wpsnts

    wpsnts TrainBoard Supporter

    I've never heard of either one. I'll see if I can find them.
  7. Andy S

    Andy S TrainBoard Member

    OK... here's new info as promised. "Purple Power" is a brand of a degreasing agent, the purple degreaser MOST used by modelers and the one I'll be trying out is actually called "Super Clean." "Super Clean" is a purple colored degreasing agent available from Walmart and automotive stores. If you do an online search for Super Clean as a Paint Stripper, you find lots of hits (many YouTube) of modelers using it to strip all sorts of paint down to raw plastic by simply soaking the parts for a couple hours.

    My project is to strip and repaint several S Scale, Pacific Rail Shop grain hoppers to unavailable Union Pacific colors. I'll be using "Super Clean" as my stripper. One caveat ... plastic is not an issue, but be cautious on resin based models, I've seen some information that it could soften or deform the resin.

    Hope that helps.. Stay Safe!
    Sumner likes this.
  8. IronMan1963

    IronMan1963 TrainBoard Member

    My go to has become Awesome Orange degreaser. It is available at Dollar Tree here. I had a shell that would not let go of its paint with 91% IPA, overnight in the Awesome Orange and all gone. No damage to the plastic. Wear gloves it will remove the oil from your skin and dry out your hands.
    Later Richard
  9. Andy S

    Andy S TrainBoard Member

    i understand “LA Awesome” (Awesome Orange) from the dollar store is equally effective compared to the “Super Clean”... perhaps more so, since it’s lighter color would allow you to watch what’s happening a bit easier. I don’t have access to any Dollar Stores or I’d give it a try!

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