2015-2016 Eighth Annual International Winter Layout Party

ppuinn Dec 20, 2015

  1. ppuinn

    ppuinn Staff Member

    Welcome to the 2015-2016 Eighth Annual International Winter Layout Party
    Since the first one in Spring 2002, the Layout Parties have traditionally been hosted in the Layout Design Forum.
    Why International? Trainboard has members from over 75 countries around the world, so the Layout Party draws its participants from throughout the international community.
    Why Winter? Threads for the 6 Layout Parties held in the Spring had 180 to 240 posts. The 2009 Winter thread had more than twice as many posts…so we decided to arrange future Layout Parties during the winter months.

    We know you're out there!
    Yeah, you… and you… and you with the potato chip hanging off your lip and the half-drunk beverage sitting beside you. We know you're not working on your layout as much as you hoped to.
    You may have ideas for a new project that you always wanted to try but never got around to. Or there is a stack of kits on your workbench you’ve been meaning to start. Or you have a partially completed project that has been neglected for far too long. Or you have an almost-finished project that just needs some final fine-tuning and attention to complete. Or you are already in the midst of a project and you want to participate in the Party to share your progress with everyone else.

    The purpose of the Layout Party is to offer recognition, encouragement, and support to all participants who are working on a layout project, and to provide inspiration to those following others’ progress in the thread. We hope to have a group of people who will post about the work completed on their layout at least once a week for 10 weeks. We will, of course, congratulate those who have worked on their layout, and encourage those who haven't.

    This year's Layout Party officially begins today (Sunday, December 20, 2015) and will run for 10 weeks until Sunday, February 28, 2016.

    Rules for The 2015-2016 Eighth Annual International Winter Layout Party thread:

    1. In your first post, please include descriptions of:
    --your layout (brief),
    --the area of your layout that you intend to work on (“before” pictures, please…if available), and
    --a description of what you hope to accomplish in the 10 weeks of the Layout Party.

    2. At least once each week, post a brief description and/or pictures of your progress--or lack of progress--so far, and what you hope to accomplish in the next week. The object of the Layout Party is to have fun, so plan accordingly: set a reasonable goal...and feel free to revise your goal upward or downward as you go along, so you are having fun instead of feeling stressed.

    3. At the end of the Layout Party, post a description and/or picture(s) of your accomplishments.

    FWIW: Some observations and suggestions:

    • Life Happens. The idea here is for us to have some fun and act as an electronic support group so we can each get more done on our layouts.
    • Make a firm commitment to post at least once each week about progress on your layout project.
    • If you fall off the Layout Party Work Wagon, acknowledge it by reporting it honestly.
    • Then climb back on the Layout Party Work Wagon. Declaring exactly what you plan to work on during the next week will help you get back on the Layout Party Work Wagon.
    • When we have others coming over to see our layouts, we tend to get more done because we plan and prepare better, and then actually follow through so we have something to show our visitors and can garner some strokes for all our efforts. Posting in the Annual Layout Party works in much the same way: we plan, prepare, and follow through a little better when we know someone will be seeing our progress.
    • If you encounter difficulties on the layout project, remember that the other participants and all the Trainboard members following the Layout Party thread can be a resource for encouragement and problem-solving.
    • If you have any problems posting pics, let us know so we can do appropriate problem-solving.

    Many participants have enjoyed this format and have commented that they accomplished more work on their layout in the short time we ran a Layout Party thread than they had in long time. Many members posted pictures, asked questions, moaned about problems, and encouraged others who were working through their frustrations. Check out these links to our past layout parties.

    2014-2015 Seventh Annual International Winter Layout Party

    2013-2014 Sixth Annual International Winter Layout Party

    2012-2013 Fourth Annual International Winter Layout Party (Really, it was the Fifth Annual)

    2011-2012 Third Annual International Winter Layout Party (Really, it was the Fourth Annual)

    2010-2011 Third Annual International Winter Layout Party

    2009-2010 Second Annual International Winter Layout Party

    2009 - First Annual International Winter Layout Party

    2008 - Spring Layout Party
    Sixth Annual International Spring Layout Party - TrainBoard.com

    2007 - Spring Layout Party
    Fifth Annual International Spring Layout Party - TrainBoard.com

    2005 – Spring Layout Party

    2004 – Spring Layout Party

    2003 – Spring Layout Party

    2002 – Spring Layout party
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2015
  2. ppuinn

    ppuinn Staff Member

    At the end of January, I am hosting an open house and operating session in which we'll run trains on both my N-scale and HO layouts. So my goals for the Layout Party will be tied directly to preparations for the operating session.

    To get the N-scale 1970s era Peoria and Pekin Union Railway ready, I have scenery and minor track and electrical work to finish on 3 subs in the Regional Division:
    1. blend in the 7 tree flats on the PESFIC sub near Tremont
    2. add 4 more tree flats on the PESFIC sub near Leslie
    3. adjust track configuration on the PESFIC sub near Schaeffer
    4. complete scenery on the Allentown sub near IT Wilson Yard
    5. complete scenery on the Allentown sub around IT Morton industries
    6. re-solder feeders on the Allentown sub in IT Morton
    7. complete scenery and cardboard mock-up of Caterpillar Plant on the Streator sub near ATSF Morton
    8. re-solder feeders on the Streator sub near ATSF Morton
    9. update the car spotting cards that guide switching movements at each of the 100+ industries on the layout
    10. clean--and bulletproof as needed--24 scale miles of mainline, plus all yard and siding tracks. (This will be the most time consuming activity of my Layout Party goals).

    To get the HO 1950s era switching layout of the Minneapolis and St Louis's Bartlett Yard in Peoria Illinois ready for the open house, I have to:
    1. make some car cards for new rolling stock to bring my car card and waybill system up to date
    2. clean up the layout and maybe add some trees and grass around some of the structures.

    Although these goals may look over-ambitious, most of the jobs are relatively small and, barring unexpected difficulties, each can be completed in just an hour or two.
  3. ppuinn

    ppuinn Staff Member

    This is a before pic of 3 of the 4 tree flats near Tremont on the PESFIC sub that need to be blended in. The PESFIC main is hidden behind the tree flats at the top of the pic, and the town of Tremont is just to the left of the pic. Allentown Road crosses the IT main in the middle of the pic and the IT Wilson Yard is behind the abandoned Allentown Grain Elevator to the right of the picture. The grade crossing and road edges will get detailed. The tree flats need to be easily removable for track cleaning and routine maintenance, so I'm going to add permanent low bushes and shrubs to hide the front edge of the tree flats.

    This second before pic looking over the IT's Wilson Yard shows the 4 tree flats from the other direction (the Allentown Grain Elevator is barely visible in the upper left corner and the Tremont Elevator shows in the top left-center). In addition to blending in the front edge of the tree flats, I'm going to complete scenery (ground cover and ballast) in the yard.
    This 3rd before pic shows the PESFIC sub main where it passes along the back of the shelf behind IT's Wilson Yard and between the removable view blocking tree flats on the left and the permanent backdrop tree flats on the right. I'll be blending in the white edge of the removable tree flats in this hidden section of track because I want to improve the appearance of the layout even behind the scenery for loco cab view videos.
    FriscoCharlie likes this.
  4. Tracy McKibben

    Tracy McKibben TrainBoard Member

    My layout is an HO scale switching shelf layout based on an alternate history of Hill City, Minnesota in the year 1920. In this alternate history, the Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range railroad has expanded into more than an ore carrier, and is servicing Hill City as a general purpose railroad. You can see more at http://dmirhillcitysub.com.

    My goal for the layout party is to finish the Lakeside Inn, represented by the cardboard mock up in the photo below. I started this project back in May of 2013, this layout party is just the kick in the pants I need to finish it. http://dmirhillcitysub.blogspot.com/search/label/Lakeside Inn

    The model is based on the real Lakeside Inn that actually existed in Hill City, Minnesota. Prototype photo shown below, and on my blog. Construction is card stock walls with board-by-board lap siding. Windows (all 55 of them!) will be scratchbuilt.




    FriscoCharlie likes this.
  5. ppuinn

    ppuinn Staff Member

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  6. Extra 515

    Extra 515 TrainBoard Member

    My layout is 6 1/2 x 15' long. Modeling the CFMG/NBEC in N scale, around Campbellton, NB and Matapedia, QC. It is based on the Clinchfield from MR years ago but I added a bit to the width and length so I could open the curves up to 15". Started it about 3 weeks ago.

    I am done with my subroadbed and it is sanded, ready for cork. My goal is to get my track down and wired.

    Last edited: Dec 21, 2015
    Diehard likes this.
  7. ppuinn

    ppuinn Staff Member

    I've got the 4 removable tree flats near Tremont blended in now.
    After, tree flat #1 left of the road, tree flat #2 right of the road.
    Another view of tree flat #2.
    Tree flat #2 removed to show how the front edge was hidden.
    Tree flats #3 and #4 Before any blending in
    Blending brush for #3
    Blending brush for #4
    Removable tree flat #3 after blended in.
    Removable tree flat #4 after blended in.
    FriscoCharlie likes this.
  8. ppuinn

    ppuinn Staff Member

    Welcome aboard, Extra 515.
    Lots of pretty countryside between Campbellton and Matapedia. Tell us a little about the industries, RR yard(s), and RR interchange(s) you are planning to model on your layout...and let us know which part or parts you plan to work on during the coming week. Next week (or sooner if you want), let us know about your progress (mention any highlights of your week, successes achieved, and problems overcome, so we can ooh, ahh and pat you on the back; and any frustrations, set backs, and problems encountered, so we can commiserate, help trouble-shoot, offer solutions, answer questions, or recommend work-arounds).
  9. Extra 515

    Extra 515 TrainBoard Member

    I don't post much but I will try to keep updates coming. Basically trains will start from Campbellton yard. Wood, chips and lumber will be collected and brought to the Atholville paper mill. Loads in/empties out for the wood and paper traffic. The yard will also host a scrap dealer, team track and Irving Oil siding. A couple of chip sidings, Ciment Quebec, and a feed/fertilizer dealer will complete the industries. VIA Rail will run the Ocean trains east/west including stopping in Matapedia to split off the Gaspe train. I have 5 CFMG SD40s plus a CFMG ex-CP C424 for power, and good range of CN (Dash 9s, SD70I, SD70M-2, GP-9R). I like double stacks so I will have a detoured 120/121 train. It was an ex-CN line that CN bought back in 2008. Highball Graphics makes the decals for CFMG and NBEC units.
  10. GP30

    GP30 TrainBoard Member

    The Chicopee Road is a free-lanced Class 1 carrier set in Autumn of 1967. My layout will focus on the Moutaineer Division in general, more specifically the Midland Sub between Ravenswood and Grantsville in West - Central West Virginia.

    I would like to have the bench work for the new layout mostly completed by 2/28/16, perhaps beginning to lay track at Ravenswood Yard. [​IMG]

    Sent from my PantechP8010 using Tapatalk
  11. ppuinn

    ppuinn Staff Member

    Before pic of cardboard mock-up for Tremont Grain Elevator.
    In progress pic showing the Google Maps Street View of the intersection near the grain elevator has been glued to a piece of foamboard with blended turf to simulate trees. The foamboard still needs to be secured to the street and then blended in, and the tree flats and lichen trees against the backdrop still need some fine tuning. The lichen trees have been added at the front, but the elevator parking lot still needs work and the driveway from the intersection needs to be properly aligned, plus the grade crossing over the tracks and the pavement between the tracks and the intersection still need to be made and signs/details added.
  12. Extra 515

    Extra 515 TrainBoard Member

    pastoolio likes this.
  13. Jim Wiggin

    Jim Wiggin Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    First off, Thank you Dave for taking the time to do this thread, I love "Modeling through peer pressure!" Onward!

    1. In your first post, please include descriptions of:
    --your layout (brief),

    My layout is actually a joint modular project with a good friend who lives in Michigan and has a common, dare I say, Love for the area in which we are modeling. The layout is a 1960's era CB&Q and AT&SF industrial switching layout based on and scaled as close as possible to the prototype area of Galesburg Illinois. The "Galesburg City Job" as the Q crews called it was an industrial spur that cut off the Santa Fe main and serviced many medium and large sized industries such as Galesburg Castings, Butler Buildings and Rowe Manufacturing to name a few, before connecting to the CB&Q main. My half of the layout concentrates largely on the CB&Q portion while my buddy up north (who is way ahead of me) models the AT&SF portion. Currently my layout is made up of three 18-inch wide by 48-inch long modules assembled into an L. All track work is Atlas code 55 and turnouts feature live frogs with servo control by Tam Valley. The layout is DCC running a NCE system. All track work for these three modules is done and operation sessions have been conducted every night for the period of one month in November. All track work is scaled as close to possible based on maps, Arial photographs and boots on the ground research.

    2. The area of your layout that you intend to work on (“before” pictures, please…if available).
    Here is the wide angle of the layout and where I'll be working. In this picture you see the local Q switcher just heading what would be east. This is the arrangement of my modules, the module to the right (north/south) of the picture joins my friends three modules that make up the AT&SF half.

    3. A description of what you hope to accomplish in the 10 weeks of the Layout Party.
    1. With track work done, insert ties into all the areas that have gaps due to wiring and using rail joiners on the Atlas code 55 flex.
    2. Add cork sheets to the area that will make up Butler Buildings and Galesburg Castings.
    3. Paint all track.
    4. Install additional Tam Valley Servo controlled turnout controls to modules 1 & 3.
    5. Install Monster Modelworks distressed concrete sheets to Butler Building area.
    6. Install Henderson Road and 1st Street to Modules 1 & 2.
    7. Ballast track.
    8. Add basic scenery, paint, ground foam and static grass.
    9. If time, install a few strategic structures to the modules.
    10. Paint the fascia.
    I have two deadlines to observe: 1. this layout party, Slackin'? Ain't nobody got time for that! 2. My friend and I have our first exhibition for the layout in April of 2016. While I know I wont have time to have all the buildings done by then, basic scenery is more pleasing to the eye of the casual observer.

    There you have it, lets light this candle!
  14. GP30

    GP30 TrainBoard Member

    Made good progress on the benchwork thus far. This is all that I had assembled prior to installation. I'll need more 1x4's and dry weather to build more sections. Might be a little while before I make much more progress. [​IMG]

    Sent from my PantechP8010 using Tapatalk
  15. ppuinn

    ppuinn Staff Member

    Nice pic of your progress. Is that flat area on the left where the Atholville paper mill will be?
  16. ppuinn

    ppuinn Staff Member

    Welcome to the Party, Jim. I'm looking forward to your pics and general info on installing the Tam Valley servos.
    Given the time constraints, will you be using cardboard or foamboard mock-ups of structures, or do you expect to complete one or two more detailed models?
  17. Extra 515

    Extra 515 TrainBoard Member

    No that area is going to have a VIA station and out of sight is a stone quarry.
  18. ppuinn

    ppuinn Staff Member

    Benchwork is looking good.
    When the 1x4s are available and weather is cooperative, do you plan to work on the lower deck portion of the helix, on the upper deck portion from the corner (Elizabeth?) toward the helix, or on the lower and/or upper decks from the corner, across in front of the window, toward the other side of the room?
  19. GP30

    GP30 TrainBoard Member

    I'm going to finish the upper and lower decks towards the helix first, then build benchwork along the opposite wall towards Ravenswood and Grantsville. I'll build the "semi-peninsulas". I might wait on helix construction until I get track laid east of Ravenswood to the helix location so I know for sure how the tracks end up approaching the helix.

    I can plan to kingdom come, but things will always end up a little different in reality.

    Sent from my PantechP8010 using Tapatalk
    ppuinn likes this.
  20. ppuinn

    ppuinn Staff Member

    So True!!

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