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OleSmokey Aug 11, 2018

  1. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    Have some of the buildings rebuilt so i saved some time and money there. The houses and church and hotel are done but for touch up. I am trying to figure out which way i want the town laid out. 3 shots below. Am also working on the logging camp as well as structures for the r.r. near town. In the next few days i will cut the other side open and see what kind of can of worms i run into.

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    NScaleKen and badlandnp like this.
  2. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    Been working on getting the water tower done. I still have to finish the stain on the Bents and braces. Letting it dry first.Also have changed the angle of the homes and motel. Not sure if that was what you were talking about but advise if not. Couple of shots Smoke

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  3. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    Well, I got a bit crazy and cut the other end off. I hurt...I will get over it. I didn't remember all the stuff that was in that mountain. bad time cutting it out. Its been 5, 6 years since i put that maze together. I plan to use as much as i can save so some of it or most of it will get reused. Shots below. When i got the tv it came with a thick piece of cardboard and plan to use it along the bottom. Its 1/2 inch and is 24 inches wide and just as strong as foam so that will help. Shots below, Smoke

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    badlandnp likes this.
  4. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    looking at my layout really made me depressed. its like i think, "all that work"... i know it will be better when finished but ugg, what a disaster.

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  5. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    I am taking a break from the mountain. I have a rough idea on a back burner but, well, will see. Working on the engine house coming along and i finished the water tower. Some shots below.

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  6. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    I started on the layout again. I have the foam rough but was able to set up the track going up to the logging camp. Its a lot shallower with the extra. I am not sure it even made 1.5% Grade elevation. The engine house is almost done and just needs a couple of windows done. The water tower is done and i fixed the Steam crane with a new boom. I had to also rebuild a new water tank for the logging camp. Have a few shots so enjoy my "fun"... A couple of other things, I changed the logging layout so it can work better. Looks better the way i have redone it. Also am killing the coal co. as right now i have too many irons in the fire. Need a break. I also just bought a small locomotive. Its a model power 0-6-0 tank steam locomotive. I will have to install a dcc chip so i can use it on the layout. Thats about all for now. Smoke

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  7. VinceP

    VinceP TrainBoard Member

    Decent progress going on there.
  8. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    I am about to get slowed down some. Cooler weather means unpack trailer and sort time...thrillsville ... Otherwise, Coming along ok. Today i worked on some cars that lost there axles. Also tore up the 0-6-0 from model power to put in dcc. This one will be fun. Plenty of room for the dcc chip but the contacts will be fun...
  9. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    Have been looking at the new section by the mountains. I think i may have a idea of the way i want it. The back trestle is shorted to around 10" or so in length. I made the mountains different and will be having cliff toward the front. Trees all over the back parts. Maybe a creek? Just kicking it around. ideas?

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  10. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    Somehow it missed one.

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  11. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    One of the things that Company towns do is paint the whole town the same colors. Company stores, hotel and houses are all the same color. I have decided to do the same on this one as well. I didn't like the white and i had two different ones. I am going to do the buildings in a light gray and blue trim. Its different but the colors look good together. I am waiting for new doors, windows and window treatments so they look like someone is really living there. I have made the porches and porch roofs and the poles for it. All ready to put together once i have the doors and windows on. Two shots below. they are plain right now. will show shots when i am done with them, Smoke

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  12. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    I have a picture I want to show if I can get it here. It's a weird looking engine something like a climax but also a heisler too. Check out the tender! Really looks like one of a kind to me. What do you think?
    Link to it.
  13. dualgauge

    dualgauge TrainBoard Member

    Could the negative used backwards. Looks like would be a shay. I had seen a pickup in a magazine, looked like a right hand drive. Know the owner and was left hand drive. So has happened before.
  14. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    Here is both sides. I just noticed the second looks like a mirror of the other picture so it may be a shay but just can't make it out

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  15. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    So far for the mystery! I have been kicking the town side of the layout and i think that i have done what was asked of me. two different areas. One, The houses and hotel, the barn and the bar and red light house. Hope it looks good. Plaster is next. I did remove the trestles above the falls and moved the falls closer to the edge of the mountains. That allows me to build two wooden trestles. I can see the falls and i like the wooden trestles as they are more normal for logging camps. The two that were there were damaged and i can rebuild the one but not the other. Then have the big trestle to build... Shots below, Smoke

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    mtntrainman likes this.
  16. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    Have some shots of part of the trestle and the waterfall. I have it to first coat of water. Shows white till dry. It will need another coat when the first coat is dry for sure. Pictures below, Smoke

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  17. VinceP

    VinceP TrainBoard Member

    That is a Heisler and or climax as a shay has the cylinders and drive axles exposed on the engineers side of the locomotive.
  18. bremner

    bremner Staff Member

    That is the fireman's side of a Shay....
  19. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    I have been told by several that my yard don't look right. The main should be clear all the way through. The yard should be inside or outside the main line tracks. I made the change so i hope it is better. Let me know, Smoke

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  20. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    Two more to show off the yard service track.

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