Another mystery of life, or at least model railroading.

John Moore Feb 3, 2012

  1. John Moore

    John Moore TrainBoard Supporter

    I'm setting here carefully decaling some of my passenger cars. I've cut out four Burlington roadname decals, two black and two yellow, and put them on the respective cars after wetting. I turn back to start sliding them off the paper onto the cars and one little yellow one is missing. The wet paper is still there but the decal is gone. Now what the #$%^#$.
    Carefull examination of hands, objects that I had handled, tools, the other little wet pieces of paper piled on the side of the work board. Nothing. Look at forearms nothing. And here it comes, get down on knees and examine floor. Nothing. I even check out my slightly expanding middle girth. Nothing again. Hmm I had a visit by Deekus The Cat, however it was just a check on my welfare visit, and she stayed on the floor, uttered a few words in Cattoneese, and left to take a nap. Took myself into the hall bath and checked myself well in the mirror. All that revealed was an old white haired geezer staring back at me. No decal attached to my forehead or any other parts. Fortunately the Wife was not here to witness all this which was a good thing. Could just imagine saying dear do you see Burlington written anywhere on me? Probably followed by the arrival of the guys with the wrap around white tux.

    So reluctantly I cut out another little yellow Burlington roadname. Fortunately I did have a few left. But at the price of decals I don't like wasting one and I had already been through a couple with the misadventure with the paint. So I duly wet that one and set it on the car. About then my eyes caught a little shiny glint near the paper scraps from the decals already applied. Could it be? I picked up the little crumpled ball and placed it in my little dish of water and what to my wondering eyes should start to unfold but my decal. So with some careful manuvering I managed to get it uncrumpled and transferred intact to the car it was intended for. Took the other now wetted decal, still on the paper, and placed it on the work board to dry out for return to the envelope. Ahh but the Train Gods are malicious little practical jokers.

    I'm beginning to think I not supposed to be doing any CB&Q stuff. Had problems with the E units, problems with painting some cars, now this.
  2. N-builder

    N-builder TrainBoard Member

    Funny story, I purchased an Intermountain SD40-2T and these have the grills and as I take it out of the box one of the grills decides to bounce and I looked and looked and still could not find it anywhere so I order a couple from Intermountain and while I wait a few days later I put on some new sox and it kinda felt uncomfortable. Well after I check it was the missing grill. So now I have a few extra.
  3. TetsuUma

    TetsuUma TrainBoard Member

    The "Q" getting back for all the money it poured into the GN and NP?

    I can't wait to see how this project comes out. You going to Timonium this weekend?

    Tetsu Uma"

  4. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Good grief, John. You are certainly having too much fun with all these little frustrations lately!
  5. John Moore

    John Moore TrainBoard Supporter

    Plan on being there tommorow with a small shopping list and then a quick trip up the road to woo woo woo******. I'll be the old guy with the SP&S hat on and hand tightly on his wallet.
  6. Curto

    Curto TrainBoard Member

    You would've found it faster if you had skipped looking for the lost one and immediately cut and wet the replacement :)
  7. TetsuUma

    TetsuUma TrainBoard Member

    I'll look for you. I'll be the big guy sporting something with a "Burlington Route" herald on it. Get to that Hobby Shop in Maryland early or you will never find parking.
  8. timhar47

    timhar47 TrainBoard Member

    Tell em to ship my latest order will ya :)
  9. TetsuUma

    TetsuUma TrainBoard Member

    Sure. I'll have to shout it from the parking lot, though, because that little shop gets crowded. :)

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