Looking for more new designs...

Peter Bechard Nov 24, 2005

  1. Peter Bechard

    Peter Bechard TrainBoard Member

    Hello all.
    Happy Thanksgiving to our neighbours south of the border from all of us Canadians.

    This holiday weekend would be a great chance to post some new designs to the Layout Depot website - www.layoutdepot.com .

    I was doing a checkup, and noticed that barely any new designs have been uploaded during the past year. The site still gets decent traffic, so I know people are downloading the designs - I would just love to see some more new ones.

    We're currently sitting at 98 active designs. They break out like this:

    You can see that the N-Scalers are doing ok, and a few others aren't too far behind. The Atlas software seems to lead the pack.

    I know many of you have files that you design just for fun, or maybe you're seriously considering building that empire. Either way, why don't you upload to the site for others to enjoy?

    Also, don't forget that you can create a home for your layout online too! Layout Depot gives you the ability to tell everyone all about your pike - post a logo, share the history, talk about the prototype, etc.

    So, post those designs, let's see if we can get over the 120-designs mark this weekend...
  2. Grey One

    Grey One TrainBoard Supporter

    I notice you don't have a catagory for "Hand Drawn / Scanned In" or "MSPaint"
    You are welcome to all of my designs but I am not going to do them in any other program. [​IMG]

    Happy Day to you.
  3. Rob M.

    Rob M. TrainBoard Supporter

    First, I'll concur with the Grey One on the need for a wider variety of formats. Most of my recent work has been in Corel Draw; my older designs are in Geoworks (but can be exported to GIF).

    Second, will you accept module designs (not necessarily NTrak), or just complete layouts?

    Third, your header layout seems to have some issues in my primary browser (Firefox). You might want to consider some less Internet-Explorer-specific method of creating pages.

    [ November 24, 2005, 07:17 AM: Message edited by: Rob M. ]
  4. Peter Bechard

    Peter Bechard TrainBoard Member

    Good feedback - thank you.

    Feel free to post designs regardless if N-Track modules, bookshelfs, anything. The objective is to give other people ideas when they are designing their own layout.

    The "Other" category for the less common design file types is a good idea - I'll add that to my wish-list for this site.


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